
14-letter words containing u, a, e

  • antiulcerative — An antiulcerative is an agent that prevents the formation or promotes the healing of ulcers.
  • antiuniversity — a group or institution which disregards the established traditions or practices of university education
  • anyone's guess — something difficult to predict
  • aperture ratio — relative aperture.
  • aphthous fever — foot-and-mouth disease.
  • apple turnover — a pastry containing apple
  • aquatic centre — a complex with facilities for water sports, including swimming pools
  • aqueous humour — the watery fluid within the eyeball between the cornea and the lens
  • aquifoliaceous — related to the Aquifoliaceae family of plants, the only living genus of which is the holly (Ilex) genus
  • arabic numeral — one of the symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (opposed to Roman numerals)
  • araguaya-river — a river flowing N from central Brazil to the Tocantins River. about 1100 miles (1770 km) long.
  • arborsculpture — The art and craft technique of growing and shaping tree trunks.
  • archebacterium — (biology) alternative spelling of archaebacterium.
  • archipterygium — (anatomy) A primitive fin, like that of Ceratodus.
  • arctic current — a cold ocean current flowing S along the Labrador coast through Davis Strait to the Grand Banks where it divides, the E branch joining the North Atlantic Current and the W branch flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • area pellucida — the translucent central area of the blastoderm of birds and reptiles within which the embryo develops.
  • area vasculosa — that part of the area opaca in which the blood cells and vessels are formed.
  • argue the toss — to wrangle or dispute at length
  • argumentations — Plural form of argumentation.
  • argus pheasant — either of two pheasants, Argusianus argus (great argus) or Rheinardia ocellata (crested argus), occurring in SE Asia and Indonesia. The males have very long tails marked with eyelike spots
  • armamentariums — Plural form of armamentarium.
  • articulateness — uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
  • as all get-out — to a considerable degree; greatly
  • as you like it — a comedy (1599?) by Shakespeare.
  • asparagus bean — a trailing, long-stemmed Asian vine, Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis, of the legume family, having yellow or violet flowers and very long pods.
  • asparagus fern — a fernlike species of asparagus, A. plumosus, native to southern Africa
  • asphalt jungle — an expression used to refer to a city environment, which emphasizes its dangerous nature
  • assault course — An assault course is an area of land covered with obstacles such as walls which people, especially soldiers, use to improve their skills and strength.
  • assault jacket — a protective jacketlike garment, armored so as to resist bullets, knives, etc., worn especially by police officers for defense against attack.
  • assault weapon — any of various automatic and semiautomatic military firearms utilizing an intermediate-power cartridge, designed for individual use. Compare assault rifle.
  • assaultiveness — the condition of being assaultive
  • assessed value — the value of something as determined by an assessor, especially the value of real property.
  • at full length — stretched out; completely extended
  • at the outside — You use at the outside to say that you think that a particular amount is the largest possible in a particular situation, or that a particular time is the latest possible time for something to happen.
  • atlas autocode — (language)   The Autocode for the Ferranti Atlas, which may have been the first commercial computer with hardware-paged virtual memory. Whereas other autocodes were basically assembly languages, Atlas Autocode was high-level and block-structured, resembling a cross between Fortran and ALGOL 60. It had call-by value, loops, declarations, complex numbers, pointers, heap and stack storage generators, dynamic arrays, and extensible syntax.
  • atrial flutter — irregular heart rhythm
  • auction bridge — a variety of bridge, now generally superseded by contract bridge, in which all the tricks made score towards the game
  • audience share — the percentage of households with television sets in use or tuned to a particular station during a specific period of time.
  • audio response — a computer response that is audible rather than textual or graphical
  • audio-cassette — a cassette of tape on which sound only is recorded
  • audiocassettes — Plural form of audiocassette.
  • auditory nerve — either of the eighth pair of cranial nerves, which connect the ear with the brain and carry impulses relating to sound and balance
  • augean stables — the stables, not cleaned for 30 years, where King Augeas kept 3000 oxen. Hercules diverted the River Alpheus through them and cleaned them in a day
  • auger-electron — a nonradiative process in which an atom in an excited state undergoes a transition to a lower state by the emission of a bound electron (Auger electron) rather than by the emission of an x-ray.
  • augmentatively — In an augmentative fashion.
  • auld lang syne — Auld Lang Syne is a Scottish song about friendship that is traditionally sung as clocks strike midnight on New Year's Eve.
  • aurothiomalate — (chemistry) A thiomalate with the addition of gold.
  • auspiciousness — The state or quality of being auspicious or successful.
  • aussie battler — an Australian working-class person
  • austrian shade — a window shade in which the fabric falls in a series of puffy festoons created by vertical rows of shirring.
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