
10-letter words containing y, n

  • minivolley — a version of volleyball played with fewer players per team than the standard number of six
  • minstrelsy — the art or practice of a minstrel.
  • mint jelly — a jelly (or sauce) flavored with mint leaves, served esp. with lamb
  • misanalyze — to separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features of (opposed to synthesize): to analyze an argument.
  • miscellany — a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items.
  • miscreancy — the state or condition of a miscreant; villainy.
  • misogynism — misogyny.
  • misogynist — a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women.
  • misogynoir — the specific hatred, dislike, distrust, and prejudice directed toward black women (often used attributively): misogynoir attitudes and comments; The media’s erasure of the contributions of black women to the project was called out as an instance of misogynoir.
  • misogynous — reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.
  • mispayment — Incorrect payment.
  • missionary — a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work.
  • mistakenly — wrongly conceived, held, or done: a mistaken antagonism.
  • mistrayned — deluded or incorrectly trained
  • mixolydian — of, relating to, or denoting an authentic mode represented by the ascending natural diatonic scale from G to G
  • modern-day — Modern-day is used to refer to the new or modern aspects of a place, an activity, or a society.
  • molinology — The study of mills.
  • mollifying — Present participle of mollify.
  • molybdenum — a silver-white metallic element, used as an alloy with iron in making hard, high-speed cutting tools. Symbol: Mo; atomic weight: 95.94; atomic number: 42; specific gravity: 10.2.
  • mommy porn — sexually explicit or pornographic books, photos, videos, etc., that appeal to women, especially middle-aged women.
  • monadology — the doctrine of monads as ultimate units of being.
  • monaurally — In a monaural fashion.
  • monetarily — of or relating to the coinage or currency of a country.
  • money belt — a belt with a concealed section for holding money.
  • money fund — a money-market fund.
  • money shot — a shot in a pornographic film in which a male performer is seen to ejaculate
  • money tree — a fanciful tree that when shaken sheds coins or paper money.
  • moneymaker — a person engaged in or successful at acquiring much money.
  • moneyworts — Plural form of moneywort.
  • monkey nut — a peanut.
  • monkeylike — Similar to a monkey.
  • monochromy — the skill of painting or sketching using only a single colour
  • monocycles — Plural form of monocycle.
  • monocyclic — having one cycle.
  • monography — A monograph.
  • monogynian — of or relating to the Monogynia, an order of flowering plants that have only one stigma or pistil
  • monogynous — Having only one pistil.
  • monohybrid — the offspring of individuals that differ with respect to a particular gene pair.
  • monohydric — (especially of alcohols and phenols) monohydroxy.
  • monolayers — Plural form of monolayer.
  • monomethyl — (organic chemistry, especially in combination) A single methyl group in a molecule.
  • mononymous — Having a single-word name.
  • monorhymed — rhymed on a single rhyme
  • monospermy — the fertilization of an ovum by only one spermatozoon.
  • monostylar — having or comprising a sole upright or pillar
  • monoxylous — constructed from one whole piece of wood
  • monozygous — developed from a single fertilized ovum, as identical twins.
  • mont-royal — a town in S Quebec, in E Canada: suburb of Montreal.
  • montgomery — a state in the SE United States. 51,609 sq. mi. (133,670 sq. km). Capital: Montgomery. Abbreviation: AL (for use with zip code), Ala.
  • moon buggy — a vehicle used by astronauts for surface exploration on the Moon
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