
17-letter words containing t, r, a, d, i

  • postural drainage — a therapy for clearing congested lungs by placing the patient in a position for drainage by gravity, often accompanied by percussion with hollowed hands.
  • potassium bromide — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, KBr, having a bitter saline taste: used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic papers and plates, in engraving, and in medicine as a sedative.
  • potential divider — a resistor or series of resistors connected to a voltage source and used to provide voltages that are fractions of that of the source.
  • pre-modifications — an act or instance of modifying.
  • predatory pricing — If a company practises predatory pricing, it charges a much lower price for its products or services than its competitors in order to force them out of the market.
  • pressure altitude — the altitude for a given pressure in a standard atmosphere, such as that registered by a pressure altimeter.
  • pressure gradient — the change of pressure per unit distance
  • primary dentition — the deciduous dentition
  • primary education — junior, elementary schooling
  • private detective — a detective who is not a member of an official force but is employed by private parties.
  • private education — education provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • product liability — the responsibility of a manufacturer for injury or loss caused by its product.
  • production values — the quality of a media production (such as a film) in regards to elements such as colours, quality, style, etc
  • proprietary brand — a brand of product that is privately owned and controlled
  • prothoracic gland — either of a pair of endocrine glands in the anterior thorax of some insects, functioning to promote the series of molts from hatching to adulthood.
  • pseudo-democratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • pseudo-historical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • pseudo-moralistic — a person who teaches or inculcates morality.
  • put in a word for — to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend
  • quadratic formula — the formula for determining theroots of a quadratic equation from its coefficients: .
  • quadratic residue — a number x that is relatively prime to a given integer y and for which a number z exists whose square gives the same remainder as x when divided by y.
  • quattuordecillion — a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 45 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 84 zeros.
  • quick on the draw — having fast reflexes
  • radial (ply) tire — a motor vehicle tire having a foundation of plies of rubberized cords running at right angles to the center line of the tread: it provides better handling, etc. than a bias ply tire
  • radial keratotomy — a surgical technique for correcting nearsightedness by making a series of spokelike incisions in the cornea to change its shape and focusing properties.
  • radiant emittance — radiant flux emitted per unit area.
  • radiant intensity — a measure of the amount of radiation emitted from a point expressed as the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving this source
  • radiation pattern — the graphic representation of the strength and direction of electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of a transmitting aerial
  • radiation therapy — x-rays used as treatment
  • radiative capture — the capture of a particle, as a neutron, by a nucleus, inducing the emission of electromagnetic radiation, as a gamma ray.
  • radio in the loop — Wireless Local Loop
  • radio-transparent — transparent to radiation; invisible in x-ray photographs and under fluoroscopy (opposed to radiopaque).
  • radioactive decay — decay (def 8).
  • radioactive waste — the radioactive by-products from the operation of a nuclear reactor or from the reprocessing of depleted nuclear fuel.
  • radiometeorograph — a device for the automatic transmission by radio of the data from a set of meteorological instruments
  • rail detector car — a car equipped with special instruments and used to locate defects in rails.
  • rapid prototyping — (programming)   The creation of a working model of a software module to demonstrate the feasibility and suitability of the function. The prototype is expected to be replaced or refined before inclusion in the final product. Rapid prototyping contrasts with a DIRFT approach which emphasises careful design and implementation to avoid the overheads of debugging and testing prototype code. Rapid prototyping is appropriate when the requirements are unclear or likely to change (which is most of the time).
  • rat-tailed maggot — the aquatic larva of any of several syrphid flies of the genus Eristalis, that breathes through a long, thin tube at the posterior end of its body.
  • read the riot act — an English statute of 1715 providing that if 12 or more persons assemble unlawfully and riotously, to the disturbance of the public peace, and refuse to disperse upon proclamation they shall be considered guilty of felony.
  • read-write memory — a type of computer memory that you can write to as well as read from
  • ready and waiting — If you want to emphasize that a person is properly prepared for something, or that something can now be used, you can say that they are ready and waiting.
  • received standard — the form of educated English spoken originally in southern England and having Received Pronunciation as a chief distinguishing feature.
  • recreation ground — an open space for public recreation, esp one in a town, with swings and slides, etc, for children
  • recreational drug — drug taken for pleasure
  • reduction formula — a formula, such as sin (90° ± A) = cos A, expressing the values of a trigonometric function of any angle greater than 90° in terms of a function of an acute angle
  • refractory period — a short period after a nerve or muscle cell fires during which the cell cannot respond to additional stimulation.
  • relative humidity — the amount of water vapor in the air, expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount that the air could hold at the given temperature; the ratio of the actual water vapor pressure to the saturation vapor pressure. Abbreviation: RH, rh.
  • remittance advice — a letter sent by a customer to a supplier, to let them know that their invoice has been paid
  • repeating decimal — a decimal numeral that, after a certain point, consists of a group of one or more digits repeated ad infinitum, as 2.33333 …. or 23.0218181818 ….
  • restraining order — a judicial order to forbid a particular act until a decision is reached on an application for an injunction.
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