
13-letter words containing y, n

  • honorifically — In a honorific manner.
  • honourability — A state or condition or being honourable.
  • horizontality — at right angles to the vertical; parallel to level ground.
  • horned scully — a tapered block of concrete with projecting steel rails, placed under water to tear holes in the bottoms of boats.
  • hot and heavy — having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.
  • howler monkey — Central American simian variety
  • human ecology — ecology (def 4).
  • humiliatingly — lowering the pride, self-respect, or dignity of a person; mortifying: Such a humiliating defeat was good for his overblown ego.
  • hyacinth bean — an Old World tropical vine, Dolichos lablab, of the legume family, having purple or white flowers and black or white seeds in a papery, beaked pod.
  • hyalinization — a condition in which normal tissue deteriorates into a homogeneous, translucent material.
  • hyaluronidase — Biochemistry. a mucolytic enzyme found in the testes, in snake venom, and in hemolytic streptococci and certain other bacteria, that decreases the viscosity of the intercellular matrix by breaking down hyaluronic acid.
  • hybridisation — Alternative form of hybridization.
  • hybridization — to cause to produce hybrids; cross.
  • hydraulicking — a type of mining that uses water to move rock
  • hydroairplane — a hydroplane.
  • hydroboration — (chemistry) the production or organoboranes by the addition of diborane to unsaturated organic compounds.
  • hydrocracking — the cracking of petroleum or the like in the presence of hydrogen.
  • hydrodynamics — the branch of fluid dynamics that deals with liquids, including hydrostatics and hydrokinetics.
  • hydrofracking — a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth's surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure: used especially to extract natural gas or oil.
  • hydrogen bomb — a bomb, more powerful than an atomic bomb, that derives its explosive energy from the thermonuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen isotopes.
  • hydrogen bond — a type of chemical bond in which a hydrogen atom that has a covalent link with one of the electronegative atoms (F, N, O) forms an electrostatic link with another electronegative atom in the same or another molecule.
  • hydrogenating — Present participle of hydrogenate.
  • hydrogenation — to combine or treat with hydrogen, especially to add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound).
  • hydrogenizing — Present participle of hydrogenize.
  • hydrokinetics — the branch of hydrodynamics that deals with the laws governing liquids or gases in motion.
  • hydromorphone — A synthetic narcotic analgesic, (4,5 alpha-epoxy-3-hydroxy-17-methyl morphinan-6-one), similar to morphine and heroin. It is used for moderate to severe pain under the trade name Dilaudid.
  • hydronitrogen — a chemical compound containing only hydrogen and nitrogen.
  • hydronium ion — the hydrogen ion bonded to a molecule of water, H 3 O + , the form in which hydrogen ions are found in aqueous solution.
  • hydroxide ion — the anion OH−.
  • hydroxyketone — a ketone containing a hydroxyl group.
  • hydroxylamine — an unstable, weakly basic, crystalline compound, NH 3 O, used as a reducing agent, analytical reagent, and chemical intermediate.
  • hydroxylation — (organic chemistry) The introduction of a hydroxyl group into a molecule, especially by the replacement of a hydrogen atom.
  • hymenopterans — Plural form of hymenopteran.
  • hymenopterous — belonging or pertaining to the Hymenoptera, an order of insects having, when winged, four membranous wings, and comprising the wasps, bees, ants, ichneumon flies, and sawflies.
  • hymenorrhaphy — (medicine) Reconstructive surgery in which a woman's hymen is restored to the unbroken condition ordinarily characteristic of virginity.
  • hymnal stanza — common measure (def 2).
  • hymnal-stanza — common time.
  • hyperadenosis — abnormal enlargement of the glands, especially of the lymph nodes.
  • hyperbolising — to use hyperbole; exaggerate.
  • hypercinnabar — (mineral) A form of cinnabar that forms hexagonal crystals.
  • hypercyanotic — blueness or lividness of the skin, as from imperfectly oxygenated blood.
  • hyperextended — Extremely long; extended greatly.
  • hyperfunction — abnormally increased function, especially of glands or other organs.
  • hyperimmunity — the state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease or the like.
  • hyperimmunize — to render highly immunized
  • hyperinflated — to subject to hyperinflation: hyperinflated prices.
  • hypermagnetic — (physics) Extremely magnetic.
  • hypermutation — (uncountable) Frequent mutation.
  • hypernatremia — an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the blood.
  • hypernephroma — Renal cell carcinoma.
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