
10-letter words containing y, n

  • biodynamic — the branch of biology dealing with energy or the activity of living organisms (opposed to biostatics).
  • biomagnify — to undergo biological magnification.
  • bionically — utilizing electronic devices and mechanical parts to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks, as by supplementing or duplicating parts of the body: The scientist used a bionic arm to examine the radioactive material.
  • bitonality — the quality of two musical keys being played simultaneously
  • blind copy — a copy of a letter or the like, the original of which bears no evidence that the copy was sent to some other person.
  • blindingly — unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless: a blind man.
  • blindstory — a windowless story
  • blurringly — in a manner which causes blurring
  • body count — the number of people killed
  • body punch — a blow to the body of an opponent
  • bon voyage — You say 'bon voyage' to someone who is going on a journey, as a way of saying goodbye and wishing them good luck.
  • bonus army — a group of 12,000 World War I veterans who massed in Washington, D.C., the summer of 1932 to induce Congress to appropriate moneys for the payment of bonus certificates granted in 1924.
  • bonus baby — an athlete who is paid a substantial bonus to sign his or her first professional contract.
  • bony bream — an Australian freshwater clupeid fish, Fluvialosa richardsonii
  • boot money — unofficial bonuses in the form of illegal cash payments made by a professional sports club to its players
  • boston ivy — a climbing vine (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) of the grape family, native to Japan and China, having shield-shaped leaves and purple berries: often grown to cover walls
  • botany bay — an inlet of the Tasman Sea, on the SE coast of Australia: surrounded by the suburbs of Sydney
  • bouncingly — in a bouncing manner
  • bounty bag — a set of free samples, such as nappies and creams, given to mothers leaving hospital with a new baby
  • box canyon — a canyon with vertical or almost vertical walls
  • boxing day — Boxing Day is the 26th of December, the day after Christmas Day.
  • boy wonder — a young man who is extremely good at a particular activity or who has a particular talent or skill
  • brachyuran — any decapod crustacean of the group (formerly suborder) Brachyura, which includes the crabs
  • bradykinin — a peptide in blood plasma that dilates blood vessels and causes contraction of smooth muscles. Formula: C50H73N15O11
  • brandywine — creek in SE Pa. & N Del.: site of a battle (1777) of the Revolutionary War, in which Washington's army failed to check the British advance on Philadelphia
  • brilliancy — an instance of brilliance: the brilliancies of Congreve's wit.
  • brontobyte — 1027 or 290 bytes
  • broodingly — preoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts: a brooding frame of mind.
  • brown eyes — eyes with brown irises
  • buffoonery — Buffoonery is foolish behaviour that makes you laugh.
  • bumblingly — in a bumbling manner
  • bunchberry — a dwarf variety of dogwood native to North America, Cornus canadensis, having red berries
  • bunglingly — in a bungling manner
  • bunny chow — a dish consisting of a hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with curry
  • bunny girl — a night-club hostess whose costume includes a rabbit-like tail and ears
  • bunny hill — a nursery slope
  • bustlingly — in a bustling manner
  • butylation — the introduction of butyl into a compound
  • by dint of — If you achieve a result by dint of something, you achieve it by means of that thing.
  • by oneselfbe oneself, to be in one's normal state of mind or physical condition. to be unaffected and sincere: One makes more friends by being oneself than by putting on airs.
  • by-numbers — done in an uninspired, simplistic, or formulaic way
  • byssinosis — a lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of fibre dust in textile factories
  • cajolingly — In a cajoling manner.
  • call money — money loaned by banks and recallable on demand
  • canada day — (in Canada) July 1, the anniversary of the day in 1867 when Canada became the first British colony to receive dominion status: a bank holiday
  • canada jay — a large common jay of North America, Perisoreus canadensis, with a grey body, and a white-and-black crestless head
  • canal rays — rays of positive ions passing through openings in the cathode of a vacuum tube
  • candy cane — A candy cane is a stick of red and white candy with a curve at one end.
  • candy corn — a small candy shaped and colored to look like a kernel of corn.
  • candy pull — a social gathering at which taffy or molasses candy is made.
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