
16-letter words containing t, u

  • musculocutaneous — of, relating to, or supplying the muscles and skin
  • musical director — A musical director is the same as a music director.
  • musique concrete — tape-recorded musical and natural sounds, often electronically distorted, arranged in planned combinations, sequences, and rhythmic patterns to create an artistic work.
  • muskegon heights — a city in W Michigan, on Lake Michigan.
  • mustard-coloured — of a brownish-yellow colour
  • mutation testing — (testing)   A method to determine test set thoroughness by measuring the extent to which a test set can discriminate the program from slight variants of the program.
  • mutatis mutandis — the necessary changes having been made.
  • mutual exclusion — (parallel, operating system)   (Or "mutex", plural: "mutexes") A collection of techniques for sharing resources so that different uses do not conflict and cause unwanted interactions. One of the most commonly used techniques for mutual exclusion is the semaphore.
  • mutual impedance — the ratio of the potential difference between either of two pairs of terminals to the current applied at the other pair of terminals when the circuit is open.
  • mutual induction — the production of an electromotive force in one circuit by a change in current in another circuit.
  • mutual insurance — insurance in which those insured become members of a company who reciprocally engage, by payment of certain amounts into a common fund, to indemnify one another against loss.
  • mutual recursion — recursion
  • nassella tussock — type of tussock grass
  • national costume — traditional dress
  • natural disaster — meteorological or geological catastrophe
  • natural immunity — immunity that is present without prior immunization.
  • natural language — a language used as a native tongue by a group of speakers.
  • natural monopoly — the situation when, due to the economies of scale of a particular industry, the maximum efficiency of production and distribution is realized through a single supplier
  • natural religion — religion based on principles derived solely from reason and the study of nature.
  • natural resource — a naturally occurring source of wealth, as land or water.
  • natural theology — theology based on knowledge of the natural world and on human reason, apart from revelation.
  • naturalistically — imitating nature or the usual natural surroundings.
  • nature-identical — manufactured to be identical to a natural substance
  • nautical almanac — a year book containing tidal and astronomical information for navigators
  • near the knuckle — risqué
  • neo-confucianist — of or relating to neo-Confucians or neo-Confucianism.
  • neptunium series — a radioactive series that starts with plutonium-241 and ends with bismuth-209. Neptunium-237 is the longest-lived member of the series. The series does not occur in nature
  • network computer — a relatively inexpensive computer with minimal processing power, designed primarily to provide access to computer networks, as corporate intranets or the Internet. Abbreviation: NC.
  • neurasthenically — In a neurasthenic way.
  • neuroarthropathy — (medicine) Any disease of a joint that is associated with a disease of the nervous system.
  • neurodevelopment — The development of the nervous system during the life of an organism.
  • neuroepithelioma — Neurocytoma.
  • neurolinguistics — the study of the neurological processes underlying the development and use of language.
  • neuropathologies — the pathology of the nervous system.
  • neuropathologist — A specialist who practices neuropathology.
  • neuropsychiatric — Of or pertaining to neuropsychiatry; simultaneously neurological and psychiatric.
  • neurotransmitter — any of several chemical substances, as epinephrine or acetylcholine, that transmit nerve impulses across a synapse to a postsynaptic element, as another nerve, muscle, or gland.
  • neutrosophic set — (logic)   A generalisation of the intuitionistic set, classical set, fuzzy set, paraconsistent set, dialetheist set, paradoxist set, tautological set based on Neutrosophy. An element x(T, I, F) belongs to the set in the following way: it is t true in the set, i indeterminate in the set, and f false, where t, i, and f are real numbers taken from the sets T, I, and F with no restriction on T, I, F, nor on their sum n=t+i+f. The neutrosophic set generalises: - the intuitionistic set, which supports incomplete set theories (for 0100 and i=0, with both t,f<100); - the dialetheist set, which says that the intersection of some disjoint sets is not empty (for t=f=100 and i=0; some paradoxist sets can be denoted this way).
  • nevado de toluca — a volcano in central Mexico, in Mexico state near Toluca: crater partly filled by a lake. Height: 4577 m (15 017 ft)
  • nguyen van thieu — Nguyen Van [ngoo-yen vahn,, noo-] /ˈŋuˈyɛn vɑn,, ˈnu-/ (Show IPA), 1923–2001, South Vietnamese political leader: president 1967–75.
  • nitrogen mustard — any of the class of poisonous, blistering compounds, as C 5 H 1 1 Cl 2 N, analogous in composition to mustard gas but containing nitrogen instead of sulfur: used in the treatment of cancer and similar diseases; mechlorethamine.
  • nitrosylsulfuric — of or derived from nitrosylsulfuric acid.
  • nitrous bacteria — bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrites in the soil
  • no-fault divorce — a divorce granted without anyone being found guilty of marital misconduct
  • no-win situation — choice between negative outcomes
  • nodding trillium — a hardy plant, Trillium cernuum, of the lily family, of the eastern coast of North America, having wavy-petalled, white or pinkish flowers on short, recurved stalks hanging beneath the three whorled leaves.
  • non-accumulative — tending to accumulate or arising from accumulation; cumulative.
  • non-attributable — to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
  • non-bureaucratic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a bureaucrat or a bureaucracy; arbitrary and routine.
  • non-constructive — helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.
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