
11-letter words containing y, n

  • identically — similar or alike in every way: The two cars are identical except for their license plates.
  • identifying — Present participle of identify.
  • idiodynamic — of, relating to, or conforming to the theories of idiodynamics.
  • if anything — on the contrary
  • if you want — as you please
  • illusionary — of, relating to, or characterized by illusions; deceptive; misleading.
  • imaginarily — existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
  • immune body — antibody
  • immunoassay — any laboratory method for detecting a substance by using an antibody reactive with it.
  • impatiently — not patient; not accepting delay, opposition, pain, etc., with calm or patience.
  • impenitency — Archaic form of impenitence.
  • imploringly — to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat: They implored him to go.
  • importantly — of much or great significance or consequence: an important event in world history.
  • importunacy — the quality or condition of being importunate; importunateness.
  • importunely — (obsolete) In an importune manner.
  • importunity — the state or quality of being importunate; persistence in solicitation.
  • impregnably — In an impregnable manner; in a manner to defy attack.
  • imprudently — Without prudence; in an imprudent manner.
  • in abeyance — If something is in abeyance, it is not operating or being used at the present time.
  • in any case — an instance of the occurrence, existence, etc., of something: Sailing in such a storm was a case of poor judgment.
  • in chancery — (of a suit) pending in a court of equity
  • in fat city — very rich
  • in full cry — When someone is in full cry, they are expressing their views very strongly or are very active.
  • in jeopardy — in danger, at risk
  • in no hurry — If you are in no hurry to do something, you are very unwilling to do it.
  • in ordinary — (used esp in titles) in regular service or attendance
  • in recovery — If someone is in recovery, they are being given a course of treatment to help them recover from something such as a drug habit or mental illness.
  • in totality — as a whole; altogether
  • in-accuracy — something inaccurate; error.
  • inadvisably — not advisable; inexpedient; unwise.
  • inadvisedly — In a manner that is not advisable.
  • inalienably — not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; not alienable: inalienable rights, freedoms, and liberties; an inalienable territory; inalienable principles and values.
  • inalterably — In an inalterable way.
  • inanimately — In an inanimate manner.
  • incantatory — the chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
  • incendivity — the power to ignite
  • incentively — something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.
  • inceptively — In an inceptive manner.
  • incertainty — (obsolete) Uncertainty.
  • incessantly — continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.
  • incipiently — beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage: an incipient cold.
  • inclemently — In an inclement manner.
  • inclinatory — characterized by inclination.
  • inclusively — including or encompassing the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account (usually used postpositively): from 6 to 37 inclusive.
  • inclusivity — An intention or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who are handicapped or learning-disabled, or racial and sexual minorities.
  • incogitancy — heedlessness; thoughtlessness
  • incoherency — incoherence.
  • incommodity — disadvantage; inconvenience.
  • incongruity — the quality or condition of being incongruous.
  • inconstancy — not constant; changeable; fickle; variable: an inconstant friend.
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