
Words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

7 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • prefund — a supply of money or pecuniary resources, as for some purpose: a fund for his education; a retirement fund.

8 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • superfan — a very or extremely devoted fan

9 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • cupferron — a salt ammonium compound (N-nitrosophenylhydroxylamine) used as a reagent in metal ion complexation
  • fourpence — a sum of money of the value of four English pennies.
  • fourpenny — Carpentry. noting a nail 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long. noting certain fine nails 1.375 inches (3.5 cm) long. Symbol: 4d.
  • ibuprofen — a white powder, C 13 H 18 O 2 , used especially in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic.
  • newsfroup — (messaging, humour)   A silly synonym for Usenet newsgroup, originally a typo but now in regular use on Usenet's news:talk.bizarre and other lunatic-fringe groups. Compare hing, grilf, and filk.

10 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • frumpiness — The characteristic of being frumpy.
  • prefulgent — more radiant than others
  • prefuneral — the ceremonies for a dead person prior to burial or cremation; obsequies.
  • profluence — abundance
  • profounder — penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.

11 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • foundership — The condition of having founded something.
  • infopreneur — a person whose business is gathering, processing, and providing information to advertising, marketing, and other firms.
  • perfunctory — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • pfeffernuss — a small, usually ball-shaped cookie flavored with cinnamon, allspice, anise, etc. and with black pepper, made esp. during the Christmas season
  • pound-force — a foot-pound-second unit of force, equal to the force that produces an acceleration equal to the acceleration of gravity when acting on a mass of one pound. Abbreviation: lbf.

12 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • counterproof — a reverse impression of a newly printed proof of an engraving made by laying it while wet upon plain paper and passing it through the press
  • herpetofauna — the reptiles and amphibians that inhabit a given area
  • kupfernickel — (archaic) cupronickel.
  • perfusionist — a medical technician or nurse who monitors and operates equipment that oxygenates the blood, as during open-heart surgery
  • powerfulness — having or exerting great power or force.

13 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • counterproofs — Plural form of counterproof.
  • flunitrazepam — a powerful benzodiazepine sedative, C 16 H 12 FN 3 O 3 , that causes semiconsciousness and memory blackouts: has been implicated in date rapes and is illegal in the U.S.
  • hyperfunction — abnormally increased function, especially of glands or other organs.
  • hypoperfusion — (medicine) Decreased perfusion of blood through an organ.
  • outperforming — Present participle of outperform.

14 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • infopreneurial — of or relating to the manufacture or sales of electronic office or factory equipment designed to distribute information
  • outperformance — The act or state of outperforming.
  • parturifacient — inducing or accelerating labor, or childbirth; oxytocic.
  • penny-dreadful — a cheap, sensational novel of adventure, crime, or violence; dime novel.
  • perfidiousness — deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.

15 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • dessertspoonful — You can refer to an amount of food resting on a dessertspoon as a dessertspoonful of food.
  • fissiparousness — The quality of being fissiparous.
  • fourteen-points — a statement of the war aims of the Allies, made by President Wilson on January 8, 1918.
  • hyperfunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • perfluorocarbon — a fluorocarbon consisting only of fluorine and carbon atoms

16 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • puddling-furnace — the act of a person or thing that puddles.
  • self-pronouncing — having the pronunciation indicated, especially by diacritical marks added on original spellings rather than by phonetic symbols: a self-pronouncing dictionary.
  • self-reproducing — to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture.
  • self-suppression — Psychoanalysis. conscious inhibition of an impulse.
  • sulfarsphenamine — a yellow, water-soluble, arsenic-containing powder, C 1 4 H 1 4 As 2 N 2 Na 2 O 8 S 2 , formerly used in the treatment of syphilis.

17 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • disrespectfulness — The state or quality of being disrespectful; disrespect; disregard.
  • point-of-purchase — designating or in use at a retail outlet where an item can be purchased; point-of-sale: point-of-purchase displays to entice the buyer.
  • pre-configuration — the relative disposition or arrangement of the parts or elements of a thing.
  • pre-qualification — a quality, accomplishment, etc., that fits a person for some function, office, or the like.
  • republic-of-china — People's Republic of, a country in E Asia. 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Capital: Beijing.

18 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • self-preoccupation — the state of being preoccupied.
  • spur-of-the-moment — occurring or done without advance preparation or deliberation; extemporaneous; unplanned: a spur-of-the-moment decision.

19 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • hexafluoroplatinate — (chemistry) The univalent anion PtF6- prepared by reacting platinum hexafluoride with certain metals or other elements.
  • pseudo-professional — following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.

20 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • counterproliferation — Action intended to prevent an increase or spread in the possession of nuclear weapons.

23 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • polytetrafluoroethylene — any polymer, plastic, or resin having the formula (C 2 F 4) n , prepared from tetrafluoroethylene, noted for its slippery, nonsticking properties, and used in the manufacture of gaskets, electrical insulation, tubing, candy molds, container linings, frying-pan coatings, etc.

32 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • democratic-republic-of-the-congo — People's Republic of the, a republic in central Africa, W of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: formerly an overseas territory in French Equatorial Africa; now an independent member of the French Community. 132,046 sq. mi. (341,999 sq. km). Capital: Brazzaville. Formerly French Congo, Middle Congo.

34 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

35 letter words containing u, n, p, e, r, f

  • trust-territory-the-pacific-islands — a U.S. trust territory in the Pacific Ocean, comprising the Mariana, Marshall, and Caroline Islands: approved by the United Nations 1947; since 1976 constituents of the trusteeship have established or moved toward self-government. 717 sq. mi. (1857 sq. km).

On this page, we collect all words with U, N, P, E, R, F. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 839 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains U, N, P, E, R, F that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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