
27-letter words containing t, r, u, n, d

  • address resolution protocol — (networking, protocol)   (ARP) A method for finding a host's Ethernet address from its Internet address. The sender broadcasts an ARP packet containing the Internet address of another host and waits for it (or some other host) to send back its Ethernet address. Each host maintains a cache of address translations to reduce delay and loading. ARP allows the Internet address to be independent of the Ethernet address but it only works if all hosts support it. ARP is defined in RFC 826. The alternative for hosts that do not do ARP is constant mapping. See also proxy ARP, reverse ARP.
  • america's multimedia online — (company, web)   (AMO) An Internet technologies company which invented Never Offline in 1995 and was officially started in 1996. E-mail: AMO <[email protected]>. Address: Albuquerque, NM, USA.
  • aperture for drilling fluid — An aperture for drilling fluid is an opening for controlling the flow of drilling mud.
  • applicative order reduction — (programming)   An evaluation strategy under which an expression is evaluated by repeatedly evaluating its leftmost innermost redex. This means that a function's arguments are evaluated before the function is applied. This method will not terminate if a function is given a non-terminating expression as an argument even if the function is not strict in that argument. Also known as call-by-value since the values of arguments are passed rather than their names. This is the evaluation strategy used by ML, Scheme, Hope and most procedural languages such as C and Pascal. See also normal order reduction, parallel reduction.
  • audio processing technology — (company)   (APT) A company that produces codecs based on predictive analysis rather than frequency coding.
  • audit bureau of circulation — an organization that collects, audits, and publishes monthly circulation figures for newspapers and magazines
  • back end generator language — Back End Generator
  • british standards institute — (body, standard)   (BSI) The British member of ISO.
  • brouwer fixed-point theorem — the theorem that for any continuous transformation of a circle into itself, including its boundary, there is at least one point that is mapped to itself.
  • bury one's head in the sand — to refuse to face a problem
  • cardiovascular conditioning — enhancement of heart and circulatory function produced by regular vigorous aerobic exercise, as jogging, swimming, or cycling.
  • certified public accountant — A certified public accountant is someone who has received a certificate stating that he or she is qualified to work as an accountant within a particular state. The abbreviation CPA is also used.
  • chinese restaurant syndrome — a group of symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and flushing thought to be caused in some people by consuming large amounts of monosodium glutamate, esp as used in Chinese food
  • chinese-restaurant syndrome — a reaction, as headache, sweating, etc., to monosodium glutamate, sometimes added to food in Chinese restaurants.
  • communicable disease center — former name of Centers for Disease Control.
  • constructive solid geometry — (graphics)   (CSG) A method used in solid modeling to describe the geometry of complex three-dimensional scenes by applying set operations (union, difference, intersection) to primitive shapes (cuboids, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, spheres and cones). See also CSG-tree.
  • control and status register — (hardware)   (CSR) A register in most CPUs which stores additional information about the results of machine instructions, e.g. comparisons. It usually consists of several independent flags such as carry, overflow and zero. The CSR is chiefly used to determine the outcome of conditional branch instructions or other forms of conditional execution.
  • cosmic background radiation — electromagnetic radiation coming from every direction in the universe, considered the remnant of the big bang and corresponding to the black-body radiation of 3 K, the temperature to which the universe has cooled.
  • court of domestic relations — a court, usually with a limited jurisdiction, that handles legal cases involving a family, especially controversies between parent and child or between the marriage partners.
  • crude oil preparation plant — A crude oil preparation plant is equipment used for processing crude oil to get a particular product or amount.
  • crude oil refining capacity — The crude oil refining capacity is the amount that is produced in a refinery each day.
  • customer service department — a department of a company concerned with customer service
  • democratic-republican party — the antifederalist party originally led by Thomas Jefferson, which developed into the modern Democratic Party
  • digital express group, inc. — (Digex) The largest Internet provider in the Washington metropolitan area with POPs in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and California.
  • distinguished service cross — a bronze medal awarded for extraordinary heroism in military action against an armed enemy. Abbreviation: D.S.C.
