
11-letter words containing u, n, b, s

  • strikebound — closed by a strike: a strikebound factory.
  • sub-captain — a person who is at the head of or in authority over others; chief; leader.
  • sub-chronic — constant; habitual; inveterate: a chronic liar.
  • sub-company — subsidiary company.
  • sub-economy — thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.
  • sub-heading — a title or heading of a subdivision, as in a chapter, essay, or newspaper article.
  • sub-manager — a person who has control or direction of an institution, business, etc., or of a part, division, or phase of it.
  • sub-saharan — of, relating to, or in Africa south of the Sahara Desert: a sub-Saharan country; sub-Saharan peoples.
  • sub-segment — a part or division of a segment.
  • subadjacent — lying near, close, or contiguous; adjoining; neighboring: a motel adjacent to the highway.
  • subaffluent — between poor and affluent
  • suballiance — a suborder or subdivision of an alliance
  • subarration — an ancient way of marrying by giving a ring or gift
  • subaudition — an act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed.
  • subbasement — a basement or one of a series of basements below the main basement of a building.
  • subcardinal — (of veins) next to the cardinal veins
  • subchairman — a subordinate or substitute chairman.
  • subchondral — of or relating to cartilage or a cartilage.
  • subclinical — pertaining to an early stage of a disease; having no noticeable clinical symptoms.
  • subcolumnar — almost or imperfectly columnar.
  • subcontract — a contract by which one agrees to render services or to provide materials necessary for the performance of another contract.
  • subcontrary — one of two propositions that can both be true but cannot both be false.
  • subdeaconry — the position or office of a subdeacon
  • subdecision — a decision secondary to a main decision
  • subdiaconal — of or relating to a subdeacon.
  • subdivision — the act or fact of subdividing.
  • subdominant — Music. the fourth tone of a diatonic scale, next below the dominant.
  • subeconomic — pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.
  • subfraction — Mathematics. a number usually expressed in the form a/b. a ratio of algebraic quantities similarly expressed.
  • subfreezing — below the freezing point.
  • subgingival — being or occurring under the gums; especially, being or occurring in the crevice between the gum margin and the neck or root of a tooth.
  • subharmonic — an oscillation that has a frequency which is an integral submultiple of the frequency of a related oscillation.
  • subimaginal — of or relating to subimago
  • subincision — the slitting of the underside of the penis to the urethra, performed as a puberty rite among some tribal peoples, especially in Australia.
  • subindicate — to indirectly indicate or hint
  • subindustry — a subdivision of an industry
  • subinfluent — an organism that has a lesser effect than an influent on the ecological processes within a community.
  • subinterval — an interval that is a subset of a given interval.
  • subitaneous — sudden
  • subjugation — the act, fact, or process of subjugating, or bringing under control; enslavement: The subjugation of the American Indians happened across the country.
  • subjunction — an act of subjoining.
  • subjunctive — (in English and certain other languages) noting or pertaining to a mood or mode of the verb that may be used for subjective, doubtful, hypothetical, or grammatically subordinate statements or questions, as the mood of be in if this be treason. Compare imperative (def 3), indicative (def 2).
  • sublanguage — a subvariety of language used in a particular field or by a particular social group and characterized especially by distinctive vocabulary.
  • sublicensee — a person, company, etc., to whom a sublicense is granted.
  • sublimation — Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • sublimeness — the state or quality of being sublime
  • subluxation — a partial dislocation, as of a joint; sprain.
  • submarginal — Biology. near the margin.
  • submarining — a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water, usually built for warfare and armed with torpedoes or guided missiles.
  • submergence — to put or sink below the surface of water or any other enveloping medium.
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