
10-letter words containing v, a, r, i

  • naviculars — Plural form of navicular.
  • navigators — Plural form of navigator.
  • nelfinavir — (pharmaceutical drug) An anti-retroviral drug of the protease inhibitor class that is used in to treat HIV infected patients.
  • nevirapine — A non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used to treat HIV and AIDS.
  • nonarrival — Failure to arrive.
  • nontrivial — not trivial.
  • nonvariant — Not variant.
  • nonvarying — Not varying.
  • numerative — an act or instance of or the process or result of numbering or counting.
  • olive drab — a deep olive color.
  • operatives — Plural form of operative.
  • ordinative — Tending to ordain; directing; giving orders.
  • ordovician — noting or pertaining to a geologic period of the Paleozoic Era, from 500 million to 425 million years ago, notable for the advent of fish.
  • outbraving — Present participle of outbrave.
  • outrivaled — Simple past tense and past participle of outrival.
  • ouvirandra — former name for the lattice-leaf plant Aponogeton madagascariensis, an aquatic plant from Madagascar, with leaves like a lattice spreading under the surface of the water
  • ovariotomy — incision into or removal of an ovary.
  • over again — above in place or position: the roof over one's head.
  • overacting — Present participle of overact.
  • overaction — Excessive action (as of a muscle of the body).
  • overactive — exceptionally or excessively active; too active.
  • overeating — Gluttony, the act of eating to excess (either to discomfort or more than required for proper health).
  • overfacile — excessively facile
  • overlavish — expended, bestowed, or occurring in profusion: lavish spending.
  • overlaying — to lay or place (one thing) over or upon another.
  • overpraise — to praise excessively or unduly.
  • overstrain — to exert, tax, or use (resources) to an excessive extent
  • overtaking — passing the vehicle in front
  • palavering — a conference or discussion.
  • panivorous — subsisting on bread; bread-eating.
  • papaverine — a white, crystalline, nonnarcotic, alkaloidal powder, C 2 0 H 2 1 NO 4 , obtained from opium, but not a morphine derivative and not habit-forming or addicting, used in the treatment of spasms of involuntary muscle, especially of the stomach, bronchi, and arteries.
  • parvovirus — Veterinary Pathology. a highly contagious, often fatal viral disease of dogs, characterized by vomiting, severe diarrhea, and depression and accompanied by high fever and loss of appetite.
  • pejorative — having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force: the pejorative affix -ling in princeling.
  • permeative — to pass into or through every part of: Bright sunshine permeated the room.
  • persuasive — able, fitted, or intended to persuade: a very persuasive argument.
  • prattville — a town in central Alabama.
  • pre-advice — an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.
  • pre-advise — to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following: I advise you to be cautious.
  • prevail on — to persuade; induce
  • prevailing — predominant: prevailing winds.
  • prevocalic — immediately preceding a vowel.
  • primaveral — of, in, or pertaining to the early springtime: primaveral longings to sail around the world.
  • primevally — of or relating to the first age or ages, especially of the world: primeval forms of life.
  • prison van — vehicle to transfer prisoners
  • privatized — (of the production of goods or services) transferred from the public sector of an economy into private ownership and operation
  • privatizer — a person who promotes or facilitates privatization (of publicly owned businesses or services)
  • privy coat — a mail shirt worn under ordinary clothing as a defense against swords or daggers.
  • privy seal — (in Great Britain) the seal affixed to grants, documents, etc., that are to pass the great seal, and to documents of less importance that do not require the great seal.
  • pro-active — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • proverbial — of, relating to, or characteristic of a proverb: proverbial brevity.
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