
16-letter words containing t, u

  • to bite your lip — If you bite your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.
  • to blow your top — If someone blows their top, they become very angry about something.
  • to call it quits — If you say that you are going to call it quits, you mean that you have decided to stop doing something or being involved in something.
  • to call the tune — If you say that a person or organization is calling the tune, you mean that they are in a position of power or control in a particular situation.
  • to come a gutzer — to make an error or blunder
  • to cut both ways — If you say that something cuts both ways, you mean that it can have two opposite effects, or can have both good and bad effects.
  • to dip your toes — If you dip your toes into something or dip your toes into the waters of something, you start doing that thing slowly and carefully, because you are not sure whether it will be successful or whether you will like it.
  • to get your oats — to have sexual intercourse regularly
  • to hold your own — If you hold your own, you are able to resist someone who is attacking or opposing you.
  • to mean business — If you say that someone means business, you mean they are serious and determined about what they are doing.
  • to move a muscle — If you say that someone did not move a muscle, you mean that they stayed absolutely still.
  • to overabound in — to have or contain too large a quantity or number of something
  • to pass judgment — If you pass judgment on someone or something, you give your opinion about it, especially if you are making a criticism.
  • to pass the buck — If you pass the buck, you refuse to accept responsibility for something, and say that someone else is responsible.
  • to put it mildly — to state it with or as if with restraint
  • to put sth right — If you put something right, you correct something that was wrong or that was causing problems.
  • to run an errand — If you run an errand for someone, you do or get something for them, usually by making a short trip somewhere.
  • to sow your oats — (of a young person) to behave in a rather uncontrolled way, esp by having a lot of sexual relationships
  • to speak volumes — If something such as an action speaks volumes about a person or thing, it gives you a lot of information about them.
  • to try your hand — If you try your hand at an activity, you attempt to do it, usually for the first time.
  • to try your luck — If someone tries their luck at something, they try to succeed at it, often when it is very difficult or there is little chance of success.
  • tobacco industry — business of selling smoking products
  • tokugawa iyeyasu — Tokugawa [taw-koo-gah-wah] /ˈtɔ kuˈgɑ wɑ/ (Show IPA), 1542–1616, Japanese general and public servant.
  • tollhouse cookie — a crisp cookie containing bits of chocolate and sometimes chopped nuts.
  • tomato fruitworm — corn earworm.
  • tongue depressor — a broad, thin piece of wood used by doctors to hold down the patient's tongue during an examination of the mouth and throat.
  • tool builder kit — (tool)   (TBK) A product from IPSYS which allows users to develop CASE tools appropriate to any software engineering methodology.
  • topless swimsuit — swimsuit which has no covering for the breasts
  • torque converter — a fluid coupling in which three or more rotors are used, one of which can be checked so that output torque is augmented and output speed diminished.
  • torsion pendulum — a pendulum the weight of which is rotated alternately in opposite directions through a horizontal plane by the torsion of the suspending rod or spring: used for clocks intended to run a long time between windings.
  • touch of the sun — slight sunstroke
  • toulouse-lautrec — Henri Marie Raymond de [ahn-ree ma-ree re-mawn duh] /ɑ̃ˈri maˈri rɛˈmɔ̃ də/ (Show IPA), 1864–1901, French painter and lithographer.
  • touring bindings — specialised ski bindings with releasable locked down heels that can be used for ski touring and backcountry skiing
  • tourist industry — the people, activities, and organizations involved in providing services for people on holiday, for example hotels, restaurants, and tour guides
  • trailing arbutus — Also called arbutus, mayflower. a creeping eastern North American plant, Epigaea repens, of the heath family, having leathery, oval leaves and terminal clusters of fragrant pink or white flowers.
  • trailing fuchsia — a shrub, Fuchsia procumbens, of the evening primrose family, native to New Zealand, having long-stalked leaves and drooping, orange-and-purple flowers, used in hanging baskets.
  • train of thought — sequence of ideas
  • transalpine gaul — an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, one part S of the Alps (Cisalpine Gaul) and another part N of the Alps (Transalpine Gaul)
  • transconductance — the ratio of a small change in anode current of an electron tube at a certain level of output to the corresponding small change of control-electrode voltage, usually expressed in mhos or micromhos.
  • transculturation — acculturation.
  • transfer student — a student who moves from one institution or course to another at the same level (e.g. undergraduate)
  • transilluminator — to cause light to pass through.
  • transport number — that fraction of the total electric current that anions and cations carry in passing through an electrolytic solution.
  • transubstantiate — to change from one substance into another; transmute.
  • transverse flute — the normal orchestral flute, as opposed to the recorder (or fipple flute)
  • trapezoidal rule — a numerical method for evaluating the area between a curve and an axis by approximating the area with the areas of trapezoids.
  • travel insurance — insurance which covers losses that may be incurred while travelling, such as medical expenses, flight cancellations, lost luggage, etc
  • tray agriculture — hydroponics.
  • tread under foot — to oppress
  • treaty of verdun — an agreement reached in 843 ad by three grandsons of Charlemagne, dividing his empire into an E kingdom (later Germany), a W kingdom (later France), and a middle kingdom (containing what became the Low Countries, Lorraine, Burgundy, and N Italy)
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