
14-letter words containing t, u, r, a, c

  • ultramicrotomy — the practice of using an ultramicrotome
  • ultrapatriotic — extremely patriotic
  • ultrapractical — extremely practical
  • ultraprecision — extreme accuracy or precision
  • ultrarealistic — extremely realistic
  • ultrastructure — the structures of a cell that are revealed by electron microscopy.
  • un-depreciated — to reduce the purchasing value of (money).
  • un-distracting — to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: The music distracted him from his work.
  • unacculturated — (of a person or group) not acculturated or assimilated
  • unappreciating — to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness.
  • unappreciation — gratitude; thankful recognition: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch.
  • unappreciative — feeling or showing appreciation: an appreciative audience at the concert.
  • unarmed combat — the action of fighting without weapons
  • unartificially — in an unartificial manner
  • unattractively — in an unattractive manner
  • unbureaucratic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a bureaucrat or a bureaucracy; arbitrary and routine.
  • uncertificated — a document serving as evidence or as written testimony, as of status, qualifications, privileges, or the truth of something.
  • unchristianize — to make unchristian; to render no longer Christian; to remove Christian status or nature from
  • unconcentrated — applied with all one's attention, energy, etc.: their concentrated efforts to win the election.
  • unconciliatory — tending to conciliate: a conciliatory manner; conciliatory comments.
  • unconfederated — not allied to a confederation or joined in confederacy
  • unconservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • uncontemporary — outmoded
  • uncontradicted — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • uncontrollable — incapable of being controlled or restrained: uncontrollable anger.
  • uncontrollably — incapable of being controlled or restrained: uncontrollable anger.
  • uncorroborated — to make more certain; confirm: He corroborated my account of the accident.
  • uncredentialed — Usually, credentials. evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlement to privileges, or the like, usually in written form: Only those with the proper credentials are admitted.
  • uncriticizable — to censure or find fault with.
  • uncrystallized — lacking a final form
  • under contract — If you are under contract to someone, you have signed a contract agreeing to work for them, and for no-one else, during a fixed period of time.
  • under-activity — insufficiently active: an underactive thyroid gland.
  • undereducation — to educate too little or poorly.
  • undersecretary — an official who is subordinate to a principal secretary, as in the U.S. cabinet: Under Secretary of the Treasury.
  • undistractedly — in an undistracted manner
  • undramatically — in an undramatic manner
  • unhypocritical — of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess: The parent who has a “do what I say and not what I do” attitude can appear hypocritical to a child.
  • unhysterically — in a way that does not show or suggest any hysteria; calmly; rationally
  • unidirectional — operating or moving in one direction only; not changing direction: a unidirectional flow.
  • unincorporated — not chartered as a corporation; lacking the powers and immunities of a corporate enterprise: an unincorporated business.
  • unit character — a characteristic, usually controlled by a single gene, that is transmitted as a unit in heredity.
  • universal city — a city in S central Texas.
  • unknown factor — a factor that is not known or understood
  • unmanufactured — (of a product, commodity, etc) not manufactured
  • unmatriculated — (of a student) not enrolled in a college, university, or similar institution
  • unmerchantable — (of goods) not suitable for trading
  • unmetaphorical — not used, viewed, or intended as a metaphor
  • unprecipitated — to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: to precipitate an international crisis.
  • unrecalcitrant — resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory.
  • unrecapturable — not able to be recaptured or brought back
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