
12-letter words containing u, n, s

  • prostituting — a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
  • prostitution — the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money.
  • pseudo-event — an event that is staged primarily so that it can be reported in the media.
  • pseudoanemia — Pathology. a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells and causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.
  • pseudonymity — pseudonymous character.
  • pseudonymous — bearing a false or fictitious name.
  • pseudorandom — noting or pertaining to random numbers generated by a definite computational process to satisfy a statistical test.
  • pterosaurian — a pterosaur
  • puddingstone — any conglomerate rock having dark-colored, rounded pebbles that are embedded in a light-colored, fine-grained matrix
  • pugnaciously — inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • pull a stunt — If someone pulls a stunt, they do something silly or risky.
  • pull strings — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • pumice stone — abrasive stone used for exfoliating
  • pumice-stone — Also called pumice stone. a porous or spongy form of volcanic glass, used as an abrasive.
  • punta arenas — a seaport in S Chile, on the Strait of Magellan: the southernmost city in Chile. Formerly Magallanes.
  • punxsutawney — a town in central Pennsylvania: Groundhog Day celebration.
  • purblindness — the state of being purblind
  • push polling — the use of loaded questions in a supposedly objective telephone opinion poll during a political campaign in order to bias voters against an opposing candidate
  • pussyfooting — behaving in an excessively cautious way
  • put flesh on — If you put flesh on something, you add details and more information to it.
  • put years on — to make (someone) feel or look much older
  • puy de sancy — a mountain in S central France: highest peak of the Monts Dore. Height: 1886 m (6188 ft)
  • pyroligneous — produced by the distillation of wood.
  • quackishness — The state or condition of being quackish.
  • quacksalving — resembling or characteristic of a quacksalver
  • quadrillions — Plural form of quadrillion.
  • quadrisonics — quadraphony.
  • quadrumanous — four-handed; having all four feet adapted for use as hands, as monkeys.
  • qualmishness — The quality of being qualmish.
  • quantisation — Alternative spelling of quantization.
  • quasi-normal — conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
  • quasineutral — not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.
  • quaternities — Plural form of quaternity.
  • queen closer — a brick of normal length and thickness but of half normal width, used to complete a course or to space regular bricks.
  • queen's ware — a hard, cream-colored earthenware, perfected c1765 by Wedgwood.
  • queenslander — a native or inhabitant of Queensland
  • quenchlessly — without quenching
  • querimonious — Complaining; querulous. (from 17th c.).
  • question tag — interrogative ending to a sentence
  • questionable — of doubtful propriety, honesty, morality, respectability, etc.: questionable activities; in questionable taste.
  • questionably — of doubtful propriety, honesty, morality, respectability, etc.: questionable activities; in questionable taste.
  • questionings — Plural form of questioning.
  • questionless — unquestionable; doubtless: a questionless fact.
  • quinceaneras — Plural form of quinceanera.
  • quindecagons — Plural form of quindecagon.
  • quinqueremes — Plural form of quinquereme.
  • quintessence — the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.
  • quintillions — Plural form of quintillion.
  • quotableness — the condition or quality of being quotable
  • rag business — the garment, clothing, or fashion industry.
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