
17-letter words containing x, i, o, n

  • glass box testing — white box testing
  • gold export point — an exchange rate at which it is as cheap to settle international accounts by exporting gold bullion as by buying bills of exchange
  • hexacosanoic acid — cerotic acid.
  • hexadecanoic acid — palmitic acid.
  • hydrogen peroxide — a colorless, unstable, oily liquid, H 2 O 2 , an aqueous solution of which is used chiefly as an antiseptic and a bleaching agent.
  • hydroxytryptamine — (organic compound) Any hydroxy derivative of tryptamine, but especially 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin).
  • ichthyosarcotoxin — a term applied to any poison found in the flesh of poisonous fishes.
  • inclusion complex — a solid solution in which molecules of one compound occupy places in the crystal lattice of another compound. Compare adduct (def 2).
  • indecent exposure — the intentional exposure of one's body's privates in a manner that gives offense against accepted or prescribed behavior.
  • independent axiom — in a set of axioms, one that cannot be proved by using the others in the set.
  • indirect taxation — duty paid on goods or services
  • internet explorer — (web)   (IE, MSIE) Microsoft's free World-Wide Web browser for Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, and Macintosh. Internet Explorer is the main rival to Netscape Navigator (which runs on many more platforms). Both support the same core features and offer incompatible extensions. Microsoft combined later versions of IE with their file system browser, "Explorer" and bundled it with Windows 95 in an attempt to use their dominance of the desktop operating system market to force users to abandon Netscape's browser, which they perceived as a potential threat. This, and other dubious business moves, became the subject of a US Department of Justice antitrust trial in late 1998/early 1999.
  • invisible exports — services sold to a foreign country or countries
  • isotonic exercise — exercise or a program of exercises to increase muscular strength, power, and endurance based on lifting a constant amount of weight at variable speeds through a range of motion.
  • lambda expression — (mathematics)   A term in the lambda-calculus denoting an unnamed function (a "lambda abstraction"), a variable or a constant. The pure lambda-calculus has only functions and no constants.
  • least fixed point — (mathematics)   A function f may have many fixed points (x such that f x = x). For example, any value is a fixed point of the identity function, (\ x . x). If f is recursive, we can represent it as f = fix F where F is some higher-order function and fix F = F (fix F). The standard denotational semantics of f is then given by the least fixed point of F. This is the least upper bound of the infinite sequence (the ascending Kleene chain) obtained by repeatedly applying F to the totally undefined value, bottom. I.e. fix F = LUB {bottom, F bottom, F (F bottom), ...}. The least fixed point is guaranteed to exist for a continuous function over a cpo.
  • lexical insertion — the process in which actual morphemes of a language are substituted either for semantic material or for place-fillers in the course of a derivation of a sentence
  • local examination — any of various examinations, such as the GCSE, set by university boards and conducted in local centres, schools, etc
  • luminous exitance — the ability of a surface to emit light expressed as the luminous flux per unit area at a specified point on the surface
  • m-expression lisp — (MLISP) The original "meta-language" syntax of Lisp, designed by John McCarthy in 1962. MLISP was intended for external use in place of the parenthesised S-expression syntax.
  • manganese dioxide — a blackish, crystalline or powdery substance, MnO2, that is a strong oxidizing agent, used in making batteries, matches, etc.
  • maxwell equations — equations developed by James Clerk Maxwell (1831–79) upon which classical electromagnetic theory is based
  • mexican stand-off — A Mexican stand-off is a situation in which neither of the people or groups in a conflict or dispute can win and neither wants to give in first.
  • monoamine oxidase — a copper-containing enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of monoamines. Abbreviation: MAO.
  • moon and sixpence — a novel (1919) by W. Somerset Maugham.
  • neo-expressionism — an art movement, chiefly in painting, that developed in Germany, Italy, and the U.S. in the late 1970s, emphasized large heavy forms and thick impasto, and typically dealt with historical narrative in terms of symbolism, allegory, and myth.
  • new expressionism — neo-expressionism.
  • nitrogen fixation — any process of combining atmospheric nitrogen with other elements, either by chemical means or by bacterial action: used chiefly in the preparation of fertilizers, industrial products, etc.
  • nitrogen peroxide — the equilibrium mixture of nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen tetroxide
  • nitroxanthic acid — picric acid.
  • orthogonal matrix — a matrix that is the inverse of its transpose so that any two rows or any two columns are orthogonal vectors
  • punitive taxation — a form of taxation that is very severe and that people find very difficult to pay
  • reflexive pronoun — A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun such as 'myself' which refers back to the subject of a sentence or clause. For example, in the sentence 'He made himself a cup of tea', the reflexive pronoun 'himself' refers back to 'he'.
  • saint croix river — Also called Santa Cruz. a U.S. island in the N Lesser Antilles: the largest of the Virgin Islands. 82 sq. mi. (212 sq. km).
  • sexual generation — the gametophyte generation in the alternation of generations in plants that produces a zygote from male and female gametes.
  • sixth commandment — “Thou shalt not kill”: sixth of the Ten Commandments.
  • sixty-fourth note — a note having one sixty-fourth of the time value of a whole note; hemidemisemiquaver.
  • stay of execution — If you are given a stay of execution, you are legally allowed to delay obeying an order of a court of law.
  • stress relaxation — Stress relaxation is a gradual reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
  • take exception to — object to sth
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
  • tungsten trioxide — a heavy, canary-yellow, water-insoluble powder, WO 3 , used in the manufacture of tungstates.
  • unix to unix copy — (networking, messaging)   (uucp) A Unix utility program and protocol that allows one Unix system to send files to another via a serial line which may be a cable going directly from one machine's serial port to another's or may involve a modem at each end of a telephone line. Software is also available to allow uucp to work over Ethernet though there are better alternatives in this case, e.g. FTP or rcp for file transfer, SMTP for electronic mail or NNTP for news. The term is now also used to describe the large international network which uses UUCP to pass Usenet news and electronic mail, also known as "UUCPNET". See also cu, uuencode.
  • urban exploration — a recreational activity in which people explore derelict urban structures such as abandoned sewers or underground railways or attempt to access areas which are closed to the public such as the roofs of skyscrapers
  • vacuum extraction — applying suction to a baby's head during birth to help it emerge
  • vitamin b complex — an important group of water-soluble vitamins containing vitamin B 1 , vitamin B 2 , etc.
  • without exception — all included
  • writ of execution — a writ ordering that a judgment be enforced
  • x image extension — (XIE) Extensions to the X protocol to handle images.
  • x-ray diffraction — diffraction of x-rays by the regularly spaced atoms of a crystal, useful for determining the arrangement of the atoms.
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