
13-letter words containing y, n

  • styling brush — a hairbrush used to style or neaten hair
  • styrene resin — a transparent thermoplastic resin formed by polymerizing styrene.
  • subemployment — insufficient employment in the labor force of a country, area, or industry, including unemployment and underemployment.
  • subinhibitory — not completely inhibiting
  • subjectifying — to make subjective.
  • subserviently — serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate.
  • substantially — of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.: a substantial sum of money.
  • substantively — a noun.
  • substantivity — the quality or state of being substantive
  • suffocatingly — to kill by preventing the access of air to the blood through the lungs or analogous organs, as gills; strangle.
  • sulfapyridine — a sulfanilamide derivative, C 1 1 H 1 1 N 3 O 2 S, formerly used for infections caused by pneumococci, now used primarily for a particular dermatitis.
  • sulphonylurea — an antidiabetic drug used in treating type II diabetes, which acts by stimulating the production of insulin in the pancreas
  • sunday driver — a person who drives a car inexpertly, especially slowly or overcautiously, in the manner of one who drives infrequently.
  • sunday school — a school, now usually in connection with a church, for religious instruction on Sunday.
  • sunny side up — (of an egg) fried without breaking the yolk or being turned over, with the yolk remaining visible and somewhat liquid inside.
  • sunny-side up — (of an egg) fried without breaking the yolk or being turned over, with the yolk remaining visible and somewhat liquid inside.
  • sunray pleats — bias-cut knife pleats that are narrower at the top than at the bottom, producing a flared effect, used esp for skirts
  • sunspot cycle — the cycle, averaging in duration slightly more than 11 years, in which the frequency of sunspots varies from a maximum to a minimum and back to a maximum again.
  • supernumerary — being in excess of the usual, proper, or prescribed number; additional; extra.
  • superordinary — that is superior to the ordinary
  • supplementary — Also, supplemental. of the nature of or forming a supplement; additional.
  • suspensefully — in a suspenseful manner
  • sword bayonet — a short sword that may be attached to the muzzle of a gun and used as a bayonet.
  • syllabication — to syllabify.
  • symbolic link — (file format)   (SYLK) A Microsoft file format for spreadsheets, (not to be confused with symbolic link). SYLK format existed in one form or another in as early as 1987, and was part of Excel v1.0. It is is an outgrowth of VisiCalc DIF file format. SYLK format is ascii text and represents information about both formula, value, and some formatting information, which makes it something like an RTF for spreadsheets. It is used as a general tabular data exchange format.
  • symbolization — the act or process of symbolizing.
  • synallagmatic — relating to a reciprocally binding contract
  • synaposematic — relating to synaposematism
  • synarthrodial — synarthrosis.
  • synchondrosis — the joining of two bones by cartilage
  • synchronicity — coincidence in time; contemporaneousness; simultaneousness.
  • synchronistic — coincidence in time; contemporaneousness; simultaneousness.
  • synchronizing — to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches.
  • synchronology — combined chronology
  • synchronously — occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous.
  • syndesmectomy — excision of part of a ligament.
  • synecdochical — a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man.
  • synecphonesis — the fusion of two syllables into one
  • synodic month — Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided.
  • synophthalmia — cyclopia.
  • syntactically — of or relating to syntax: syntactic errors in English; the syntactic rules for computer source code.
  • synthesis gas — any of several gaseous mixtures consisting essentially of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, used in the synthesis of chemical compounds, as ammonia and alcohols.
  • synthetically — of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis (opposed to analytic).
  • syphilization — the act of syphilizing
  • syrian desert — a desert in N Saudi Arabia, SE Syria, W Iraq, and NE Jordan. About 125,000 sq. mi. (323,750 sq. km).
  • syringomyelia — a disease of the spinal cord in which the nerve tissue is replaced by a cavity filled with fluid.
  • systematician — a person who adheres to, or creates, a system
  • systemization — systematize.
  • szent-gyorgyi — Albert [al-bert;; Hungarian ol-bert] /ˈæl bərt;; Hungarian ˈɒl bɛrt/ (Show IPA), 1893–1986, U.S. biochemist, born in Hungary: Nobel Prize in medicine 1937.
  • tangentiality — pertaining to or of the nature of a tangent; being or moving in the direction of a tangent.
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