
16-letter words containing t, u

  • run the gauntlet — a former punishment, chiefly military, in which the offender was made to run between two rows of men who struck at him with switches or weapons as he passed.
  • run-time library — (operating system, programming, library)   A file containing routines which are linked with a program at run time rather than at compile-time. The advantage of such dynamic linking is that only one copy of the library needs to be stored, rather than a copy being included with each executable that refers to it. This can greatly reduce the disk space occupied by programs. Furthermore, it means that all programs immediately benefit from changes (e.g. bug fixes) to the single copy of the library without requiring recompilation. Since the library code is normally classified as read-only to the memory management system, it is possible for a single copy of the library to be loaded into memory and shared by all active programs, thus reducing RAM and virtual memory requirements and program load time.
  • run-time support — run-time system
  • russian orthodox — of or relating to the Russian Orthodox Church
  • russian roulette — a game of high risk in which each player in turn, using a revolver containing one bullet, spins the cylinder of the revolver, points the muzzle at the head, and pulls the trigger.
  • safety-conscious — conscious of being safe and preventing danger
  • saint petersburg — Also called Russian Empire. Russian Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Capital: St. Petersburg (1703–1917).
  • saint-ulmo-light — St. Elmo's fire.
  • sales automation — Sales Force Automation
  • sales literature — all of the literature, such as brochures, price lists, and customer testimonials, that a company uses to promote its goods, products, or services to the public
  • san buenaventura — a city in SW California.
  • sandstone quarry — a quarry from which sand is extracted
  • santiago de cuba — a region in Ecuador, E of the Andes: the border long disputed by Peru.
  • saturated liquid — a liquid whose temperature and pressure are such that any decrease in pressure without change in temperature causes it to boil.
  • saturation level — carrying capacity.
  • saturation point — the point at which a substance will receive no more of another substance in solution, chemical combination, etc.
  • sault ste. marie — the rapids of the St. Marys River, between NE Michigan and Ontario, Canada.
  • sawn-off shotgun — A sawn-off shotgun is a shotgun on which the barrel has been cut short. Guns like this are often used by criminals because they can be easily hidden.
  • saxo grammaticus — c1150–1206? Danish historian and poet.
  • scar tissue code — (humour, programming)   Old code that is commented out but still included in the current release.
  • scheduled castes — (in India) the official name given to the lower castes that are now protected by the government and offered special concessions.
  • schouten islands — a group of islands belonging to Papua New Guinea, in the Pacific Oceans, off the N coast of New Guinea.
  • schweizerdeutsch — Schwyzertütsch.
  • sclerenchymatous — supporting or protective tissue composed of thickened, dry, and hardened cells.
  • sculpture garden — a garden that showcases sculptures in landscaped surroundings
  • secondary tissue — tissue derived from cambium.
  • secured creditor — a creditor who has a secured loan
  • security analyst — a person who specializes in evaluating information regarding stocks and bonds.
  • security blanket — a blanket or other familiar item carried especially by a young child to provide reassurance and a feeling of psychological security.
  • security council — the division of the United Nations charged with maintaining international peace, composed of five permanent members (U.S., Russian Federation, France, United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China) and ten temporary members, each serving for two years.
  • security manager — The security manager of a store is the person responsible for organizing all security in the store and to whom security guards report.
  • security measure — a precaution taken against terrorism, espionage or other danger
  • security officer — civilian, policeman or soldier who is responsible for security in a town or country
  • security vetting — the process of investigating somebody to establish their trustworthiness
  • seleucia trachea — an ancient city in SE Asia Minor, on the River Calycadnus (modern Goksu Nehri): captured by the Turks in the 13th century; site of present-day Silifke (Turkey)
  • self-constituted — constituted as such by oneself or itself
  • self-consumption — the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.
  • self-cultivation — the act or art of cultivating.
  • self-destruction — the destruction or ruination of oneself or one's life.
  • self-destructive — harmful, injurious, or destructive to oneself: His constant arguing with the boss shows he's a self-destructive person.
  • self-dissolution — the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements.
  • self-exculpatory — intended to excuse oneself from blame or guilt
  • self-fulfillment — the act or fact of fulfilling one's ambitions, desires, etc., through one's own efforts.
  • self-humiliation — an act or instance of humiliating or being humiliated.
  • self-liquidating — capable of being sold and converted into cash within a short period of time or before the date on which the supplier must be paid.
  • self-lubricating — to apply some oily or greasy substance to (a machine, parts of a mechanism, etc.) in order to diminish friction; oil or grease (something).
  • self-lubrication — the process of becoming lubricated without external factors
  • self-nourishment — something that nourishes; food, nutriment, or sustenance.
  • self-questioning — review or scrutiny of one's own motives or behavior.
  • self-stimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
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