
18-letter words containing y, n

  • sodium thiocyanate — a white powder or colorless, deliquescent crystals, NaSCN, used chiefly in organic synthesis and in medicine in the treatment of hypertension.
  • solitary sandpiper — a North American sandpiper, Tringa solitaria, of inland wetlands, having a brownish-gray, white-spotted back and whitish underparts.
  • sound and the fury — a novel (1929) by William Faulkner.
  • speech synthesizer — device that imitates human voice
  • sperry corporation — (company)   The company which merged with the Burroughs Corporation to form Unisys Corporation. Divisions included Sperry Univac, Sperry Flight Systems, and others. Some of these were sold off after the merger.
  • st john chrysostomSaint John, a.d. 347?–407, ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople.
  • stand-by generator — an electrical system which operates automatically in case the usual system malfunctions
  • stand-by passenger — someone who buys a (usually cheaper) ticket, if they are still available, on a plane just before it is about to leave rather than booking in advance
  • state of emergency — If a government or other authority declares a state of emergency in an area, it introduces special measures such as increased powers for the police or army, usually because of civil disorder or because of a natural disaster such as an earthquake.
  • stationary bicycle — an exercise bike
  • stockholm syndrome — an emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress, dependence, and a need to cooperate for survival.
  • strathclyde region — a former local government region in W Scotland: formed in 1975 from Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Buteshire, Dunbartonshire, and parts of Argyllshire, Ayrshire, and Stirlingshire; replaced in 1996 by the council areas of Glasgow, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Argyll and Bute, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, and East Ayrshire
  • submaxillary gland — submandibular gland.
  • subsidiary company — a company whose controlling interest is owned by another company.
  • sulfuric anhydride — sulfur trioxide.
  • summary proceeding — a mode of trial authorized by statute to be held before a judge without the usual full hearing.
  • superstring theory — any supersymmetric string theory in which each type of elementary particle is treated as a vibration of a single fundamental string (superstring) at a particular frequency.
  • swedish gymnastics — a system of passive and active exercising of muscles and joints
  • symbolist movement — a movement beginning in French and Belgian poetry towards the end of the 19th century with the verse of Mallarmé, Valéry, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Maeterlinck, and others, and seeking to express states of mind rather than objective reality by making use of the power of words and images to suggest as well as denote
  • symmetric function — a polynomial in several indeterminates that stays the same under any permutation of the indeterminates.
  • sympathetic string — a thin wire string, as in various obsolete musical instruments, designed to vibrate sympathetically with the bowed or plucked strings to reinforce the sound.
  • symphony orchestra — a large orchestra composed of wind, string, and percussion instruments and organized to perform symphonic compositions.
  • synthetic division — a simplified procedure for dividing a polynomial by a linear polynomial.
  • synthetic geometry — elementary geometry, as distinct from analytic geometry.
  • system-programming — a program, as an operating system, compiler, or utility program, that controls some aspect of the operation of a computer (opposed to application program).
  • systematic phoneme — a phonological unit in generative phonology representing an underlying form that takes into account the relationship between phonological patterns and morphological variation, as the unit underlying the second vowel in both derive and derivative.
  • tardive dyskinesia — a disorder characterized by restlessness and involuntary rolling of the tongue or twitching of the face, trunk, or limbs, usually occurring as a complication of long-term therapy with antipsychotic drugs.
  • television company — a company that broadcasts programmes by television
  • temporary hardness — hardness of water due to the presence of magnesium and calcium hydrogencarbonates, which can be precipitated as carbonates by boiling
  • tertiary education — education, following secondary education at a school, at a college or university
  • testamentary trust — a trust set up under the terms of a will.
  • the back of beyond — a very remote place
  • the encyclopedists — the writers of the French Encyclopedia (1751-72) edited by Diderot and d'Alembert, which contained the advanced ideas of the period
  • the hotel industry — the branch of the services industry which provides hotels
  • the kinetic theory — a theory of gases postulating that they consist of particles of negligible size moving at random and undergoing elastic collisions
  • the movie industry — the industry that makes entertainment films or movies
  • there you go again — Phrases such as there you go again are used to show annoyance at someone who is repeating something that has annoyed you in the past.
  • thermal efficiency — the ratio of the work output of a heat engine to the heat input expressed in the same units of energy.
  • thirty-second note — a note having 1/32 of the time value of a whole note; demi-semiquaver.
  • thirty-second rest — a rest equal in value to a thirty-second note.
  • three-day eventing — participation in a three day equestrian competition consisting of dressage, cross-country jumping, and stadium jumping
  • to close your mind — If you close your mind to something, you deliberately do not think about it or pay attention to it.
  • to cross your mind — If you say that an idea or possibility never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it.
  • to gird your loins — If you gird your loins, you prepare to do something difficult or dangerous.
  • to lay it on thick — If someone is laying it on thick or is laying it on, they are exaggerating a statement, experience, or emotion in order to try to impress people.
  • to lose your nerve — If you lose your nerve, you suddenly panic and become too afraid to do something that you were about to do.
  • to open your heart — If you open your heart or pour out your heart to someone, you tell them your most private thoughts and feelings.
  • to put years on sb — if you say that something such as an experience or a way of dressing has put years on someone, you mean that it has made them look or feel much older
  • to speak your mind — If you speak your mind, you say firmly and honestly what you think about a situation, even if this may offend or upset people.
  • traditional policy — a life assurance policy in which the policyholder's premiums are paid into a general fund and his or her investment benefits are calculated according to actuarial formulae
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