
11-letter words containing y, n

  • ungallantly — in an ungallant manner
  • ungenteelly — in an ungenteel manner
  • ungentility — the quality of being ungenteel
  • unhackneyed — fresh or recent
  • unharmfully — in an unharmful way
  • unhealthily — not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition.
  • unheedfully — in an unheedful manner
  • unheedingly — in an unheeding manner
  • unhelpfully — in a manner that does not help
  • unhopefully — in an unhopeful manner
  • unhurriedly — not hurried; leisurely; deliberate: an unhurried day; an unhurried decision.
  • unhurtfully — in an unhurtful manner
  • unignorably — to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks.
  • unimaginary — existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
  • unimpededly — in an unimpeded manner
  • uniserially — in a uniserial manner
  • universally — in a universal manner; in every instance or place; without exception.
  • unknowingly — ignorant or unaware: unknowing aid to the enemy.
  • unleisurely — not unhurried or relaxed
  • unlimitedly — not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade.
  • unmandatory — authoritatively ordered; obligatory; compulsory: It is mandatory that all students take two years of math.
  • unmemorably — in a way that is not memorable
  • unmercenary — not influenced by greed or a desire for money or gain
  • unmeritedly — in a way that is not merited or deserved
  • unmitigably — in an unmitigable manner
  • unnaturally — contrary to the laws or course of nature.
  • unnecessary — not necessary or essential; needless; unessential.
  • unneedfully — unnecessarily
  • unnervingly — in a manner that makes one feel worried or uncomfortable
  • unoccupancy — the act, state, or condition of being or becoming a tenant or of living in or taking up quarters or space in or on something: Continued occupancy of the office depends on a rent reduction.
  • unorthodoxy — orthodox belief or practice.
  • unpalatably — in an unpalatable manner
  • unpathwayed — unpathed, pathless
  • unperfectly — imperfectly
  • unpitifully — pitilessly
  • unpityingly — without pity; in an unpitying manner
  • unplausibly — not plausibly; implausibly
  • unpurposely — intentionally; deliberately: He tripped me purposely.
  • unrestingly — in an unresting manner
  • unscholarly — not befitting a scholar or learned person
  • unseaworthy — constructed, outfitted, manned, and in all respects fitted for a voyage at sea.
  • unselfishly — not selfish; disinterested; generous; altruistic.
  • unsettledly — in an unsettled manner
  • unsmilingly — in a serous or unsmiling manner
  • unsociality — the quality of being unsocial
  • unsoldierly — not befitting a soldier
  • unspeakably — not speakable; that may not be spoken.
  • unstoppably — that cannot be stopped or surpassed; unbeatable: an unstoppable ball team.
  • unsyllabled — not involving syllables; not formed into syllables; not expressed or articulated in syllabled speech
  • untaintedly — in an untainted manner; without taint or stain
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