
Words containing v, l, o, g, i

6 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • loving — feeling or showing love; warmly affectionate; fond: loving glances.
  • ogival — Having the curved, pointed shape of an ogive.

7 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • gloving — Present participle of glove.
  • lovings — Plural form of loving.
  • mogilev — a city in E Byelorussia (Belarus), in the W Soviet Union in Europe, on the Dnieper.
  • ogilvieJohn, 1797–1867, Scottish lexicographer.
  • valgoid — of or relating to valgus

8 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • evolving — Present participle of evolve.
  • gigavolt — One thousand million ( 109 ) volts. Symbol: GV.
  • go-devil — a flexible, jointed apparatus forced through a pipeline to free it from obstructions.
  • kidglove — diplomatic, careful or tactful
  • liveblog — a blog containing entries about an event that are written and posted while the event is taking place.

9 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • absolving — Present participle of absolve.
  • degloving — Present participle of deglove.
  • devolving — Present participle of devolve.
  • envolving — Present participle of envolve.
  • evildoing — An evil or wicked act or behaviour, especially such a crime.

10 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • convolving — Present participle of convolve.
  • convulsing — to shake violently; agitate.
  • covetingly — in a covetous manner
  • developing — If you talk about developing countries or the developing world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are poor and have few industries.
  • dissolving — Present participle of dissolve.

11 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • acid-loving — (of a plant) requiring a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 for optimal growth.
  • approvingly — to speak or think favorably of; pronounce or consider agreeable or good; judge favorably: to approve the policies of the administration.
  • autoclaving — Present participle of autoclave.
  • backsolving — Present participle of backsolve.
  • clavigerous — bearing a key or club

12 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • bougainville — an island in the W Pacific, in Papua New Guinea: the largest of the Solomon Islands: unilaterally declared independence in 1990; occupied by government troops in 1992, and granted autonomy in 2001. Chief town: Kieta. Area: 10 049 sq km (3880 sq miles)
  • carlovingian — Carolingian
  • cogitatively — In a cogitative manner.
  • convalescing — to recover health and strength after illness; make progress toward recovery of health.
  • convincingly — persuading or assuring by argument or evidence: They gave a convincing demonstration of the car's safety features.

13 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • agglomerative — gathered together into a cluster or mass.
  • alkali-loving — (of a plant) requiring a pH of 7.1 to 9 for optimal growth.
  • bougainvillea — Bougainvillea is a climbing plant that has thin, red or purple flowers and grows mainly in hot countries.
  • circumvolving — Present participle of circumvolve.
  • conflagrative — That produces conflagration.

14 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • collectivizing — Present participle of collectivize.
  • conglomerative — of, relating to, or resembling a conglomerate
  • countervailing — A countervailing force, power, or opinion is one which is of equal strength to another one but is its opposite or opposes it.
  • devil's-tongue — a foul-smelling, fleshy plant, Amorphophallus rivieri, of the Old World tropics, having flowers on a spike surrounded by a dark-red spathe.
  • disapprovingly — to think (something) wrong or reprehensible; censure or condemn in opinion.

15 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • celo-navigation — celestial navigation.
  • cytomegalovirus — a virus of the herpes virus family that may cause serious disease in patients whose immune systems are compromised
  • electronegative — Electrically negative.
  • galvanomagnetic — of or relating to the creation of an electromagnetic field within a conductor, as a metal, or a semiconductor through which an electric current is passed.
  • governmentalism — the trend toward expansion of the government's role, range of activities, or power.

16 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • autoregressively — In an autoregressive manner.
  • governmentalized — Simple past tense and past participle of governmentalize.
  • lacto-vegetarian — a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy produce and eggs
  • lactovegetarians — Plural form of lactovegetarian.
  • over-controlling — to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command: The car is difficult to control at high speeds. That zone is controlled by enemy troops.

17 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • congo-brazzaville — a republic in W Central Africa: formerly the French colony of Middle Congo, part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in 1960; consists mostly of equatorial forest, with savanna and extensive swamps; drained chiefly by the Rivers Congo and Ubangi. Official language: French. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: franc. Capital: Brazzaville. Pop: 4 492 689 (2013 est). Area: 342 000 sq km (132 018 sq miles)
  • cytomegaloviruses — Plural form of cytomegalovirus.
  • disadvantageously — In a disadvantageous manner.
  • electronegativity — The tendency, or a measure of the ability, of an atom or molecule to attract electrons and thus form bonds.
  • intergovernmental — involving two or more governments or levels of government.

18 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

19 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • electronegativities — Plural form of electronegativity.
  • government-in-exile — a government temporarily moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to establish that government in their native country after its liberation.
  • tangential-velocity — the component of the linear motion of a star with respect to the sun, measured along a line perpendicular to its line of sight and expressed in miles or kilometers per second.

20 letter words containing v, l, o, g, i

  • belgorod-dnestrovski — a port in SW Ukraine, on the Dniester estuary: belonged to Romania from 1918 until 1940; under Soviet rule (1944–91). Pop: 48 100 (2004 est)
  • gill-over-the-ground — ground ivy.
  • lacto-ovo-vegetarian — Also called lactovarian [lak-tuh-vair-ee-uh n] /ˌlæk təˈvɛər i ən/ (Show IPA), ovolactarian, ovo-lacto-vegetarian. a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products and eggs.
  • ovo-lacto-vegetarian — lacto-ovo-vegetarian.
  • philoprogenitiveness — producing offspring, especially abundantly; prolific.

On this page, we collect all words with V, L, O, G, I. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 1070 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains V, L, O, G, I that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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