
14-letter words containing v, a, s, c

  • shield volcano — a broad volcano built up from the repeated nonexplosive eruption of basalt to form a low dome or shield, usually having a large caldera at the summit
  • silicon valley — the area in northern California, southwest of San Francisco in the Santa Clara valley region, where many of the high-technology design and manufacturing companies in the semiconductor industry are concentrated.
  • slave bracelet — a braceletlike, ornamental circlet or chain worn around the ankle.
  • slave cylinder — a small cylinder containing a piston that operates the brake shoes or pads in hydraulic brakes or the working part in any other hydraulically operated system
  • slit fricative — a fricative, as (f) or (th), in which the tongue is relatively flat, with air channeled over it through a shallow slit.
  • social evening — a social gathering for the purpose of promoting companionship, communal activities, etc
  • social service — organized welfare efforts carried on under professional auspices by trained personnel.
  • solar activity — the sum of all variable and short-lived disturbances on the sun, as sunspots, prominences, and solar flares.
  • solvay process — a process for manufacturing sodium carbonate whereby a concentrated solution of sodium chloride is saturated with ammonia, carbon dioxide is passed through it, and the product is calcined.
  • sound archives — official records or files (as in a library) of sound recordings, broadcasts, or performances, esp those from radio programmes
  • sovietological — of or relating to Sovietology
  • space invaders — a video or computer game, the object of which is to destroy attacking alien spacecraft
  • speaking voice — a person's normal voice in which they speak
  • state services — services appointed to commemorate days of national celebration or deliverance such as the accession of a sovereign
  • storage device — a device used to store digital data or information, as a hard disk or CD.
  • surface-active — (of a substance, esp a detergent) capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid, usually water
  • survival curve — a line or curve plotted on a graph indicating survival rates of a specific population, as breast-cancer patients, over a period of time.
  • transactivator — to activate the replication of (a viral gene) through the presence of a gene at another locus, especially following a viral infection.
  • ultraexclusive — extremely exclusive
  • unchauvinistic — not chauvinistic
  • unchivalrously — in an unchivalrous manner
  • unconservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • undiscoverable — unable to be discovered or found out
  • undiscoverably — in an undiscoverable manner
  • universal city — a city in S central Texas.
  • v-shaped curve — a curve on a graph that shows a sharp fall followed by a correspondingly sharp rise
  • vacuum casting — the casting of metal within a vacuum.
  • vacuum residue — Vacuum residue is the substance which is obtained by vacuum distillation (= a process of separating substances by reducing pressure to less than atmospheric pressure).
  • valcour island — an island in NE New York, in Lake Champlain: battle 1776.
  • valerianaceous — belonging to the plant family Valerianaceae.
  • van conversion — van2 (def 4).
  • variable costs — Variable costs are costs that vary depending on how much of a product is made.
  • varicose veins — swollen blood vessels
  • vascular plant — a plant having a vascular system.
  • velasco ibarra — José María [haw-se mah-ree-ah] /hɔˈsɛ mɑˈri ɑ/ (Show IPA), 1893–1979, Ecuadorean political leader: president 1934–35, 1944–47, 1952–56, 1960–61, 1968–72.
  • venetian sumac — smoke tree (def 2).
  • vernix caseosa — the fatty matter, consisting chiefly of dead epidermal cells and sebaceous secretions, covering the skin of a fetus and newborn.
  • verticillaster — an inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged in a seeming whorl, consisting in fact of a pair of opposite axillary, usually sessile, cymes, as in many mints.
  • vesa local bus — (hardware, standard)   (VL, VLB) A local bus defined by the Video Electronics Standards Association, mostly used in personal computers based on the Intel 486. See also PCI.
  • victoria cross — a British decoration awarded to soldiers and sailors for acts of conspicuous bravery in the presence of the enemy. Abbreviation: V.C.
  • victoria falls — a major waterfall on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, on the Zambezi River. Height: about 108 m (355 ft). Width: about 1400 m (4500 ft)
  • video cassette — a cassette enclosing a length of tape for video recording or reproduction.
  • villa cisneros — former name of Dakhla (def 2).
  • village school — a school in a village
  • villein socage — land held by a tenant who rendered to a lord specified duties of a servile nature.
  • virginia stock — a plant, Malcolmia maritima, of the mustard family, native to the Mediterranean region, having oblong leaves on a weak, often reclining stem and reddish or white flowers.
  • visceral cleft — branchial cleft.
  • vitalistically — from a vitalistic point of view
  • volcanic glass — a natural glass produced when molten lava cools very rapidly; obsidian.
  • volcaniclastic — pyroclastic.
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