
12-letter words containing v, y, a

  • gravity cell — a cell containing two electrolytes that have different specific gravities.
  • gravity feed — the supplying of fuel, materials, etc., by force of gravity.
  • gravity wave — Astronomy, Physics. gravitational wave.
  • gravity wind — a light wind directed downslope, occurring at night because of the cooling and densification of the air near the ground.
  • halls of ivy — an institution of higher learning; university or college; the academic world.
  • have company — If you have company, you have a visitor or friend with you.
  • have it away — to have sexual intercourse
  • have pity on — to have sympathy or show mercy for
  • heavy bomber — a large plane capable of carrying heavy bomb loads for long distances, especially at high altitudes.
  • heavy hitter — a baseball player who makes many extra-base hits.
  • heavy oxygen — either of the two stable isotopes of oxygen having mass numbers of 17 and 18.
  • heavy-footed — clumsy or ponderous, as in movement or expressiveness: music that is heavy-footed and uninspired.
  • heavy-handed — oppressive; harsh: a heavy-handed master.
  • heavyhearted — Sad.
  • heavyweights — Plural form of heavyweight.
  • hypergravity — The presence of an apparently 'increased' gravitational field in an accelerating or rotating situation.
  • hypervolemia — (medicine) An abnormal increase in the volume of blood circulating through the body.
  • hypovolaemia — Alternative form of hypovolemia.
  • immovability — incapable of being moved; fixed; stationary.
  • imperatively — absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable: It is imperative that we leave.
  • imputatively — In an imputative fashion or manner.
  • in any event — whatever the situation
  • inadvertency — inadvertence.
  • inchoatively — in an inchoative or rudimentary fashion; initially
  • indicatively — showing, signifying, or pointing out; expressive or suggestive (usually followed by of): behavior indicative of mental disorder.
  • individually — one at a time; separately: The delegates were introduced individually.
  • initiatively — an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative in making friends.
  • innovatively — tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different; characterized by innovation.
  • intervarsity — any first-string team, especially in sports, that represents a school, college, university, or the like: He is on the varsity in tennis and in debating.
  • intravitally — during life
  • inveterately — settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like: an inveterate gambler.
  • invulnerably — In an invulnerable manner.
  • irrelatively — In an irrelative manner.
  • irrelevantly — not relevant; not applicable or pertinent: His lectures often stray to interesting but irrelevant subjects.
  • irreprovably — in an irreprovable manner
  • irresolvably — In an irresolvable manner.
  • ivy geranium — a trailing geranium, Pelargonium peltatum, of southern Africa, having a fleshy stem that becomes woody with age, glossy, ivy-shaped leaves, and clusters of flowers ranging from white to deep rose in color.
  • japanese ivy — Boston ivy
  • karlovy vary — a city in W Czech Republic: mineral springs; Carlsbad Decrees (1819).
  • la verendrye — Pierre Gaultier de Varenne [French pyer goh-tyey duh va-ren] /French pyɛr goʊˈtyeɪ də vaˈrɛn/ (Show IPA), Sieur de, 1685–1749, Canadian explorer of North America.
  • lasciviously — inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: a lascivious, girl-chasing old man.
  • levorotatory — turning to the left, as the rotation to the left of the plane of polarization of light in certain crystals and compounds. Symbol: l-.
  • malevolently — wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
  • marvellously — In a marvellous manner.
  • meditatively — given to, characterized by, or indicative of meditation; contemplative.
  • microgravity — a condition, especially in space orbit, where the force of gravity is so weak that weightlessness results.
  • misadvisedly — ill-advisedly
  • movable type — type from which text is printed directly in which each character is on a separate piece of metal.
  • nappy valley — a residential area that is regarded as suitable for families with young children
  • nasal cavity — sinus
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