
12-letter words containing t, r, o, p

  • postcardware — Shareware that borders on freeware, in that the author requests only that satisfied users send a postcard of their home town or something. (This practice, silly as it might seem, serves to remind users that they are otherwise getting something for nothing, and may also be psychologically related to real estate "sales" in which $1 changes hands just to keep the transaction from being a gift.)
  • postconsumer — noting or pertaining to a product after it has been used and recycled: a chair made of postconsumer plastic.
  • postcoronary — of, relating to, or occurring after a heart attack
  • postdelivery — of, relating to, or occurring after a delivery
  • postdoctoral — of or relating to study or professional work undertaken after the receipt of a doctorate: postdoctoral courses.
  • poster board — a thick, fairly stiff cardboard composed of layers of paper or paper pulp compressed together and typically used to support displays.
  • poster child — a child appearing on a poster for a charitable organization.
  • poster color — poster paint.
  • poster paint — an opaque, water-based, typically bright-colored paint with a glue-size or gum binder, that is suitable for use on posters and is usually packaged in jars.
  • posteriority — the state or quality of being posterior.
  • posteruptive — occurring after a volcanic eruption
  • postexercise — bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health: Walking is good exercise.
  • postexposure — occurring after a photo or image has been taken
  • postfracture — taking place after a fracture
  • postgraduate — of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or consisting of post-graduates: a postgraduate seminar.
  • postimperial — of, relating to, or designating the period after an empire
  • postliminary — of or relating to postliminy
  • postliterate — of or relating to a (hypothetical) time or stage in society when literacy is no longer necessary or valued
  • postmeridian — of or relating to the afternoon.
  • postmistress — a woman in charge of a post office.
  • postorgasmic — of or relating to the period after an orgasm
  • postprandial — after a meal, especially after dinner: postprandial oratory; a postprandial brandy.
  • postromantic — of or relating to the period after Romanticism
  • postsurgical — pertaining to or involving surgery or surgeons.
  • postworkshop — occurring after a workshop
  • pot marigold — calendula (def 1).
  • pot marjoram — oregano.
  • pot-walloper — (in some boroughs before the Reform Bill of 1832) a man who qualified as a householder, and therefore a voter, by virtue of ownership of his own fireplace at which to boil pots.
  • potato crisp — potato chip.
  • potato flour — a type of flour made from potatoes
  • poultry farm — place where fowl are bred
  • poverty line — a minimum income level used as an official standard for determining the proportion of a population living in poverty.
  • poverty trap — If someone is in a poverty trap, they are very poor but cannot improve their income because the money they get from the government decreases as the money they earn increases.
  • powder chest — a small wooden box containing a charge of powder, old nails, scrap iron, etc., formerly secured over the side of a ship and exploded on the attempt of an enemy to board.
  • power assist — a procedure for supplementing or replacing the manual effort needed to operate a device or system, often by hydraulic, electrical, or mechanical means.
  • power factor — (in an electrical circuit) the ratio of the power dissipated to the product of the input volts times amps
  • power kiting — an activity in which a person, sitting in a small buggy or wearing skis, etc, is propelled by the wind power generated by a large kite to which he or she is attached by ropes
  • power-stream — to stream and watch (multiple videos, episodes of a TV show, etc.) in one sitting or over a short period of time.
  • powerboating — a boat propelled by mechanical power.
  • powerlifting — a competition or sport involving three tests of strength: the bench press, squat, and two-handed dead lift.
  • practitioner — a person engaged in the practice of a profession, occupation, etc.: a medical practitioner.
  • praiseworthy — deserving of praise; laudable: a praiseworthy motive.
  • pratincolous — living in a meadow.
  • pre-contract — a preexisting contract that legally prevents a person from making another contract of the same nature.
  • pre-creation — the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating; engendering.
  • pre-discount — to deduct a certain amount from (a bill, charge, etc.): All bills that are paid promptly will be discounted at two percent.
  • pre-election — a choice or selection made beforehand.
  • pre-ignition — ignition of the charge in an internal-combustion engine earlier in the cycle than is compatible with proper operation.
  • pre-position — to position in advance or beforehand: to preposition troops in anticipated trouble spots.
  • pre-rational — agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
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