
14-letter words containing u, n, s, c, e

  • reconstruction — an act of reconstructing.
  • reconstructive — tending to reconstruct.
  • rediscountable — able to be rediscounted
  • reducing glass — a lens or mirror that produces a virtual image of an object smaller than the object itself.
  • rejuvenescence — becoming young again.
  • rescue mission — mission (def 16).
  • respectfulness — full of, characterized by, or showing politeness or deference: a respectful reply.
  • restaurant car — dining car.
  • resubscription — a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc.
  • ribonucleoside — a ribonucleotide precursor that contains ribose and a purine or pyrimidine base.
  • ridiculousness — causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable: a ridiculous plan.
  • rossel current — a seasonal Pacific Ocean current, a branch of the South Equatorial Current, flowing W and NW past New Guinea.
  • run its course — (of something) to complete its development or action
  • runcible spoon — a forklike utensil with two broad prongs and one sharp, curved prong, as used for serving hors d'oeuvres.
  • sacrifice bunt — a bunt made by the batter so that a base runner is advanced while the batter is put out
  • safety curtain — a sheet of asbestos or other fireproof material that can be lowered just inside the proscenium arch in case of fire, sealing off the backstage area from the auditorium.
  • sanctus turret — a bell cote holding a Sanctus bell.
  • sansculotterie — the characteristics of sansculottes
  • sansculottides — the festivities held during the five complementary days in the French Republican Calendar
  • scandium oxide — a white infusible powder, Sc 2 O 3 , soluble in acids.
  • scarlet runner — a twining, South American bean plant, Phaseolus coccineus, having clusters of scarlet flowers.
  • scavenger hunt — a game in which individuals or teams are sent out to accumulate, without purchasing, a series of common, outlandish, or humorous objects, the winner being the person or team returning first with all the items.
  • scheduling api — Scheduling Application Programming Interface
  • schumann-heinkErnestine, 1861–1936, U.S. contralto, born in Bohemia.
  • science museum — a museum in London, originating from 1852 and given its present name and site in 1899: contains collections relating to the history of science, technology, and industry
  • scoresby sound — a heavily indented arm of the Norwegian Sea in E Greenland.
  • scotch furnace — ore hearth.
  • scout movement — the group of people who set up the Scout Association and those who currently are involved with it, considered with their organized action
  • screen capture — Also called screen capture. a copy or image of what is seen on a computer screen at a given time: Save the screenshot as a graphics file.
  • seaman recruit — a noncommissioned enlisted person of the lowest rank. Abbreviation: SR.
  • second thought — Often, second thoughts. reservation about a previous action, position, decision, judgment, or the like: He had second thoughts about his decision.
  • secularization — to make secular; separate from religious or spiritual connection or influences; make worldly or unspiritual; imbue with secularism.
  • secure tenancy — the letting of a dwelling by a nonprivate landlord, usually a local council or housing association, under an agreement that allows security of tenure, subletting, improvements made to the property by the tenant without consequent rent increase, and the right to buy the dwelling at a discount after three years' occupancy
  • securitization — the use of such securities as eurobonds to enable investors to lend directly to borrowers with a minimum of risk but without using banks as intermediaries
  • selection rule — any of several rules designating allowed transitions between quantum states in terms of the quantum numbers associated with the states.
  • selenious acid — a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous powder, H 2 SeO 3 , used chiefly as a reagent.
  • self-actuating — to incite or move to action; impel; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
  • self-assurance — self-confidence.
  • self-communion — (often initial capital letter). Also called Holy Communion. Ecclesiastical. the act of receiving the Eucharistic elements. the elements of the Eucharist. the celebration of the Eucharist. the antiphon sung at a Eucharistic service.
  • self-conscious — excessively aware of being observed by others.
  • self-exclusion — an act or instance of excluding.
  • self-executing — going into effect immediately without the need of supplementary legislation: a self-executing treaty.
  • self-inclusive — including oneself or itself.
  • self-induction — the process by which an electromotive force is induced in a circuit by a varying current in that circuit.
  • self-insurance — insurance of one's property or interests against possible loss by the establishing of a special fund for the purpose instead of seeking coverage with an underwriter.
  • semi-nocturnal — active at night (opposed to diurnal): nocturnal animals.
  • semiconducting — of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a semiconductor.
  • sequaciousness — the condition or quality of being sequacious
  • serum sickness — a generalized allergic reaction to a foreign serum or drug, characterized by fever, skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and painful joints.
  • servant church — the attitude or practices of a church whose avowed purpose is to serve the world.
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