
10-letter words containing y, n

  • skulkingly — in the manner of a skulk
  • sky diving — the sport of jumping from an airplane and executing free-fall maneuvers before opening the parachute, often at the last possible moment
  • skyjacking — an act or instance of hijacking an aircraft.
  • skylarking — a brown-speckled European lark, Alauda arvensis, famed for its melodious song.
  • skysurfing — a sport that is similar to skydiving but uses a special lightweight board (skyboard) attached to the feet and usually equipped with a parachute.
  • skywriting — the act or technique of writing against the sky with chemically produced smoke released from a maneuvering airplane.
  • skywritten — created by the process of skywriting
  • slangingly — in a scolding manner
  • slant-eyed — having eyes with epicanthic folds.
  • slatternly — slovenly and untidy.
  • smashingly — impressive or wonderful: a smashing display.
  • smyrna fig — a variety of the common fig, Ficus carica, that requires caprification in order to produce fruit.
  • snake eyes — a cast of two; two aces.
  • snake lily — a Californian plant, Dichelostemma volubile, of the amaryllis family, having a twining stem and an umbel of rose-red or pink flowers.
  • snappingly — involving a snap
  • snappishly — in a sharp or irritable manner
  • sneakingly — acting in a furtive or underhand way.
  • sneakishly — in a stealthy or underhanded manner
  • sneeringly — to smile, laugh, or contort the face in a manner that shows scorn or contempt: They sneered at his pretensions.
  • sniffingly — with a sniff
  • sniffishly — in a sniffy or disdainful manner
  • snobbishly — of, relating to, or characteristic of a snob: snobbish ideas about rank.
  • snobocracy — a social class of snobs
  • snow buggy — a vehicle designed for travelling over snow, often fitted with very large tyres or caterpillar tracks
  • snow bunny — a devotee of winter sports
  • snubbingly — in a snubbing manner
  • soft money — money contributed to a political candidate or party that is not subject to federal regulations.
  • solenocyte — a type of long, narrow, flagellated cell that functions in excretion of nitrogenous wastes and occurs in a variety of organisms, including certain annelids and mollusks.
  • somniloquy — the act of talking in one's sleep
  • song cycle — a group of art songs that are usually all by the same poet and composer and have a unifying subject or idea.
  • songlessly — in a songless manner
  • sonography — the medical diagnostic imaging technique used to see internal organs, muscles, etc
  • sonorously — giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place: a sonorous cavern.
  • soothingly — that soothes: a soothing voice.
  • sooty tern — a black and white tern, Sterna fuscata, of small tropical islands.
  • sophrosyne — moderation; discretion; prudence.
  • southernly — southerly.
  • spankingly — in a spanking manner
  • speakingly — in an eloquent manner
  • spellingly — one letter at a time
  • spin-dryer — to remove moisture from (laundry) by centrifugal force, as in an automatic washing machine.
  • spinsterly — relating to or resembling a spinster
  • splendidly — gorgeous; magnificent; sumptuous. Synonyms: luxurious, dazzling, imposing. Antonyms: squalid.
  • spodomancy — divination by studying ashes
  • spondylous — relating to a vertebra or vertebrae
  • spongology — the study of sponges
  • sportingly — engaging in, disposed to, or interested in open-air or athletic sports: a rugged, sporting man.
  • spray tank — a closed tank into which air is pumped to force out a liquid, especially for a spray.
  • spun rayon — yarn produced by spinning short, uniform lengths of rayon filaments into a continuous strand.
  • squinteyed — squinting
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