
16-letter words containing u, n, a, i, r

  • principal clause — the main clause.
  • print journalism — journalism as practiced in newspapers and magazines.
  • private judgment — personal opinion formed independently of the expressed position of an institution, as in matters of religion or politics.
  • private language — a language that is not merely secret or accidentally limited to one user, but that cannot in principle be communicated to another
  • project guardian — (project, security)   A project which grew out of the ARPA support for Multics and the sale of Multics systems to the US Air Force. The USAF wanted a system that could be used to handle more than one security classification of data at a time. They contracted with Honeywell and MITRE Corporation to figure out how to do this. Project Guardian led to the creation of the Access Isolation Mechanism, the forerunner of the B2 labeling and star property support in Multics. The DoD Orange Book was influenced by the experience in building secure systems gained in Project Guardian.
  • prosecution case — the case brought against someone by a legal authority
  • proto-algonquian — the unattested parent language from which the Algonquian languages are descended.
  • proxima centauri — the nearest star to the sun at a distance of 4.3 light-years, part of the Alpha Centauri triple-star system located in the constellation Centaurus.
  • pseudo-isidorian — of or relating to the collection of documents of the 9th century a.d. that consist chiefly of the Decretals, attributed to Isidore, archbishop of Seville, a.d. 600–36, and that were rejected as spurious in the 15th century.
  • public relations — (used with a plural verb) the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc.
  • public transport — fare-paying travel
  • puddling-furnace — the act of a person or thing that puddles.
  • punctuation mark — any of a group of conventional marks or characters used in punctuation, as the period, comma, semicolon, question mark, or dash.
  • purchasing agent — a person who buys materials, supplies, equipment, etc., for a company.
  • purchasing power — Also called buying power. the ability to purchase goods and services.
  • purple gallinule — a purple, blue, green, and white gallinule, Porphyrula martinica, inhabiting warmer areas of the New World, having a bright red, yellow, and blue bill, and lemon-yellow legs and feet.
  • purple sandpiper — a sandpiper, Calidris maritima, of arctic regions of the New and Old World, having in winter a slate-gray back with purplish reflections.
  • put one's oar in — to interfere or interrupt
  • quadricentennial — of, relating to, or marking the completion of a period of four hundred years.
  • quadrimillennial — Occurring every four thousand years.
  • quarter sessions — an English court of general criminal jurisdiction for crimes less than homicide, held quarterly.
  • quarter-finalist — A quarter-finalist is a person or team that is competing in a quarter-final.
  • quasi-managerial — pertaining to management or a manager: managerial functions; the managerial class of society.
  • quasi-stationary — a person or thing that is stationary.
  • quatercentennial — pertaining to or marking a period of 400 years.
  • quinquagenarians — Plural form of quinquagenarian.
  • radioimmunoassay — a test procedure that integrates immunologic and radiolabeling techniques to measure minute quantities of a substance, as a protein, hormone, or drug, in a given sample of body fluid or tissue.
  • radium emanation — (formerly) radon.
  • radius of action — the maximum distance that a ship, aircraft, or land vehicle can travel from its base and return without refuelling
  • rambunctiousness — difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
  • rating community — an online community based around a website that allows members to rate each other's photographs, qualifications, etc, as well as those of applicants, and which only those approved by existing members are allowed to join
  • rattle around in — to live or work in (a house, office, etc.) that is too big for one's needs
  • reaction turbine — a turbine driven by the reactive force of a fluid passing through the rotor blades.
  • rearguard action — an action fought by a rearguard
  • reconceptualized — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • rectus abdominis — a long flat muscle that extends along the whole length of both sides of the abdomen. It flexes the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar portion; it also tenses the anterior abdominal wall and assists in compressing the abdominal contents
  • redemption value — the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date
  • redistributional — a distribution performed again or anew.
  • refinery upgrade — A refinery upgrade is the process of introducing the newest technology in some parts of the refinery.
  • regional council — the governing body in certain countries of a particular region or administrative division
  • regular gasoline — unleaded gasoline or petrol, as for fuelling a vehicle, etc
  • reinsurance pool — the grouping of insurers that provide partial or complete insurance coverage to other insurers for (a risk on which a policy has already been issued)
  • relative minimum — minimum (def 5a).
  • relative pronoun — one of the pronouns who, whom, which, what, their compounds with -ever or -soever, or that used as the subordinating word to introduce a subordinate clause, especially such a pronoun referring to an antecedent.
  • reporting clause — A reporting clause is a clause which indicates that you are talking about what someone said or thought. For example, in 'She said that she was hungry', 'She said' is a reporting clause.
  • repressurization — the process or act of pressurizing.
  • republican party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56.
  • republican river — a river flowing E from E Colorado through Nebraska and Kansas into the Kansas River. 422 miles (680 km) long.
  • required reading — If you say that something is required reading for a particular group of people, you mean that you think it is essential for them to read it because it will give them information which they should have.
  • residual current — an electric current that continues to flow in a device, etc when there is no voltage supply, due to electrons emitted by heat, etc
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