
13-letter words containing y, n

  • onychorrhexis — (pathology) fingernail and toenail brittleness and breakage, such as may be due to excessive strong soap and water exposure, nail polish remover, hypothyroidism, anemia, anorexia nervosa or bulimia, or after oral retinoid therapy.
  • open registry — ship registration under a national flag available to all ships regardless of nationality.
  • openheartedly — Alt form open-heartedly.
  • openmouthedly — in a manner filled with amazement and wonder
  • opera company — a company that puts on productions of operas
  • operationally — able to function or be used; functional: How soon will the new factory be operational?
  • opinionatedly — In an opinionated manner.
  • oppositionary — the action of opposing, resisting, or combating.
  • orange roughy — a marine food fish, Hoplosthenus atlanticus, of S Pacific waters
  • ordinary gain — An ordinary gain is a gain in the course of normal business.
  • ordinary loss — An ordinary loss is a loss in the course of normal business.
  • ordinary wave — Radio. (of the two waves into which a radio wave is divided in the ionosphere under the influence of the earth's magnetic field) the wave with characteristics more nearly resembling those that the undivided wave would have exhibited in the absence of the magnetic field.
  • oregon myrtle — California laurel
  • organotherapy — the branch of therapeutics that deals with the use of remedies prepared from the organs of animals, as from the thyroid gland, the pancreas, or the suprarenal bodies.
  • orgone energy — (in Wilhelm Reich's theory) a vital, primal, nonmaterial element believed to permeate the universe.
  • originatively — in an originative manner
  • ornamentality — used or grown for ornament: ornamental plants.
  • oropharyngeal — the part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the upper edge of the epiglottis.
  • orthogonality — (mathematics, statistics) the property of being orthogonal.
  • orthohydrogen — the form of molecular hydrogen in which the nuclei of the two hydrogen atoms contained in the molecule have spins in the same direction.
  • orthopyroxene — a member of the pyroxene group of minerals having an orthorhombic crystal structure, such as enstatite and hypersthene
  • ostensibility — The quality of being ostensible.
  • out one's way — in, to, or near one's neighborhood
  • outstandingly — prominent; conspicuous; striking: an outstanding example of courage.
  • over-analytic — pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic).
  • over-identify — to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: to identify handwriting; to identify the bearer of a check.
  • overanalyzing — Present participle of overanalyze.
  • overbearingly — domineering; dictatorial; haughtily or rudely arrogant.
  • overflowingly — to an excessive degree
  • overfrequency — Also, frequence. the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence: We are alarmed by the frequency of fires in the neighborhood.
  • overingenuity — the state of being ingenious to a fault
  • overintensity — the state of being too intense
  • oxygen effect — the increased sensitivity to radiation of living organisms, tissues, etc, when they are exposed in the presence of oxygen
  • oxyhemoglobin — the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues: occurs in reduced form (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood and in combination with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) in arterial blood. Symbol: Hb.
  • oxymetazoline — a sympathomimetic drug, C 1 6 H 2 4 N 2 O, used as a topical, long-lasting nasal decongestant.
  • painstakingly — taking or characterized by taking pains or trouble; expending or showing diligent care and effort; careful: a painstaking craftsman; painstaking research.
  • palaeontology — Palaeontology is the study of fossils as a guide to the history of life on Earth.
  • paleethnology — (formerly) the branch of ethnology concerned with the earliest or most primitive human societies.
  • pancreatotomy — incision of the pancreas.
  • paranormality — the state of being paranormal
  • parasynthesis — the formation of a word by the addition of a derivational suffix to a phrase or compound, as of greathearted, which is great heart plus -ed.
  • parasynthetic — the formation of a word by the addition of a derivational suffix to a phrase or compound, as of greathearted, which is great heart plus -ed.
  • parasyntheton — a word formed by parasynthesis; for example, kind-hearted
  • parliamentary — of or relating to a parliament or any of its members.
  • parry channel — a water channel in N Canada running between Baffin Bay on the E and the Arctic Ocean on the W: separates the Queen Elizabeth Islands (N) from the rest of the Arctic Archipelago.
  • parry islands — former name of the Queen Elizabeth Islands.
  • parthenocarpy — the production of fruit without fertilization of an egg in the ovary.
  • participantly — in a participant manner
  • party machine — the internal organization of a political party, which decides its policies and directs its activities
  • party manners — polite behaviour
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