
17-letter words containing u, n, e, m

  • supply management — business purchasing
  • support mechanism — any formal system or method of providing support or assistance
  • supreme commander — the military officer commanding all allied forces in a theater of war.
  • surface treatment — A surface treatment is a process applied to the surface of a material to make it better in some way, for example by making it more resistant to corrosion or wear.
  • surprise symphony — the Symphony No. 94 in G major (1791) by Franz Josef Haydn.
  • survivor syndrome — a characteristic group of symptoms, including recurrent images of death, depression, persistent anxiety, and emotional numbness, occurring in survivors of disaster.
  • symbolic language — a specialized language dependent upon the use of symbols for communication and created for the purpose of achieving greater exactitude, as in symbolic logic or mathematics.
  • tanenbaum, andrew — Andrew Tanenbaum
  • telecommunicating — to transmit (data, sound, images, etc.) by telecommunications.
  • telecommunication — Sometimes, telecommunication. (used with a singular verb) the transmission of information, as words, sounds, or images, usually over great distances, in the form of electromagnetic signals, as by telegraph, telephone, radio, or television.
  • telephone numbers — extremely large numbers, esp in reference to salaries or prices
  • temporary account — A temporary account is an account which is closed out at the end of the year.
  • temporomandibular — of, relating to, or situated near the hinge joint formed by the lower jaw and the temporal bone of the skull.
  • terminal juncture — a form of juncture consisting of a change in pitch before a pause, marking the end of an utterance or a break between utterances, as between clauses. Compare close juncture, juncture (def 7), open juncture.
  • tertiary consumer — a carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.
  • texas instruments — (company)   (TI) A US electronics company. A TI engineer, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit in 1958. Three TI employees left the company in 1982 to start Compaq. The COOL and OATH C++ class libraries were developed at TI, as were PDL2 and the ASC computer, PC-Scheme and Texas Instruments Pascal.
  • the last judgment — the occasion, after the resurrection of the dead at the end of the world, when, according to biblical tradition, God will decree the final destinies of all men according to the good and evil in their earthly lives
  • the minute (that) — just as soon as
  • the new jerusalem — the de facto capital of Israel (recognition of this has been withheld by the United Nations), situated in the Judaean hills: became capital of the Hebrew kingdom after its capture by David around 1000 bc; destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 586 bc; taken by the Romans in 63 bc; devastated in 70 ad and 135 ad during the Jewish rebellions against Rome; fell to the Arabs in 637 and to the Seljuk Turks in 1071; ruled by Crusaders from 1099 to 1187 and by the Egyptians and Turks until conquered by the British (1917); centre of the British mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948, when the Arabs took the old city and the Jews held the new city; unified after the Six Day War (1967) under the Israelis; the holy city of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Pop: 693 200 (2003 est)
  • the sound of mull — the water that separates the island of Mull from the mainland of Scotland
  • the underemployed — underemployed people
  • theory of numbers — number theory.
  • thermal diffusion — the separation of constituents, often isotopes, of a fluid under the influence of a temperature gradient.
  • thermal pollution — a rise in the temperature of rivers or lakes that is injurious to water-dwelling life and is caused by the disposal of heated industrial waste water or water from the cooling towers of nuclear power plants.
  • thermal underwear — underwear designed to retain body heat in cold temperatures.
  • thermocoagulation — the coagulation of tissue by heat-producing high-frequency electric currents, used therapeutically to remove small growths or to create specific lesions in the brain.
  • thiopental sodium — a barbiturate, C 11 H 18 N 2 NaO 2 S, used as an anesthetic in surgery and, in psychiatry, for narcoanalysis and to stimulate recall of past events.
  • to lose your mind — If you say that someone is losing their mind, you mean that they are becoming mad.
  • to open your mind — If something opens your mind to new ideas or experiences, it makes you more willing to accept them or try them.
  • tourette syndrome — a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities.
  • trailing geranium — an ivy-leaved variety of geranium, Pelargonium peltatum
  • triboluminescence — luminescence produced by friction, usually within a crystalline substance.
  • turn on the charm — If someone turns on the charm, they behave in a way that seems very friendly but which you think is insincere, often in order to obtain something or deceive someone.
  • turner's syndrome — an abnormal congenital condition resulting from a defect on or absence of the second sex chromosome, characterized by retarded growth of the gonads.
  • ultimate strength — the quantity of the utmost tensile, compressive, or shearing stress that a given unit area of a certain material is expected to bear without failing.
  • ultramicrobalance — a balance for weighing precisely, to a hundredth of a microgram or less, minute quantities of material.
  • uncircumscribable — to draw a line around; encircle: to circumscribe a city on a map.
  • uncle tom's cabin — an antislavery novel (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
  • uncomfortableness — causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating.
  • uncompassionately — having or showing compassion: a compassionate person; a compassionate letter.
  • uncomprehendingly — to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive: He did not comprehend the significance of the ambassador's remark.
  • undercompensation — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • underground movie — a movie produced independently on a low budget and often using experimental techniques and avant-garde themes.
  • unemployment line — When people talk about the unemployment line, they are talking about the state of being unemployed, especially when saying how many people are unemployed.
  • unemployment rate — percentage of population without jobs
  • unimaginativeness — the quality of being unimaginative
  • universal grammar — a grammar that attempts to establish the properties and constraints common to all possible human languages.
  • unix brain damage — Something that has to be done to break a network program (typically a mailer) on a non-Unix system so that it will interoperate with Unix systems. The hack may qualify as "Unix brain damage" if the program conforms to published standards and the Unix program in question does not. Unix brain damage happens because it is much easier for other (minority) systems to change their ways to match non-conforming behaviour than it is to change all the hundreds of thousands of Unix systems out there. An example of Unix brain damage is a kluge in a mail server to recognise bare line feed (the Unix newline) as an equivalent form to the Internet standard newline, which is a carriage return followed by a line feed. Such things can make even a hardened jock weep.
  • unlawful assembly — a meeting of three or more people with the intent of carrying out any unlawful purpose
  • unprofessionalism — not professional; not pertaining to or characteristic of a profession.
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