
11-letter words containing t, o, y, i, s

  • proselyting — a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
  • proselytism — the act or fact of becoming a proselyte; conversion.
  • proselytize — try to attract converts
  • proteolysis — the breaking down of proteins into simpler compounds, as in digestion.
  • psilophytic — (of a plant) that grows well in the dry savannah
  • psychotoxic — toxic or harmful to the mind or personality.
  • pyroclastic — composed chiefly of fragments of volcanic origin, as agglomerate, tuff, and certain other rocks; volcaniclastic.
  • pyrognostic — relating to heated minerals
  • questionary — a questionnaire.
  • religiosity — the quality of being religious; piety; devoutness.
  • requisitory — a demand, usually in writing, made by a prosecutor that a sentence be passed against an accused party, and stating reasons for the demand
  • respiratory — pertaining to or serving for respiration: respiratory disease.
  • restitutory — reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused; indemnification.
  • retinoscopy — an objective method of determining the refractive error of an eye.
  • rhinoplasty — plastic surgery of the nose.
  • righteously — characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.
  • saprophytic — any organism that lives on dead organic matter, as certain fungi and bacteria.
  • sarcocystis — a member of the species of parasite Sarcocystis
  • sartorially — of or relating to tailors or their trade: sartorial workmanship.
  • schistosity — of, resembling, or in the form of schist.
  • schizophyte — any of the Schizophyta, a group of organisms comprising the schizomycetes and the schizophyceous algae, characterized by a simple structure and reproduction by simple fission or spores.
  • scientology — the philosophy of the Church of Scientology, a nondenominational movement founded in the US in the 1950s, which emphasizes self-knowledge as a means of realizing full spiritual potential
  • scyphistoma — a stage in the life cycle of a jellyfish or other scyphozoan when it is fixed in place and reproduces asexually to produce free-swimming medusas.
  • seasonality — the state or quality of being seasonal or dependent on the seasons: the seasonality of Halloween costumes.
  • second city — Chicago, Ill.
  • seditionary — of or relating to sedition; seditious.
  • seismometry — the study of the measurement of earthquakes using a seismometer
  • seismonasty — a nastic movement in response to shock, esp the rapid folding of the leaflets of the sensitive plant due to changes in turgor pressure caused by vibration
  • semimonthly — made, occurring, done, or published twice a month.
  • sightworthy — worth seeing
  • sir anthonySir Anthony, Van Dyck, Sir Anthony.
  • soccer city — a large football stadium in South Africa, in the Soweto area of Johannesburg; headquarters of the South African Football Association
  • sociability — the act or an instance of being sociable.
  • solvability — capable of being solved, as a problem.
  • somatically — of the body; bodily; physical.
  • soothsaying — the practice or art of foretelling events.
  • sorbability — the ability of something to absorb
  • soteriology — the doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ.
  • sothic year — the fixed year of the ancient Egyptians, determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, and equivalent to 365 days.
  • sovereignty — the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority.
  • sovietology — Kremlinology.
  • spasmolytic — of or noting spasmolysis.
  • spondylitic — inflammation of the vertebrae.
  • spondylitis — inflammation of the vertebrae.
  • spontaneity — the state, quality, or fact of being spontaneous.
  • sporadicity — (of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.
  • sporocystic — of or like a sporocyst
  • stasimorphy — structural modification by arrested development
  • statutorily — of, relating to, or of the nature of a statute.
  • steatolysis — the digestive process whereby fats are emulsified and then hydrolysed to fatty acids and glycerine
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