
13-letter words containing v, b

  • heaven forbid — You say 'Heaven forbid!' to emphasize that you very much hope that something will not happen.
  • heavenly body — celestial object: star, planet, etc.
  • heavily built — with a big heavy body
  • heavy-bearded — having a thick or dark beard.
  • hybrid vigour — the increased size, strength, etc, of a hybrid as compared to either of its parents
  • immovableness — The quality of being immovable.
  • imperceivable — That cannot be perceived; imperceptible.
  • improvability — to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition: He took vitamins to improve his health.
  • in sb's favor — If someone makes a judgment in your favor, they say that you are right about something.
  • in-observance — lack of attention; inattention; heedlessness: drowsy inobservance.
  • inconceivable — not conceivable; unimaginable; unthinkable.
  • inconceivably — not conceivable; unimaginable; unthinkable.
  • inconversable — (obsolete) uncommunicative; reserved.
  • inconvertible — (of paper money) not capable of being converted into specie.
  • inconvertibly — In an inconvertible manner.
  • inconvincible — not convincible; incapable of being convinced.
  • indissolvable — Not dissolvable; incapable of being dissolved or separated.
  • inevitability — unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion.
  • inobservation — lack of observation
  • inobtrusively — in an unobtrusive manner
  • interobserver — someone or something that observes.
  • introversible — able to be introverted
  • invariability — not variable; not changing or capable of being changed; static or constant.
  • invendibility — the state or quality of being invendible or unsaleable
  • inventoriable — a complete listing of merchandise or stock on hand, work in progress, raw materials, finished goods on hand, etc., made each year by a business concern.
  • invertebrates — Zoology. not vertebrate; without a backbone. of or relating to creatures without a backbone.
  • inverted snob — a person who scorns the conventions or attitudes of his own class or social group by attempting to identify with people of a supposedly lower class
  • invertibility — to turn upside down.
  • invincibility — incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.
  • inviolability — prohibiting violation; secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration: an inviolable sanctuary; an inviolable promise.
  • invisible ink — sympathetic ink.
  • invisible man — a novel (1897) by H.G. Wells.
  • invisibleness — The state of being invisible; invisibility.
  • irrecoverable — incapable of being recovered or regained: an irrecoverable debt.
  • irrecoverably — incapable of being recovered or regained: an irrecoverable debt.
  • irrepleviable — not replevisable; not capable of being replevied.
  • irretrievable — not capable of being retrieved; irrecoverable; irreparable.
  • irretrievably — not capable of being retrieved; irrecoverable; irreparable.
  • irving berlinIrving, 1888–1989, U.S. songwriter.
  • job interview — a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment
  • labor of love — work done for the sake of one's own enjoyment or of benefit to others rather than for material rewards: He coached amateur baseball teams as a labor of love.
  • labour-saving — A labour-saving device or idea makes it possible for you to do something with less effort than usual.
  • lavatory bowl — the part inside a lavatory containing water and fitted with a water-flushing device and connected to a drain
  • lavender-blue — coloured between blue and pale or light bluish-purple to a very pale violet colour
  • leave sb cold — If something leaves you cold, it fails to excite or interest you.
  • lemon verbena — a plant, Aloysia triphylla, having long, slender leaves with a lemonlike fragrance.
  • level5 object — From Information Builders.
  • lever tumbler — a flat metal tumbler in a lock.
  • livery stable — a stable where horses and vehicles are cared for or rented out for pay.
  • madame bovary — a novel (1857) by Gustave Flaubert.
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