
19-letter words containing t, y, p, e, c

  • polytene chromosome — a giant, cross-banded chromosome that results from multiple replication of its genetic material with the duplicated chromatin strands remaining closely associated.
  • pretty as a picture — girl: sweetly attractive
  • pretty good privacy — (tool, cryptography)   (PGP) A high security RSA public-key encryption application for MS-DOS, Unix, VAX/VMS, and other computers. It was written by Philip R. Zimmermann <[email protected]> of Phil's Pretty Good(tm) Software and later augmented by a cast of thousands, especially including Hal Finney, Branko Lankester, and Peter Gutmann. PGP was distributed as "guerrilla freeware". The authors don't mind if it is distributed widely, just don't ask Philip Zimmermann to send you a copy. PGP uses a public-key encryption algorithm claimed by US patent #4,405,829. The exclusive rights to this patent are held by a California company called Public Key Partners, and you may be infringing this patent if you use PGP in the USA. This is explained in the PGP User's Guide, Volume II. PGP allows people to exchange files or messages with privacy and authentication. Privacy and authentication are provided without managing the keys associated with conventional cryptographic software. No secure channels are needed to exchange keys between users, which makes PGP much easier to use. This is because PGP is based on public-key cryptography. PGP encrypts data using the International Data Encryption Algorithm with a random session key, and uses the RSA algorithm to encrypt the session key. In December 1994 Philip Zimmermann faced prosecution for "exporting" PGP out of the United States but in January 1996 the US Goverment dropped the case. A US law prohibits the export of encryption software out of the country. Zimmermann did not do this, but the US government hoped to establish the proposition that posting an encryption program on a BBS or on the Internet constitutes exporting it - in effect, stretching export control into domestic censorship. If the government had won it would have had a chilling effect on the free flow of information on the global network, as well as on everyone's privacy from government snooping.
  • primary containment — Primary containment is the main means of preventing leaks and spills using equipment in direct content with the oil or gas being stored or transported.
  • priority scheduling — (operating system)   Processes scheduling in which the scheduler selects tasks to run based on their priority as opposed to, say, a simple round-robin. Priorities may be static or dynamic. Static priorities are assigned at the time of creation, while dynamic priorities are based on the processes' behaviour while in the system. For example, the scheduler may favour I/O-intensive tasks so that expensive requests can be issued as early as possible. A danger of priority scheduling is starvation, in which processes with lower priorities are not given the opportunity to run. In order to avoid starvation, in preemptive scheduling, the priority of a process is gradually reduced while it is running. Eventually, the priority of the running process will no longer be the highest, and the next process will start running. This method is called aging.
  • projective geometry — the geometric study of projective properties.
  • projective property — a geometric property that is unaltered by projection; a property of relative position, as coincidence or length, but not of magnitude.
  • property speculator — a person who takes part in property speculation
  • psychic determinism — the theory that all aspects of a person's psychological makeup arise from specific causes or forces, as previous experiences or instinctual drives, which may be conscious or unconscious.
  • psychotechnological — of or relating to psychotechnology
  • psychrometric chart — a chart for calculating values of relative humidity, absolute humidity, and dew point from psychrometer readings.
  • reciprocity failure — a failure of the two exposure variables, light intensity and exposure time, to behave in a reciprocal fashion at very high or very low values
  • royal correspondent — a journalist who reports on matters relating to royalty
  • sanitary protection — Sanitary protection is sanitary towels or tampons.
  • secondary picketing — the picketing by strikers of a place of work that supplies goods to or distributes goods from their employer
  • simple carbohydrate — a carbohydrate, as glucose, that consists of a single monosaccharide unit.
  • sodium hypochlorite — a pale-green, crystalline compound, NaOCl, unstable in air, soluble in cold water, decomposes in hot water: used as a bleaching agent for paper and textiles, in water purification, in household use, and as a fungicide.
  • solid-state physics — the branch of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter, especially solids; the study of the electromagnetic, structural, and thermodynamic properties of solids.
  • spherical astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the determination of the positions of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere.
  • stationers' company — a company or guild of the city of London composed of booksellers, printers, dealers in writing materials, etc., incorporated in 1557.
  • stationery cupboard — a cupboard where things like paper, pens and paper clips are kept
  • superiority complex — an exaggerated feeling of one's own superiority.
  • sympathetic contact — behavior toward an individual based on the individual's personal makeup rather than on his or her group membership.
  • telephone directory — a book, directory, or the like, usually containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers in a city or other area, together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
  • the eroica symphony — Symphony No. 3 in E flat major by Ludwig van Beethoven
  • theoretical physics — abstract use of physics
  • trumpet honeysuckle — an American honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens, having spikes of large, tubular flowers, deep-red outside and yellow within.
  • typographical error — an error in printed or typewritten matter resulting from striking the improper key of a keyboard, from mechanical failure, or the like.
  • vapor recovery unit — A vapor recovery unit is a system for recovering vapors from inside sealed crude oil or condensate tanks, with a scrubber (= a device for removing unwanted substances) and compressor (= a device that raises pressure).
  • velocity microphone — a microphone in which the output varies according to the instantaneous velocity of the air molecules in the incident sound waves.
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