
14-letter words containing y, n

  • xinjiang uygur — an administrative division of NW China: established in 1955 for the Uygur ethnic minority, with autonomous subdivisions for other small minorities; produces over half China's wool and contains valuable mineral resources. Capital: Urumqi. Pop: 19 340 000 (2003 est). Area: 1 646 799 sq km (635 829 sq miles)
  • yagi (antenna) — a VHF or UHF directional antenna array in which a basic dipole antenna is supplemented by several parallel reflector and director elements: used when television reception is weak
  • yang chen ning — born 1922, Chinese physicist in the U.S.: Nobel prize 1957.
  • yard-long bean — asparagus bean.
  • year and a day — a period fixed by law to ensure the completion of a full year. It is applied for certain purposes, such as to determine the time within which wrecks must be claimed
  • yearly meeting — any of several associations of local Quaker congregations.
  • yeddo hawthorn — a Japanese shrub, Raphiolepis umbellata, of the rose family, having leathery leaves and dense, hairy clusters of fragrant white flowers.
  • yekaterinoslav — a former name of Dnepropetrovsk.
  • yellow gentian — a plant, Gentiana lutea, of Europe and Asia Minor, having yellow flowers, the rootstock yielding a bitter tonic.
  • yellow jasmine — Carolina jessamine.
  • yellow newtown — a variety of yellow apple that ripens in the autumn.
  • yellow puccoon — a plant, Lithospermum incisum, of central and western North America, having numerous branches and fringed yellow flowers.
  • yellow yorling — a yellowhammer
  • yellowfin tuna — an important food fish, Thunnus albacares, inhabiting warm seas.
  • yenisei ostyak — Ket.
  • yeoman service — excellent service
  • yield strength — the stress necessary to produce a given inelastic strain in a material.
  • yoda condition — (programming)   The programming practise of using if (constant == variable) e.g. if (4 == foo) instead of the more natural if (variable == constant) It is named after the Star Wars character Yoda who says things like "Strong is Vader". It may have been invented as a way to prevent coding errors like if (count = 5) (accidentally using a single "=" (assignment) instead of a double "==" (comparison)). The above is syntactically valid whereas the Yoda equivalent would give a compile-time error.
  • yorkshire bond — flying bond.
  • you can't talk — you yourself are guilty of offending in the very matter you are decrying
  • you don't know — You can say 'You don't know' in order to emphasize how strongly you feel about the remark you are going to make.
  • you never know — You say 'You never know' or 'One never knows' to indicate that it is not definite or certain what will happen in the future, and to suggest that there is some hope that things will turn out well.
  • young marrieds — young married people
  • young offender — a criminal who, according to the law, is not yet an adult but no longer a child
  • your seventies — the ages between 70–79
  • youth movement — a political, religious or social movement that is made up of young people
  • youth offender — a young delinquent, especially a first offender, usually from 14 to 21 years old, whom the court tries to correct and guide rather than to punish as a criminal.
  • yttrotantalite — a mineral, tantalite and niobate of yttrium and various elements, as iron, and cerium, occurring in the form of brown-black crystals.
  • zygobranchiate — of or relating to zygobranchs or the Zygobranchia genus
  • zygomatic bone — a bone on each side of the face below the eye, forming the prominence of the cheek; cheekbone.
  • zygosporangium — a sporangium that bears a zygospore.
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