
15-letter words containing u, r, g, i, n, l

  • estuary english — a variety of standard British English in which the pronunciation reflects various features characteristic of London and the Southeast of England
  • extralinguistic — Outside the realm of linguistics.
  • family grouping — a system, used usually in the infant school, of grouping children of various ages together, esp for project work
  • flapping router — (networking)   A router that transmits routing updates alternately advertising a destination network first via one route, then via a different route. Flapping routers are identified on more advanced protocol analysers such as the Network General (TM) Sniffer.
  • fleming's rules — two rules used as mnemonics for the relationship between the directions of current flow, motion, and magnetic field in electromagnetic induction. The hand is held with the thumb, first, and second fingers at right angles, respectively indicating the directions of motion, field, and electric current. The left hand is used for electric motors and the right hand for dynamos
  • flowering shrub — any shrub that produces flowers
  • fluorine dating — a method of determining the relative age of fossil bones found in the same excavation by comparing their fluorine content.
  • flying buttress — a segmental arch transmitting an outward and downward thrust to a solid buttress that through its inertia transforms the thrust into a vertical one.
  • flying squirrel — any of various nocturnal tree squirrels, as Glaucomys volans, of the eastern U.S., having folds of skin connecting the fore and hind legs, permitting long, gliding leaps.
  • franklin's gull — a black-headed North American gull, Larus pipixcan, feeding chiefly on insects.
  • gender equality — the state of having the same rights, status, and opportunities as others, regardless of one's gender.
  • general studies — a school subject that includes a variety of skills and topics (such as comprehension, and current affairs, which may complement the study of A-levels in specific subjects)
  • gerald mulliganGerald Joseph ("Gerry"; "Jeru") 1927–96, U.S. jazz saxophonist, bandleader, and composer.
  • geranium family — the plant family Geraniaceae, typified by herbaceous plants or small shrubs having lobed leaves, showy flowers, and slender, beak-shaped fruit, and including the crane's-bills, stork's-bills, and cultivated geraniums of the genus Pelargonium.
  • giant sunflower — a composite plant, Helianthus giganteus, of eastern North America, growing nearly 12 feet (4 meters) high and having very large yellow flower heads.
  • glucuronic acid — Biochemistry. an acid, C 6 H 10 O 7 , formed by the oxidation of glucose, found combined with other products of metabolism in the blood and urine.
  • glycuronic acid — glucuronic acid.
  • gram equivalent — the combining power, especially in grams (gram equivalent) of an element or compound, equivalent to hydrogen as a standard of 1.00797 or oxygen as a standard of 8; the atomic weight divided by the valence.
  • gram's solution — (sometimes lowercase) a solution of iodine, potassium iodide, and water, used in staining bacteria.
  • grandiloquently — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • granulitization — the process whereby metamorphism acts on a rock and reduces it to crystalline grains
  • graph colouring — (application)   A constraint-satisfaction problem often used as a test case in research, which also turns out to be equivalent to certain real-world problems (e.g. register allocation). Given a connected graph and a fixed number of colours, the problem is to assign a colour to each node, subject to the constraint that any two connected nodes cannot be assigned the same colour. This is an example of an NP-complete problem. See also four colour map theorem.
  • griqualand east — a former district in S South Africa, SW of Natal.
  • griqualand west — a former district in S South Africa, N of the Orange River and W of the Orange Free State: diamonds found 1867.
  • ground squirrel — any of several terrestrial rodents of the squirrel family, as of the genus Citellus and chipmunks of the genus Tamias. circ;circ;
  • guardian angels — an angel believed to protect a particular person, as from danger or error.
  • gulf of corinth — an inlet of the Ionian Sea between the Peloponnese and central Greece
  • gutenberg bible — an edition of the Vulgate printed at Mainz before 1456, ascribed to Gutenberg and others: probably the first large book printed with movable type.
  • haemoglobinuria — the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • haemoglobinuric — relating to the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • high resolution — a great amount of detail visible in a photographic, TV, or video image
  • high-resolution — having or capable of producing an image characterized by fine detail: high-resolution photography; high-resolution lens.
  • hindenburg line — a line of elaborate fortifications established by the German army in World War I, near the French-Belgian border, from Lille SE to Metz.
  • holding furnace — a small furnace for holding molten metal produced in a larger melting furnace at a desired temperature for casting.
  • hung parliament — a parliament that does not have a party with a working majority
  • hunting leopard — the cheetah.
  • in the long run — to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
  • industrialising — Present participle of industrialise.
  • industrializing — Present participle of industrialize.
  • inguinal hernia — a common type of hernia in which a loop of the intestine protrudes directly through a weak area of the abdominal wall in the groin region.
  • ingush republic — a constituent republic of S Russia: part of the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Republic from 1936 until 1992. Capital: Magas (formerly at Nazran). Pop: 468 900 (2002). Area: 3600 sq km (1390 sq miles)
  • insuring clause — the clause in an insurance policy setting forth the kind and degree of coverage granted by the insurer.
  • irreligiousness — The state or quality of being irreligious; ungodliness.
  • journal bearing — a plain cylindrical bearing to support a shaft or axle
  • leptosporangium — (botany) A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.
  • licensing hours — hours during which alcoholic drinks may be sold legally
  • linear argument — (theory)   A function argument which is used exactly once by the function. If the argument is used at most once then it is safe to inline the function and replace the single occurrence of the formal parameter with the actual argument expression. If the argument was used more than once this transformation would duplicate the argument expression, causing it to be evaluated more than once. If the argument is sure to be used at least once then it is safe to evaluate it in advance (see strictness analysis) whereas if the argument was not used then this would waste work and might prevent the program from terminating.
  • linguistic area — a geographical area in which several languages sharing common features are spoken.
  • linguistic form — any meaningful unit of speech, as a sentence, phrase, word, morpheme, or suffix.
  • liquid nitrogen — nitrogen in a liquid state
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