
10-letter words containing v, a, l, e, n

  • revisional — the act or work of revising.
  • sexavalent — hexavalent.
  • sexivalent — hexavalent.
  • skin alive — the external covering or integument of an animal body, especially when soft and flexible.
  • sleevehand — a sleeve's cuff or wristband
  • splenative — relating to the spleen or spleenful
  • starveling — a person, animal, or plant that is starving.
  • suaveolent — fragrant or sweet-smelling
  • sun valley — a village in S central Idaho: winter resort.
  • telenovela — (in Latin America and Hispanic communities) a television soap opera, usually having a limited number of episodes.
  • the levant — a former name for the area of the E Mediterranean now occupied by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel
  • tonalitive — of or relating to tonality
  • transvalue — to reestimate the value of, especially on a basis differing from accepted standards; reappraise; reevaluate.
  • travelling — to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey: to travel for pleasure.
  • un-availed — to be of use or value to; profit; advantage: All our efforts availed us little in trying to effect a change.
  • unabsolved — to free from guilt or blame or their consequences: The court absolved her of guilt in his death.
  • unavowable — to declare frankly or openly; own; acknowledge; confess; admit: He avowed himself an opponent of all alliances.
  • unavowedly — in an unavowed or concealed manner
  • undervalue — to value below the real worth; put too low a value on.
  • undrivable — to send, expel, or otherwise cause to move by force or compulsion: to drive away the flies; to drive back an attacking army; to drive a person to desperation.
  • unenslaved — not enslaved; not made a slave
  • unenviable — worthy of envy; very desirable: an enviable position.
  • unenviably — in an unenviable manner
  • univalence — the quality of being univalent.
  • unleavened — (of bread, cake, cookies, etc.) containing no leaven or leavening agent.
  • unliveable — livable.
  • unplausive — not applauding; disapproving
  • unprovable — to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one's claim.
  • unraveling — to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, a rope, etc.).
  • unravelled — to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, a rope, etc.).
  • unrelative — a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage.
  • unrelevant — bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent: a relevant remark.
  • unrevealed — to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret.
  • unrivalled — having no rival or competitor; having no equal; incomparable; supreme: His work is unrivaled for the beauty of its prose.
  • unsalvaged — the act of saving a ship or its cargo from perils of the seas.
  • unsaveable — to rescue from danger or possible harm, injury, or loss: to save someone from drowning.
  • unsolvable — capable of being solved, as a problem.
  • untraveled — not having traveled, especially to distant places; not having gained experience by travel.
  • unvaluable — having considerable monetary worth; costing or bringing a high price: a valuable painting; a valuable crop.
  • unvariable — invariable; unchangeable or unchanging
  • unviewable — capable of being viewed; visible.
  • unviolated — not violated or desecrated
  • valentinus — Valentine (def 2).
  • value fund — a mutual fund that invests primarily in stocks that are undervalued and whose share price is likely to rise.
  • van leyden — Lucas van Leyden.
  • vanderbiltCornelius, 1794–1877, U.S. financier.
  • vanua levu — an island in the S Pacific, one of the Fiji Islands. 2137 sq. mi. (5535 sq. km).
  • velitation — a minor dispute or contest.
  • velvet ant — any of several fuzzy, often brightly colored wasps of the family Mutillidae, the wingless, antlike female of which inflicts a severe sting.
  • venatorial — of or relating to hunting
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