
9-letter words containing y, n

  • polypneic — characterized by polypnea
  • polypnoea — rapid breathing; panting.
  • polythene — polyethylene.
  • polytonal — marked by or using polytonality.
  • polyvinyl — pertaining to or derived from a vinyl polymer.
  • polyzonal — having many zones
  • pond lily — any of several water lilies, as the common water lily, Nymphaea odorata, or the spatterdock.
  • pontypool — a town in Torfaen, in SE Wales.
  • pony club — an international youth organization that educates young people about horses and horse riding
  • pony pack — a tray of usually one dozen growing plants that can be bought from a nursery for transplanting: a pony pack of tomato plants.
  • porphyrin — a dark red, photosensitive pigment consisting of four pyrrole rings linked by single carbon atoms: a component of chlorophyll, heme, and vitamin B 1 2 .
  • pound key — a push button on a telephone or key on a computer keyboard that is marked with a pound sign (#).
  • pouringly — in a pouring fashion
  • poyang hu — lake in N Jiangxi province, SE China: c. 1,000 sq mi (2,590 sq km)
  • pranayama — (in yoga) the art of breath control, practised as an aid to concentration
  • prayingly — with prayer, prayerfully
  • pregnancy — the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant.
  • prenotify — to notify in advance
  • presently — in a little while; soon: They will be here presently.
  • probingly — with a probing approach
  • procyonid — any animal of the family Procyonidae, including the raccoons
  • proenzyme — any of a group of proteins that are converted to active enzymes by partial breakdown, as by the action of an acid or other enzyme.
  • profanely — characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
  • profanity — the quality of being profane; irreverence.
  • prognathy — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • prokaryon — the nucleus of a prokaryote
  • prong key — a key or spanner with two prongs or projections which engage corresponding holes in the face of a nut or component to be turned for tightening, adjustment, etc
  • propylene — containing the propylene group.
  • prudently — wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
  • prytaneum — a public building in ancient Greece, containing the symbolic hearth of the community and commonly resembling a private dwelling in plan, used as a community meeting place and as a lodging for guests of the community.
  • pseudonym — a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. Compare allonym (def 1).
  • puffingly — in a puffing manner
  • pugnacity — inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • pulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • punningly — in a punning manner
  • puromycin — a substance with antibiotic properties, obtained from certain species of Streptomyces
  • purringly — in a purring manner
  • pycnidium — (in certain ascomycetes and fungi imperfecti) a globose or flask-shaped fruiting body bearing conidia on conidiophores.
  • pycnosome — a body type characterized by stockiness
  • pygmalion — Classical Mythology. a sculptor and king of Cyprus who carved an ivory statue of a maiden and fell in love with it. It was brought to life, in response to his prayer, by Aphrodite.
  • pyongyang — a country in E Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at 38° N. 50,000 sq. mi. (129,500 sq. km). Capital: Pyongyang. Compare Korea.
  • pyracanth — a thorny evergreen shrub of the genus Pyracantha, related to the hawthorn
  • pyramidon — a pedal organ stop made of wooden pipes in the shape of an inverted pyramid
  • pyreneite — a garnet, of greyish-black colour, usually identified as a variety of andradite
  • pyrethrin — Also called pyrethrin I. a viscous, water-insoluble liquid, C 2 1 H 2 8 O 3 , extracted from pyrethrum flowers, used as an insecticide.
  • pyrogenic — producing or produced by heat or fever.
  • pyromancy — divination by fire, or by forms appearing in fire.
  • pyromania — a compulsion to set things on fire.
  • pyrophone — an instrument resembling a small pipe organ, designed to produce musical sounds using gas flames burning close together in glass tubes, and producing a sound when the flames are separated by the pressing of a key. Designed by G.F.E. Kastner in 1869
  • pyrotoxin — pyrogen.
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