
11-letter words containing y, n

  • money talks — If you say that money talks, you mean that if someone has a lot of money, they also have a lot of power.
  • money wages — wages evaluated with reference to the money paid rather than the equivalent purchasing power
  • money-loser — something which causes someone to lose money or to make a loss rather than a profit
  • money-maker — a person engaged in or successful at acquiring much money.
  • moneylender — a person or organization whose business it is to lend money at interest.
  • moneymakers — Plural form of moneymaker.
  • moneymaking — profitable: a moneymaking scheme.
  • monkey bars — children's climbing frame
  • monkey fist — a ball-like knot used as an ornament or as a throwing weight at the end of a line.
  • monkey sort — bogo-sort
  • monkey suit — a tuxedo or full-dress suit.
  • monkey tail — any of various light or short ropes or lines.
  • monkeyshine — Usually, monkeyshines. a frivolous or mischievous prank; monkey business.
  • monocrystal — A single crystal.
  • monocularly — In a monocular manner.
  • monodactyly — having only one digit or claw.
  • monohybrids — Plural form of monohybrid.
  • monohydrate — a hydrate that contains one molecule of water, as ammonium carbonate, (NH 4) 2 CO 3 ·H 2 O.
  • monohydroxy — (of a molecule) containing one hydroxyl group.
  • monomyarian — any bivalve mollusc of the group Monomyaria (or Monomya) that have a single posterior adductor muscle
  • monophysite — a person who maintains that Christ has one nature, partly divine and partly human.
  • monostylous — having only one style.
  • monotherapy — (medicine) A therapy which is administered by itself.
  • monozygotic — developed from a single fertilized ovum, as identical twins.
  • monstrosity — the state or character of being monstrous.
  • monstrously — frightful or hideous, especially in appearance; extremely ugly.
  • montego bay — a city in NW Jamaica: seaside resort.
  • montmorencyAnne [an;; French an] /æn;; French an/ (Show IPA), Duc de, 1493–1567, French marshal: constable of France 1537.
  • morgan city — a city in S Louisiana: headquarters for offshore oil drilling and base for shrimp fleet.
  • moribundity — in a dying state; near death.
  • moronically — Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment: I wonder why they elected that narrow-minded moron to Congress.
  • moshe dayan — Moshe [maw-she;; English moh-shuh] /mɔˈʃɛ;; English ˈmoʊ ʃə/ (Show IPA), 1915–81, Israeli politician and military leader: defense minister 1967–74, foreign minister 1977–79.
  • mount kenya — an extinct volcano in central Kenya: the second highest mountain in Africa; girth at 2400 m (8000 ft) is about 150 km (95 miles). The regions above 3200 m (10 500 ft) constitute Mount Kenya National Park. Height: 5199 m (17 058 ft)
  • mr nice guy — a typically pleasant, likable person who avoids causing trouble or dissension (sometimes used with Miss, Ms., or Mrs. instead of Mr. when referring to a female).
  • mrs. grundyMrs. a narrow-minded, conventional person who is extremely critical of any breach of propriety.
  • multiagency — involving multiple agencies
  • multicounty — involving or relating to several counties
  • multienzyme — involving several enzymes
  • multiplying — Present participle of multiply.
  • municipally — of or relating to a town or city or its local government: municipal elections.
  • mycoprotein — A food product derived from fungus, the basis of Quorn.
  • myelination — the formation of a myelin sheath.
  • myelogenous — produced in the bone marrow.
  • myofilament — a threadlike filament of actin or myosin that is a component of a myofibril.
  • myogenicity — originating in muscle, as an impulse or sensation.
  • myoinositol — an isomer of inositol found in muscle
  • myonecrosis — Necrosis of muscle tissue.
  • myringotomy — surgical incision of the tympanic membrane.
  • myrmidonian — comprising or resembling myrmidons
  • myth-making — a creator of myths.
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