
15-letter words containing y, n

  • threepennyworth — an amount having the value or price of threepence
  • thursday island — an island in Torres Strait between NE Australia and New Guinea; part of Queensland: pearl fishing. 1½ sq. mi. (4 sq. km).
  • thyrocalcitonin — calcitonin
  • thyroid hormone — A thyroid hormone is a hormone, especially thyroxine or triiodothyronine, produced by the thyroid gland.
  • tiffany setting — a setting, as in a ring, in which the stone is held with prongs.
  • to my knowledge — as far as I am aware
  • to part company — If two or more people part company, they go in different directions after going in the same direction together.
  • to the contrary — opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
  • tocodynamometer — tokodynamometer.
  • tokodynamometer — a pressure gauge strapped to the mother's abdomen during labor to measure uterine contractions.
  • trading company — a company that is owned by the people who have bought shares in that company
  • training agency — (in Britain, formerly) an organization providing training and retraining for adult workers
  • trans-himalayanthe, a mountain range extending about 1500 miles (2400 km) along the border between India and Tibet. Highest peak, Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet (8848 meters).
  • transactionally — the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • transferability — to convey or remove from one place, person, etc., to another: He transferred the package from one hand to the other.
  • translatability — to turn from one language into another or from a foreign language into one's own: to translate Spanish.
  • translationally — in a manner which uses translation
  • transnationally — going beyond national boundaries or interests: a transnational economy.
  • transvaal daisy — a composite plant, Gerbera jamesonii, native to southern Africa, having showy, many-rayed, variously colored flower heads.
  • tricotyledonous — having three cotyledons.
  • tristram shandy — a novel (1759–67) by Laurence Sterne.
  • trypanosomiasis — any infection caused by a trypanosome.
  • tubal pregnancy — pregnancy that grows in fallopian tube
  • turnkey project — a complete project usually including many major units of plant completed under one overall contract, such as a chemical works or power station complex
  • tychonic system — a model for planetary motion devised by Tycho Brahe in which the earth is stationary and at the center of the planetary system, the sun and moon revolve around the earth, and the other planets revolve around the sun.
  • tyrwhitt-wilson — Gerald Hugh, 14th Baron Berners [bur-nerz] /ˈbɜr nərz/ (Show IPA), 1883–1950, English composer, painter, and author.
  • ultrasonography — a diagnostic imaging technique utilizing reflected high-frequency sound waves to delineate, measure, or examine internal body structures or organs.
  • ulysses s grantCary (Archibald Leach) 1904–86, U.S. actor, born in England.
  • un-fortuitously — happening or produced by chance; accidental: a fortuitous encounter.
  • unacceptability — capable or worthy of being accepted.
  • unadulteratedly — in an unadulterated or genuine manner
  • unadventurously — in an unadventurous manner
  • unaesthetically — offensive to the aesthetic sense; lacking in beauty or sensory appeal; unpleasant, as an object, design, arrangement, etc.: an unaesthetic combination of colors.
  • unaffordability — that can be afforded; believed to be within one's financial means: attractive new cars at affordable prices.
  • unanswerability — the quality of not being answerable or contestable
  • unanticipatedly — in an unanticipated or unexpected manner
  • unapostolically — in an unapostalic manner
  • unary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which one element is used to yield a single result, as squaring or taking the square root.
  • unattainability — capable of being attained.
  • unceremoniously — discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude: He made an unceremonious departure in the middle of my speech.
  • unchallengeably — in a way that cannot be challenged; in an unchallengeable manner
  • uncomplainingly — in an unresentful or resigned manner
  • uncomplaisantly — in an uncomplaisant manner
  • uncomplementary — forming a complement; completing.
  • uncomplimentary — of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering: a complimentary remark.
  • unconditionally — not limited by conditions; absolute: an unconditional promise.
  • unconstrainedly — in an unconfined manner
  • uncooperatively — in an uncooperative or unhelpful manner
  • uncopyrightable — not able to be copyrighted
  • under secretary — an official who is subordinate to a principal secretary, as in the U.S. cabinet: Under Secretary of the Treasury.
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