
15-letter words containing y, p

  • pulmonary valve — a semilunar valve between the pulmonary artery and the right ventricle of the heart that prevents the blood from flowing back into the right ventricle.
  • punch the bundy — to start work
  • purslane family — the plant family Portulacaceae, characterized by chiefly herbaceous plants having simple, often fleshy leaves, sometimes showy flowers, and capsular fruit, and including bitterroot, purslane, red maids, rose moss, and spring beauty.
  • pusillanimously — lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
  • put years on sb — If you say that something such as an experience or a way of dressing has put years on someone, you mean that it has made them look or feel much older.
  • pycnodysostosis — a disorder characterized by fragile bones
  • pyramid selling — Pyramid selling is a method of selling in which one person buys a supply of a particular product direct from the manufacturer and then sells it to a number of other people at an increased price. These people sell it on to others in a similar way, but eventually the final buyers are only able to sell the product for less than they paid for it.
  • pyramidal tract — any of four tracts of descending motor fibers that extend in pairs down each side of the spinal column and function in voluntary movement.
  • pyrimidine base — any of a number of similar compounds having a basic structure that is derived from pyrimidine, including cytosine, thymine, and uracil, which are constituents of nucleic acids
  • pyrocrystalline — crystallized from a molten magma or highly heated solution.
  • pyroelectricity — electrification or electrical polarity produced in certain crystals by temperature changes.
  • pyrogallic acid — pyrogallol
  • pyrogallic-acid — a white, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous, solid, phenolic compound, C 6 H 3 (OH) 3 , obtained by heating gallic acid and water: used chiefly as a developer in photography, as a mordant for wool, in dyeing, and in medicine in the treatment of certain skin conditions.
  • pyrometric bead — (in a kiln) a ball of material that indicates by changing color that a certain temperature has been reached.
  • pyrometric cone — (in a kiln) a triangular piece of material that indicates by bending or melting that a certain temperature has been reached.
  • pyrophotography — the production of pyrophotographs
  • pyrotechnically — in a pyrotechnical manner
  • pyrrhic victory — a victory or goal achieved at too great a cost.
  • quadruple bucky — Obsolete. 1. On an MIT space-cadet keyboard, use of all four of the shifting keys (control, meta, hyper, and super) while typing a character key. 2. On a Stanford or MIT keyboard in raw mode, use of four shift keys while typing a fifth character, where the four shift keys are the control and meta keys on *both* sides of the keyboard. This was very difficult to do! One accepted technique was to press the left-control and left-meta keys with your left hand, the right-control and right-meta keys with your right hand, and the fifth key with your nose. Quadruple-bucky combinations were very seldom used in practice, because when one invented a new command one usually assigned it to some character that was easier to type. If you want to imply that a program has ridiculously many commands or features, you can say something like: "Oh, the command that makes it spin the tapes while whistling Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is quadruple-bucky-cokebottle." See double bucky, bucky bits, cokebottle.
  • query expansion — (information science)   Adding search terms to a user's search. Query expansion is the process of a search engine adding search terms to a user's weighted search. The intent is to improve precision and/or recall. The additional terms may be taken from a thesaurus. For example a search for "car" may be expanded to: car cars auto autos automobile automobiles. The additional terms may also be taken from documents that the user has specified as being relevant; this is the basis for the "more like this" feature of some search engines. The extra terms can have positive or negative weights.
  • radioautography — autoradiography.
  • radiotelegraphy — the constructing or operating of radiotelegraphs.
  • range paralysis — Marek's disease.
  • re-entry permit — a permit required to return to certain countries after leaving for an extended period of time
  • recycling plant — a factory for processing used or abandoned materials
  • reduplicatively — in a reduplicative manner
  • refinery revamp — A refinery revamp is a change in the technology or processes used in a refinery.
  • release therapy — psychotherapy in which the patient finds emotional release in the expression of hostilities and emotional conflicts.
  • reproducibility — to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture.
  • retrospectively — with contemplation of past situations, events, etc.: You should examine your relationship retrospectively.
  • rhyming couplet — a pair of lines in poetry that rhyme and usually have the same rhythm
  • roentgenography — roentgenogram.
  • ross dependency — a territory in Antarctica, including Ross Island, the coasts along the Ross Sea, and adjacent islands: a dependency of New Zealand. About 175,000 sq. mi. (453,250 sq. km).
  • royal poinciana — a tree, Delonix regia, of the legume family, native to Madagascar, having showy clusters of brilliant scarlet flowers and long, flat, woody pods.
  • ruby grapefruit — a grapefruit with red flesh
  • rudyard kipling — (Joseph) Rudyard [ruhd-yerd] /ˈrʌd yərd/ (Show IPA), 1865–1936, English author: Nobel Prize 1907.
  • salisbury plain — a plateau in S England, N of Salisbury: the site of Stonehenge.
  • sanitary napkin — a pad of absorbent material, as cotton, worn by women during menstruation to absorb the uterine flow.
  • saprophytically — any organism that lives on dead organic matter, as certain fungi and bacteria.
  • say one's piece — If you say your piece, you say everything you want to say about a particular matter without being interrupted, although people may be wanting to express opposing views.
  • secondary group — a group of people with whom one's contacts are detached and impersonal.
  • security police — a police force responsible for maintaining order at a specific locale or under specific circumstances, as at an airport or factory.
  • self-employment — the act or fact of being self-employed.
  • self-hypnotized — hypnotized by oneself.
  • semipornography — partial pornography; material that is almost pornographic
  • sepoy rebellion — the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • serendipitously — come upon or found by accident; fortuitous: serendipitous scientific discoveries.
  • shove-halfpenny — a shuffleboard game played with coins or brass disks that are pushed by the hand and thumb down a board toward a scoring pit.
  • sidesplittingly — in a side-splitting manner
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