
Words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

7 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • motivic — of or relating to a motif.
  • vicomte — a French viscount.

9 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • combative — A person who is combative is aggressive and eager to fight or argue.
  • commotive — violent or tumultuous motion; agitation; noisy disturbance: What's all the commotion in the hallway?
  • commutive — (linguistics) That which serves to commute.
  • mestrovic — Ivan [ahy-vuh n Serbo-Croatian. ee-vahn] /ˈaɪ vən Serbo-Croatian. ˈi vɑn/ (Show IPA), 1883–1962, Yugoslav sculptor, in the U.S. after 1946.
  • microvolt — a unit of electromotive force or potential difference equal to one millionth of a volt. Symbol: μV, μ v.

10 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • combustive — the act or process of burning.
  • comitative — (of a case) expressing accompaniment
  • completive — having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings.
  • convictism — the system of establishing a settlement, esp in Australia, and then transporting convicts to this settlement for confinement
  • locomotive — a self-propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars.

11 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • cognitivism — the meta-ethical thesis that moral judgments state facts and so are either true or false
  • combatively — In a combative way.
  • combativity — Synonym of combativeness.
  • combinative — resulting from being, tending to be, or able to be joined or mixed together
  • comminative — comminatory

12 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • avitaminotic — of or relating to avitaminosis
  • cervicectomy — (medicine) Surgical removal of the cervix.
  • circumventor — to go around or bypass: to circumvent the lake; to circumvent the real issues.
  • circumvolute — To roll, curl or twist around.
  • collectivism — Collectivism is the political belief that a country's industries and services should be owned and controlled by the state or by all the people in a country. Socialism and communism are both forms of collectivism.

13 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • accommodative — tending to accommodate; adaptive.
  • circumvention — to go around or bypass: to circumvent the lake; to circumvent the real issues.
  • combativeness — The state of being combative.
  • commemorative — A commemorative object or event is intended to make people remember a particular event or person.
  • commiserative — to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity.

14 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • chemoreceptive — responsive to chemical stimuli
  • circumvolution — the act of turning, winding, or folding around a central axis
  • cisnormativity — (LGBT, neologism) The assumption that all human beings are cisgender, i.e. have a gender identity which matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • conglomerative — of, relating to, or resembling a conglomerate
  • conservativism — Alternative form of conservatism.

15 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • anticommutative — (of a binary operation) having the property that one term operating on a second is equal to the negative of the second operating on the first, as ab = −ba.
  • anticompetitive — (in business) discouraging competition
  • chemoprevention — the prevention of disease, esp cancer, by means of chemical agents
  • circumnavigator — A person who circumnavigates; that is, sails around the world.
  • circumvallation — surrounded by or as if by a rampart.

16 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

17 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • accommodativeness — The state or quality of being accommodative.
  • anti-conservatism — the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.
  • anticompetitively — In an anticompetitive manner.
  • communicativeness — inclined to communicate or impart; talkative: He isn't feeling very communicative today.
  • composite-volcano — a large, steep volcano built up of alternating layers of lava and ash or cinders.

18 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

19 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

20 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

21 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • atmospheric-inversion — an act or instance of inverting.
  • cooperative-apartment — working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • model-view-controller — (programming)   (MVC) A way of partitioning the design of interactive software; a software architecture pattern. The "model" is the internal workings of the program (the data objects and algorithms), the "view" is how the user sees the state of the model and the "controller" is how the user changes the state or provides input. MVC was the original kind of what is now sometimes called an MV* pattern. Trygve Reenskaug introduced it into Smalltalk-76 while visiting Xerox PARC in the 1970s.

25 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

26 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

  • compassionate-conservatism — a political conservative who is motivated by concern for the needy but supports policies based on personal responsibility and limited government: George W. Bush ran for president as a compassionate conservative.

45 letter words containing v, i, c, t, m, o

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