  • distinguished service medal — U.S. Military. a decoration awarded for exceptionally meritorious performance of a duty of great responsibility.
  • distinguished service order — a decoration awarded for distinguished service in action. Abbreviation: D.S.O.
  • distributed data management — (protocol, database)   (DDM) An IBM data protocol architecture for data management services across distributed systems in an SNA environment. DDM provides a common data management language for data interchange among different IBM system platforms. Products supporting DDM include AS/400, System/36, System/38 and CICS/DDM. On the AS/400, DDM controls remote file processing. DDM enables application programs running on one AS/400 system to access data files stored on another system supporting DDM. Similarly, other systems that have DDM can access files in the database of the local AS/400 system. DDM makes it easier to distribute file processing between two or more systems.
  • distributed data processing — a method of organizing data processing that uses a central computer in combination with smaller local computers or terminals, which communicate with the central computer and perhaps with one another.
  • do one's (or its) business — to defecate
  • doesn't suffer fools gladly — If you do not suffer fools gladly, you are not patient with people who you think are stupid.
  • duchenne muscular dystrophy — a common hereditary form of muscular dystrophy, usually affecting young males, characterized by the severe weakening of the skeletal muscles, esp. the respiratory muscles
  • earnings related supplement — (formerly, in the British National Insurance scheme) a payment based on earnings in the previous tax year, payable (in addition to unemployment or sickness benefit) for about six months to a sick or unemployed person
  • educational welfare officer — (in Britain) a local education authority worker whose job it is to find out whether difficulties outside school are contributing to a child's classroom problems or irregular attendance and who may intervene to help the child to benefit more from schooling
  • european broadcasting union — a union of 75 broadcasting organisations from 56 (mainly European) countries and which is responsible for the production of programmes such as the Eurovision Song Contest and the FIFA World Cup
  • fly-on-the-wall documentary — a documentary made by filming people as they do the things they normally do, rather than by interviewing them or asking them to talk directly to the camera
  • go/come/be under the hammer — If you say that something goes, comes, or is under the hammer, you mean that it is going to be sold at an auction.
  • grow out of one's knowledge — to behave in a presumptuous or conceited manner
  • hand-held personal computer — palmtop
  • hertzsprung-russell diagram — the graph showing the absolute magnitude plotted against the surface temperature for a group of stars.
  • hypergeometric distribution — a system of probabilities associated with finding a specified number of elements, as 5 white balls, from a given number of elements, as 10 balls, chosen from a set containing 2 kinds of elements of known quantity, as 15 white balls and 20 black balls.
  • indefinite relative pronoun — a relative pronoun without an antecedent, as whoever in They gave tickets to whoever wanted them.
  • index librorum prohibitorum — a list of books forbidden to be read except from expurgated editions or by special permission.
  • insulin resistance syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • international monetary fund — an international organization that promotes the stabilization of the world's currencies and maintains a monetary pool from which member nations can draw in order to correct a deficit in their balance of payments: a specialized agency of the United Nations. Abbreviation: IMF, I.M.F.
  • internet architecture board — (IAB) The technical body that oversees the development of the Internet suite of protocols. It has two task forces: the Internet Engineering Task Force and the Internet Research Task Force. "IAB" previously stood for Internet Activities Board.
  • internet foundation classes — (language, library, programming, standard)   (IFC) A library of classes used in the creation of Java applets with GUIs. Created by Netscape, the Internet Foundation Classes provide GUI elements, as well as classes for Applications Services, Security, Messaging, and Distributed Objects. The IFC code, which is exclusively Java, is layered on top of the Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), thus preserving platform independence. The AWT and IFC collectively form the Java Foundation Classes, which provide a standardised framework for developing powerful Java applications.
  • into disrepute/in disrepute — If something is brought into disrepute or falls into disrepute, it loses its good reputation, because it is connected with activities that people do not approve of.
  • joint and several guarantee — a legal guarantee undertaken by multiple people in which any one guarantor can be held fully responsible for repaying the whole of the debt despite each guarantor only being partially responsible for that debt
  • keep body and soul together — the physical structure and material substance of an animal or plant, living or dead.

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