
10-letter words containing u, l, e, m, a

  • multirange — having several ranges
  • multistage — (of a rocket or guided missile) having more than one stage.
  • multistate — of or operating in several states of a nation: a multistate corporation.
  • multivalve — (of a shell) composed of more than two valves or pieces.
  • murderball — A team sport resembling dodgeball in which players are eliminated (\"murdered\") by being struck with the ball.
  • muscadelle — a sweet wine made from muscat grapes.
  • muscle car — a flashy sports car with a large, powerful engine; a hot rod.
  • muscle man — Informal. a man with a muscular or brawny physique, especially a bodybuilder.
  • muscle-man — Informal. a man with a muscular or brawny physique, especially a bodybuilder.
  • musclehead — a muscular man, esp. one who is involved in bodybuilding, weight lifting, etc.
  • musicalise — (British spelling) To set (a text etc) to music.
  • musicalize — to write or produce a musical version of (a book, play, etc.): an attempt to musicalize one of Shakespeare's comedies.
  • muslim era — the period since the flight of Muhammad from Mecca in a.d. 622; Hijra.
  • mutazilite — a member of a medieval theological sect (Mutazila) that maintained that nothing but eternity could be asserted regarding Allah, that the eternal nature of the Koran was questionable, and that humans have free will.
  • mutilative — Causing or relating to mutilation.
  • mutualised — Simple past tense and past participle of mutualise.
  • mutualized — Simple past tense and past participle of mutualize.
  • mutualness — The property of being mutual; mutuality.
  • neopallium — neocortex.
  • neurilemma — the delicate outermost membrane of the myelin sheath of a myelinated nerve cell.
  • neurolemma — (neurology) the outermost nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann cells that surrounds the axon of the neuron.
  • neuroplasm — the cytoplasm of a nerve cell.
  • neutralism — the policy or advocacy of maintaining strict neutrality in foreign affairs.
  • nuclearism — a political philosophy maintaining that nuclear weapons are the best means of assuring peace and of attaining political goals.
  • numberable — a numeral or group of numerals.
  • nummulated — relating to an expectorated combination of saliva and mucus in a circular, shallow form
  • obambulate — (intransitive) To walk about, to wander aimlessly.
  • omnisexual — pansexual (def 2).
  • palmaceous — belonging to the plant family Palmae.
  • parimutuel — a system of betting on races in which those backing the winners divide, in proportion to their wagers, the total amount bet, minus a percentage for the track operators, taxes, etc.
  • permutable — to alter; change.
  • petrolatum — a translucent gelatinous substance obtained from petroleum; used as a lubricant and in medicine as an ointment base and protective dressing
  • plaguesome — vexatious or troublesome.
  • plumassier — a person who works with ornamental feathers
  • pomosexual — of or relating to a person who does not wish his or her sexuality to be put into a conventional category
  • praeludium — a prelude, now predominantly in a musical context
  • presumable — capable of being taken for granted; probable.
  • presumably — by assuming reasonably; probably: Since he is a consistent winner, he is presumably a superior player.
  • promulgate — to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
  • propylaeum — Often, propylaea. a vestibule or entrance to a temple area or other enclosure, especially when elaborate or of architectural importance.
  • psalterium — the omasum.
  • pseudoalum — any of a class of alums in which the usual monovalent metal of a true alum is replaced by a bivalent metal
  • ptolemaeus — a walled plain in the third quadrant of the face of the moon: about 90 miles (144 km) in diameter.
  • pull media — (messaging)   A model of media distribution were the bits of content have to be requested by the user, e.g. normal use of HTTP on the web. Opposite: "push media".
  • queen palm — a feather palm, Arecastrum romanzoffianum, of South America, having leaves from 7 to 12 feet (2 to 3½ meters) in length, and large, hanging clusters of small fruit.
  • remodulate — to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down.
  • roche alum — an alumlike substance derived from alunite.
  • rogue male — a conventionally masculine man who is a cold-hearted loner
  • rudimental — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • rue family — the plant family Rutaceae, characterized by trees and shrubs having simple or compound aromatic leaves, fragrant flowers, and fruit in a variety of forms, and including the citruses, the gas plant, Hercules'-club, and rue.
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