
15-letter words containing y, n

  • not be yourself — If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well.
  • not necessarily — If you reply 'Not necessarily', you mean that what has just been said or suggested may not be true.
  • not unnaturally — You can use not unnaturally to indicate that the situation you are describing is exactly as you would expect in the circumstances.
  • novokuibyshevsk — a city in the SW Russian Federation in Europe, SW of Kuibyshev.
  • nuclear physics — the branch of physics that deals with the behavior, structure, and component parts of atomic nuclei.
  • nucleophilicity — (uncountable) The condition of being nucleophilic.
  • nucleosynthesis — the formation of new atomic nuclei by nuclear reactions, thought to occur in the interiors of stars and in the early stages of development of the universe.
  • nucleosynthetic — Of or pertaining to nucleosynthesis.
  • null hypothesis — (in the statistical testing of a hypothesis) the hypothesis to be tested.
  • nutty professor — a professor or academic person who is eccentric or slightly crazy or unusual
  • nyquist theorem — (communications)   A theorem stating that when an analogue waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the sampling frequency will be recorded. In order to reconstruct (interpolate) a signal from a sequence of samples, sufficient samples must be recorded to capture the peaks and troughs of the original waveform. If a waveform is sampled at less than twice its frequency the reconstructed waveform will effectively contribute only noise. This phenomenon is called "aliasing" (the high frequencies are "under an alias"). This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing. The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound.
  • obituary column — the division of a publication reserved for obituaries
  • observationally — of, relating to, or founded on observation, especially founded on observation rather than experiment.
  • ocean greyhound — a fast ship, esp a liner
  • odontorhynchous — (of birds) having toothlike ridges inside the beak
  • old boy network — an exclusive network that links members of a profession, social class, or organization or the alumni of a particular school through which the individuals assist one another in business, politics, etc.
  • old-boy network — an exclusive network that links members of a profession, social class, or organization or the alumni of a particular school through which the individuals assist one another in business, politics, etc.
  • olfactory nerve — either one of the first pair of cranial nerves, consisting of sensory fibers that conduct to the brain the impulses from the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • oligodendrocyte — A glial cell similar to an astrocyte but with fewer protuberances, concerned with the production of myelin in the central nervous system.
  • oligohydramnios — (medicine) A deficit of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac, causing distinctive deformations of the foetus.
  • on the contrary — opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
  • one of the boys — If a man is described as one of the boys, he is accepted by a group of male friends who do things that are thought of as typically masculine.
  • onychocryptosis — a form of nail disease in which nails are ingrown
  • open one's eyes — the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
  • open university — higher education by correspondence
  • open your mouth — If you say that someone does not open their mouth, you are emphasizing that they never say anything at all.
  • operating cycle — the period of time between starting a business and making a profit
  • oppositionality — Quality of being oppositional.
  • orangeman's day — the 12th of July, celebrated by Protestants in Northern Ireland to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne (1690)
  • orangemen's day — July 12, an annual celebration in Northern Ireland and certain cities having a large Irish section, especially Liverpool, to mark both the victory of William III over James II at the Battle of the Boyne, July 1, 1690, and the Battle of Augbrim, July 12, 1690.
  • ordinary degree — a university degree without honours
  • ordinary income — taxable income, as salary and wages, other than capital gains.
  • ordinary rating — a rank in the Royal Navy comparable to that of a private in the army
  • ordinary seaman — a seaman insufficiently skilled to be classified as an able-bodied seaman. Abbreviation: O.D., O.S., o.s.
  • ordinary shares — British. a share of common stock.
  • ordnance survey — mapmaking agency
  • orientationally — With regard to orientation.
  • ornithorhynchus — the platypus.
  • orthodontically — from an orthodontic point of view
  • oscars ceremony — a formal annual event in the United States in which small gold statuettes are awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievements in films
  • out on your ear — If someone says that you will be out on your ear, they mean that you will be forced to leave a job, an organization or a place suddenly.
  • outward journey — a journey leaving for a particular destination (as opposed top one returning home)
  • over-analytical — pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic).
  • overconfidently — In an overconfident manner.
  • overemotionally — In an overemotional manner.
  • oversensitivity — excessively or unduly sensitive.
  • oxygen cylinder — a metal cylinder containing oxygen under pressure
  • oxyphenbutazone — an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis or bursitis
  • oxytetracycline — a dull-yellow, crystalline antibiotic powder, C 2 2 H 2 4 N 2 O 9 , produced by Streptomyces rimosus, used chiefly in treating infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci, Gram-negative bacilli, rickettsiae, and certain protozoans and viruses.
  • pachymeningitis — inflammation of the dura mater of the brain and spinal cord
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