
8-letter words containing y, t, a, l

  • morality — conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct.
  • mortally — subject to death; having a transitory life: all mortal creatures.
  • multiday — lasting for more than one day
  • mutually — possessed, experienced, performed, etc., by each of two or more with respect to the other; reciprocal: to have mutual respect.
  • myoblast — any of the cells derived from the mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo that develop into muscle tissue.
  • mystical — mystic; of or relating to supernatural agencies, affairs, occurrences, etc.: a strange, mystical experience.
  • mythical — pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.
  • naphthyl — containing the naphthyl group.
  • nasality — of or relating to the nose: the nasal cavity.
  • natality — birthrate.
  • natantly — in a natant or floating manner
  • natively — being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being: one's native land.
  • naughtly — (obsolete) naughtily; wrongly.
  • net play — play made from a position close to the net
  • nodality — pertaining to or of the nature of a node.
  • nostalgy — nostalgia.
  • oblately — In an oblate manner.
  • oblatory — Of or pertaining to oblation; oblational.
  • octalogy — (rare) # A set of eight works of art that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as eight individual works. They are commonly found in literature, film, or video games.
  • onolatry — Worship of the ass or donkey.
  • ornately — elaborately or sumptuously adorned, often excessively or showily so: They bought an ornate Louis XIV sofa.
  • outlawry — the act or process of outlawing.
  • oxysalts — any salt of an oxyacid.
  • pastorly — of or relating to a pastor
  • patchily — characterized by or made up of patches.
  • patently — the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years.
  • patronly — a person who is a customer, client, or paying guest, especially a regular one, of a store, hotel, or the like.
  • penality — of, relating to, or involving punishment, as for crimes or offenses.
  • petalody — a condition in flowers, in which certain organs, as the stamens in most double flowers, assume the appearance of or become metamorphosed into petals.
  • pitiably — evoking or deserving pity; lamentable: pitiable, homeless children.
  • platypod — Also, platypodous [pluh-tip-uh-duh s] /pləˈtɪp ə dəs/ (Show IPA). having a broad foot, as certain gastropod mollusks.
  • platypus — a small, aquatic, egg-laying monotreme, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, of Australia and Tasmania, having webbed feet, a tail like that of a beaver, a sensitive bill resembling that of a duck, and, in adult males, venom-injecting spurs on the ankles of the hind limbs, used primarily for fighting with other males during the breeding season.
  • platysma — a broad, thin muscle on each side of the neck, extending from the upper part of the shoulder to the corner of the mouth, the action of which wrinkles the skin of the neck and depresses the corner of the mouth.
  • play out — a dramatic composition or piece; drama.
  • play-act — to engage in make-believe.
  • playdate — a gathering of children at a house for play
  • playlist — a list of the recordings to be played on the radio during a particular program or time period, often including their sequence, duration, etc.
  • playmate — a companion, especially of a child, in play or recreation.
  • playsuit — a sports costume for women and children, usually consisting of shorts and a shirt, worn as beachwear, for tennis, etc.
  • playtime — time for play or recreation.
  • plenarty — the state of an endowed church office when occupied
  • polarity — Physics. the property or characteristic that produces unequal physical effects at different points in a body or system, as a magnet or storage battery. the positive or negative state in which a body reacts to a magnetic, electric, or other field.
  • polymath — a person of great learning in several fields of study; polyhistor.
  • ponytail — an arrangement of the hair in a long lock drawn tightly against the back of the head and cinched so as to hang loosely.
  • portably — capable of being transported or conveyed: a portable stage.
  • psaltery — an ancient musical instrument consisting of a flat sounding box with numerous strings which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.
  • pterylae — one of the feathered areas on the skin of a bird.
  • ptyalism — excessive secretion of saliva.
  • ptyalize — to induce the flow of saliva
  • quaintly — having an old-fashioned attractiveness or charm; oddly picturesque: a quaint old house.
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