
19-letter words containing y, n

  • betamethyl acrolein — crotonaldehyde.
  • binary large object — (database)   (BLOB) A large block of data stored in a database, such as an image or sound file. A BLOB has no structure which can be interpreted by the database management system but is known only by its size and location.
  • binocular disparity — the small differences in the positions of the parts of the images falling on each eye that results when each eye views the scene from a slightly different position; these differences make stereoscopic vision possible
  • blind carbon (copy) — a carbon copy of a letter sent to someone other than the addressee, with no indication on the original letter that such a copy has been sent
  • bloodstock industry — the breeding and training of racehorses
  • bloody-nosed beetle — a beetle, Timarcha tenebricosa, that exudes bright red blood when alarmed: family Chrysomelidae
  • blot one's copybook — to spoil one's reputation by making a mistake, offending against social customs, etc
  • blowing your buffer — (jargon)   Losing your train of thought. A reference to buffer overflow.
  • boundary commission — (in Britain) a body established by statute to undertake periodic reviews of the boundaries of parliamentary constituencies and to recommend changes to take account of population shifts
  • bright young things — young, fun-loving, fashionable upper-class people, esp of the 1920s
  • brimstone butterfly — a common yellow butterfly, Gonepteryx rhamni, of N temperate regions of the Old World: family Pieridae
  • bug tracking system — (programming)   (BTS) A system for receiving and filing bugs reported against a software project, and tracking those bugs until they are fixed. Most major software projects have their own BTS, the source code of which is often available for use by other projects. Well known BTSs include GNATS, Bugzilla, and Debbugs.
  • buy a pig in a poke — to buy, get, or agree to something without sight or knowledge of it in advance
  • by leaps and bounds — with unexpectedly rapid progess
  • by one's bootstraps — by one's own efforts; unaided
  • cannot very well do — If you say that you cannot very well do something, you mean that it would not be right or possible to do it.
  • canterbury pilgrims — the pilgrims whose stories are told in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
  • capacity attendance — a situation when a venue for an event is as full as it can be
  • cape york peninsula — large peninsula in NE Australia, part of Queensland, between the Gulf of Carpentaria & the Coral Sea
  • captain of industry — You can refer to the owners or senior managers of industrial companies as captains of industry.
  • catalytic converter — A catalytic converter is a device which is fitted to a car's exhaust to reduce the pollution coming from it.
  • catalytic reforming — Catalytic reforming is a process that converts petroleum refinery naphthas to high-octane blending components.
  • catch someone's eye — If something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it.
  • category management — the management of a range of related products in a way designed to increase sales of all of the products
  • cauchy's inequality — Schwarz inequality (def 1).
  • cerebellar syndrome — a disease of the cerebellum characterized by unsteady movements and mispronunciation of words
  • champagne lifestyle — a lifestyle involving the enjoyment of luxuries and expensive pleasures
  • champigny-sur-marne — a suburb of Paris, on the River Marne. Pop: 75 556 (2006)
  • chassis dynamometer — A chassis dynamometer is a piece of test equipment fitted with rollers for the wheels of a vehicle, that is capable of providing drive input and measuring output such as power and torque at the wheels.
  • chemical dependency — addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  • chinese sacred lily — a Chinese amaryllidaceous plant, Narcissus tazetta orientalis, widely grown as a house plant for its fragrant yellow and white flowers
  • chrestien de troyes — c1140–c90, French poet.
  • christian democracy — the beliefs, principles, practices, or programme of a Christian Democratic party
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • circulating library — a small library circulated in turn to a group of schools or other institutions
  • cisco systems, inc. — (company)   Ethernet hardware manufacturers. Address: 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706, USA. Telephone: +1 408 526 4000, +1 800 553 6387. Fax: +1 408 526 4100.
  • city of seven hills — Rome2
  • city of westminster — a borough of Greater London, on the River Thames: contains the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace. Pop: 222 000 (2003 est). Area: 22 sq km (8 sq miles)
  • clinical psychology — the branch of psychology that studies and treats mental illness and mental retardation
  • cock and bull story — an absurd, improbable story presented as the truth: Don't ask him about his ancestry unless you want to hear a cock-and-bull story.
  • cock-and-bull story — If you describe something that someone tells you as a cock-and-bull story, you mean that you do not believe it is true.
  • collect on delivery — payment in cash when a purchase or shipment is delivered
  • combination therapy — a therapy that combines two or more drugs, or two or more treatments
  • commercially-minded — knowledgeable about business; interested in making money
  • commitment ceremony — a ceremony and celebration that affirms the love and commitment between two people who cannot legally marry, typically a same-sex or transgender couple.
  • common iliac artery — iliac artery (def 1).
  • common-iliac-artery — Also called common iliac artery. either of two large arteries that conduct blood to the pelvis and the legs.
  • community education — the provision of a wide range of educational and special interest courses and activities by a local authority
  • community policeman — a police officer assigned to a particular area
  • community programme — (in Britain) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
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