
19-letter words containing t, u, m, e, n

  • recording equipment — devices used for sound reproduction
  • registration number — number on vehicle licence plate
  • republic of vietnam — the name (from 1955–75) for South Vietnam, as an independent republic, following the division of the country in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam
  • reticular formation — a network of neurons in the brainstem involved in consciousness, regulation of breathing, the transmission of sensory stimuli to higher brain centers, and the constantly shifting muscular activity that supports the body against gravity.
  • revenue enhancement — a new tax or a tax increase.
  • sacramento sturgeon — white sturgeon.
  • saint luke's summer — a period of unusually warm weather in the autumn
  • seasonal adjustment — an adjustment that removes the seasonal component of statistics
  • semibituminous coal — a coal intermediate between bituminous and anthracite coal in hardness, yielding the maximum heat of any ordinary steam coal.
  • semiconductor laser — a laser in which a semiconductor is the light-emitting source, used in many medical procedures.
  • seminiferous tubule — any of the coiled tubules of the testis in which spermatozoa are produced.
  • sensitometric curve — characteristic curve.
  • sermon on the mount — a discourse delivered by Jesus to the disciples and others, containing the Beatitudes and important fundamentals of Christian teaching. Matt. 5–7; Luke 6:20–49.
  • smokestack industry — A smokestack industry is a traditional industry such as heavy engineering or manufacturing, rather than a modern industry such as electronics.
  • someone's writ runs — someone has power or authority of a specified kind or scope
  • sound effects woman — a woman who produces sounds artificially or reproduces them from a recording, etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop. Such sound effects are used in plays, films, etc
  • southern hemisphere — the half of the earth between the South Pole and the equator.
  • spin quantum number — the quantum number that designates the total angular momentum associated with electron spin and has a value of ½ in units of h /2π.
  • step-up transformer — a device that transfers an alternating current from one circuit to one or more other circuits with an increase of voltage
  • store refurbishment — Store refurbishment happens when a store needs to be redecorated, modernized or the layout changed. The store will often be closed to customers during this time.
  • strawberry geranium — a plant, Saxifraga stolonifera (or S. sarmentosa), of the saxifrage family, native to eastern Asia, that has rounded, variegated leaves and numerous threadlike stolons and is frequently cultivated as a houseplant.
  • stringed instrument — a musical instrument having strings as the medium of sound production, played with the fingers or with a plectrum or a bow: The guitar, the harp, and the violin are stringed instruments.
  • strontium hydroxide — a white, slightly water-soluble powder, Sr(OH) 2 , or its crystalline octahydrate (strontium hydrate) used chiefly in the refining of beet sugar.
  • subminiature camera — a very small, palm-sized still camera for taking photographs on 16-millimeter or similar film.
  • subsistence economy — an economy which produces only enough output for its own consumption and does not attempt to accumulate wealth
  • subsistence farming — farming whose products are intended to provide for the basic needs of the farmer, with little surplus for marketing.
  • supplementary angle — either of two angles that added together produce an angle of 180°.
  • supplementary story — follow-up (def 3b).
  • suspended animation — a state of temporary cessation of the vital functions.
  • suspension geometry — Suspension geometry is the geometric arrangement of the parts of a suspension system, and the value of the lengths and angles within it.
  • suspensory ligament — any of several tissues that suspend certain organs or parts of the body, especially the transparent, delicate web of fibrous tissue that supports the crystalline lens.
  • system requirements — specifications needed to run a program
  • take a running jump — a contemptuous expression of dismissal
  • take one's cue from — If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.
  • tehachapi mountains — a transverse (E–W) mountain range in S central California. Highest peak, Double Mountain, 7982 feet (2433 meters).
  • term life insurance — life insurance for which premiums are paid over a limited time and that covers a specific term, the face value payable only if death occurs within that term.
  • the compassion club — (in Canada) a nonprofit organization that provides uncontaminated cannabis for medical purposes and natural therapies in a safe environment
  • the labour movement — a movement campaigning for the interests of working people, for example for better working conditions, better treatment from employers, etc
  • the millennium dome — a dome-shaped structure in Greenwich, London, built to house an exhibition to celebrate the millennium in 2000
  • three-martini lunch — an expensive lunch enjoyed by businessmen during the workday which is often accompanied by drinking
  • thrust augmentation — an increase in the thrust of a jet or rocket engine, as by afterburning or reheating.
  • thumb one's nose at — to deride or mock, esp by placing the thumb on the nose with fingers extended
  • to change your mind — If you change your mind, or if someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an opinion that you had.
  • to plumb new depths — If you say that something plumbs new depths, you mean that it is worse than all the things of its kind that have existed before, even though some of them have been very bad.
  • to reserve judgment — If you reserve judgment on something, you refuse to give an opinion about it until you know more about it.
  • to run out of steam — If you run out of steam, you stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm left.
  • to suck someone dry — If you say that someone is sucking something dry or milking it dry, you are criticizing them for taking all the good things from it until there is nothing left.
  • torricellian vacuum — the vacuum at the top of a Torricellian tube
  • tourette's syndrome — a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities.
  • transference number — that fraction of the total electric current that anions and cations carry in passing through an electrolytic solution.
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