
8-letter words containing y, n

  • andrassy — Count Gyula (ˈdjulɔ). 1823–90, Hungarian statesman; the first prime minister of Hungary under the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary (1867)
  • andreyev — ˌLeonid Nikolaˈyevich (ˌlɛɔˈnidˌ nikɔlɑˈjeɪvɪtʃ ) ; leˌ^ōnēdˈ nēˌk^ōläyāˈvich) 1871-1919; Russ. playwright, novelist, & short-story writer
  • aneurysm — a sac formed by abnormal dilation of the weakened wall of a blood vessel
  • anglesey — an island and county of N Wales, formerly part of Gwynedd (1974–96), separated from the mainland by the Menai Strait. Administrative centre: Llangefni. Pop: 59 500 (2003 est). Area: 720 sq km (278 sq miles)
  • anhungry — (obsolete, rare) Hungry.
  • animally — in a physical manner or from the point of view of the anima
  • ankylose — (of bones in a joint, etc) to fuse or stiffen by ankylosis
  • annensky — Innokenty Fyodorovich [ee-nuh-kyen-ti fyaw-duh-ruh-vyich] /i nʌˈkyɛn tɪ ˈfyɔ də rə vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1856–1909, Russian poet.
  • annoybot — (computing, slang) A bot within an IRC channel that sends annoying messages to online participants.
  • annoying — Someone or something that is annoying makes you feel fairly angry and impatient.
  • annually — of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: annual salary.
  • annulary — (archaic) Having the form of a ring; annular.
  • anocracy — A political system which is neither fully democratic nor fully autocratic, often being vulnerable to political instability.
  • anodally — in an anodal manner
  • anodynes — Plural form of anodyne.
  • anodynic — relating to the soothing or alleviating of pain
  • anonymal — (rare) Anonymous.
  • antagony — (obsolete) contest; opposition; antagonism.
  • antakiya — Arabic name of Antioch.
  • antetype — an earlier form; prototype
  • antiarmy — Opposing an army or armies.
  • antibody — Antibodies are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood in order to destroy substances which carry disease.
  • anticity — opposed to cities
  • antilogy — a contradiction in terms
  • antimony — a toxic metallic element that exists in two allotropic forms and occurs principally in stibnite. The stable form is a brittle silvery-white crystalline metal that is added to alloys to increase their strength and hardness and is used in semiconductors. Symbol: Sb; atomic no: 51; atomic wt: 121.757; valency: 0, –3, +3, or +5; relative density: 6.691; melting pt: 630.76°C; boiling pt: 1587°C
  • antinomy — opposition of one law, principle, or rule to another; contradiction within a law
  • antipyic — acting against or preventing suppuration
  • antiquey — having the appearance of an antique
  • antisway — Designed to stabilize the left and right suspension systems of a road vehicle so as reduce roll or sway when turning corners.
  • antitype — a person or thing that is foreshadowed or represented by a type or symbol, esp a character or event in the New Testament prefigured in the Old Testament
  • antonyms — a word opposite in meaning to another. Fast is an antonym of slow. Compare synonym (def 1).
  • antonymy — the semantic relationship between words that have opposite meanings
  • any luck — If you ask someone the question 'Any luck?' or 'No luck?', you want to know if they have been successful in something they were trying to do.
  • any more — If something does not happen or is not true any more or any longer, it has stopped happening or is no longer true.
  • anybodys — a person of some importance: If you're anybody, you'll receive an invitation.
  • anyplace — Anyplace means the same as anywhere.
  • anything — You use anything in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nothing is present or that an action or event does not or cannot happen.
  • anythink — (UK) eye dialect of anything.
  • anywhere — You use anywhere in statements with negative meaning to indicate that a place does not exist.
  • apollyon — the destroyer, a name given to the Devil (Revelation 9:11)
  • apophony — a change in the quality of a vowel sound to indicate grammatical change
  • applying — to make use of as relevant, suitable, or pertinent: to apply a theory to a problem.
  • aranyaka — one of a class of the Vedic texts that, together with the Upanishads, make up the closing portions of the Brahmanas.
  • ardently — having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent: an ardent vow; ardent love.
  • army ant — any of various mainly tropical American predatory ants of the subfamily Dorylinae, which live in temporary nests and travel in vast hordes preying on other animals
  • arrantly — downright; thorough; unmitigated; notorious: an arrant fool.
  • arraying — Present participle of array.
  • aryanize — (in Nazi ideology) to purge (politics and society) of all non-Aryan elements or people; make characteristically Aryan
  • assaying — to examine or analyze: to assay a situation; to assay an event.
  • assyrian — an inhabitant of ancient Assyria
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