
16-letter words containing t, u

  • great-granduncle — an uncle of one's grandfather or grandmother.
  • green revolution — an increase in food production, especially in underdeveloped and developing nations, through the introduction of high-yield crop varieties and application of modern agricultural techniques.
  • gregory of toursSaint, a.d. 538?–594, Frankish bishop and historian.
  • grind your teeth — If you grind your teeth, you rub your upper and lower teeth together as though you are chewing something.
  • gross misconduct — a proven crime in connection with employment that is serious enough to require dismissal
  • ground substance — Also called matrix. the homogeneous substance in which the fibers and cells of connective tissue are embedded.
  • ground-to-ground — (of weapons) designed to be fired at ground targets from the ground
  • grounded neutral — Grounded neutral is the situation in which the neutral wire of an electrical supply system is connected to ground.
  • group identifier — (operating system)   (gid) A unique number, between 0 an 32767, identifying a set of users under Unix. Gids are found in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group databases (or their NIS equivalents) and one is also associated with each file, indicating the group to which its group permissions apply.
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • guaranteed stock — stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock.
  • gulf of martaban — an inlet of the Bay of Bengal in Myanmar
  • gulf of thailand — an arm of the South China Sea between the Malay Peninsula and Indochina
  • gum up the works — exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
  • gun control laws — the laws that restrict the possession and use of guns
  • gunnery sergeant — a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant and below a first or master sergeant.
  • gutierrez najera — Manuel [mah-nwel] /mɑˈnwɛl/ (Show IPA), ("El Duque Job") 1859–95, Mexican poet, short-story writer, and editor.
  • guy fawkes night — In Britain, Guy Fawkes Night is the evening of 5th November, when many people have parties with bonfires and fireworks. It began as a way of remembering the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Guy Fawkes Night is often referred to as 'Bonfire Night'.
  • gyratory crusher — A gyratory crusher is a crusher in which a cone-shaped rod rotates in a cone-shaped bowl.
  • hairbrush cactus — a stout, spiny cactus, Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum, of Mexico, having white flowers and bristly fruits sometimes used locally as combs.
  • hamiltonian tour — Hamiltonian problem
  • hamstring injury — an instance of physical damage to a person's hamstring
  • hang around with — to associate or socialize with
  • hanseatic league — a medieval league of towns of northern Germany and adjacent countries for the promotion and protection of commerce.
  • hard put (to it) — having considerable difficulty or trouble
  • has the x nature — (From Zen Buddhist koans of the form "Does an X have the Buddha-nature?") Common hacker construction for "is an X", used for humorous emphasis. "Anyone who can't even use a program with on-screen help embedded in it truly has the loser nature!" See also the X that can be Y is not the true X.
  • haussmannization — Georges Eugène [zhawrzh œ-zhen] /ʒɔrʒ œˈʒɛn/ (Show IPA), Baron, 1809–91, French administrator who improved the landscaping, street designs, and utilities systems of Paris.
  • have a big mouth — to speak indiscreetly, loudly, or excessively
  • have issues with — If someone has issues with a particular aspect of their life, they have problems connected with it.
  • hawksbill turtle — a sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, the shell of which is the source of tortoise shell: an endangered species.
  • haymarket square — a square in Chicago: scene of a riot (Haymarket Riot) in 1886 between police and labor unionists.
  • headhunting firm — a recruiting agency
  • health authority — a government agency that is responsible for NHS care in a particular area
  • health education — education that aims to give people the information they need to live healthily
  • health insurance — insurance that compensates the insured for expenses or loss incurred for medical reasons, as through illness or hospitalization.
  • health-conscious — having an active interest in one's health
  • heat of solution — the heat evolved or absorbed when one mole of a substance dissolves completely in a large volume of solvent
  • heir presumptive — a person who is expected to be the heir but whose expectations may be canceled by the birth of a nearer heir.
  • heliotherapeutic — Pertaining to heliotherapy.
  • hemagglutinating — That causes hemagglutination.
  • hemagglutination — the clumping of red blood cells.
  • hematocrit-value — a centrifuge for separating the cells of the blood from the plasma.
  • hemopneumothorax — (medicine) pneumothorax and hemothorax occurring together.
  • hemotherapeutics — hemotherapy.
  • heterometabolous — undergoing development in which the young are born adultlike in form, often maturing without a pupal stage.
  • heteromultimeric — (biochemistry) Describing a protein containing two or more different polypeptide chains.
  • heterosuggestion — Suggestion from outside.
  • high court judge — a judge who sits in the High Court
  • higher education — education beyond high school, specifically that provided by colleges and graduate schools, and professional schools.
  • hit-and-run raid — a raid relying on surprise allied to a rapid departure from the scene of operations for the desired effect
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