
15-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • summer solstice — the solstice on or about June 21st that marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • sunflower state — Kansas (used as a nickname).
  • super-committee — a committee with members from two or more organizations or political groups
  • superconvenient — highly convenient
  • superexaltation — extreme or supreme exaltation; the act of superexalting; the process or condition of being superexalted
  • superexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • supergovernment — a centralized organization formed by a group of governments to enforce justice or maintain peace.
  • superheterodyne — denoting, pertaining to, or using a method of processing received radio or video signals in which an incoming modulated wave is changed by the heterodyne process into a lower-frequency wave and then subjected to amplification and subsequent detection.
  • superimposition — to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.
  • superinvolution — an act or instance of involving or entangling; involvement.
  • superior planet — any of the five planets whose orbits are outside the orbit of the earth, namely, the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • superordination — Logic. the relation between a universal proposition and a particular proposition of the same quality containing the same terms in the same order.
  • superpatriotism — the quality of being superpatriotic
  • support mission — assistance given by one military unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
  • supporting film — a film that accompanies the main feature film in a film programme
  • supporting role — acting: secondary part
  • surface tension — the elasticlike force existing in the surface of a body, especially a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface, caused by asymmetries in the intermolecular forces between surface molecules.
  • surge protector — a small device to protect a computer, telephone, television set, or the like from damage by high-voltage electrical surges.
  • surreptitiously — obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.
  • symmetric group — the group of all permutations of a finite set.
  • synectics group — a group of people of varied background that meets to attempt creative solutions of problems through the unrestricted exercise of imagination and the correlation of disparate elements.
  • tailor's bunion — a bunionlike enlargement of the joint of the little toe, usually caused by pressure from tight shoes.
  • take one's hour — to do something in a leisurely manner
  • tarsometatarsus — the large bone in the lower leg of a bird with which the toe bones articulate, formed by the fusion of tarsal and metatarsal bones.
  • tatra mountains — a mountain range along the border between Slovakia and Poland, extending for about 64 km (40 miles): the highest range of the central Carpathians. Highest peak: Gerlachovka, 2663 m (8737 ft)
  • teamsters union — the unofficial name of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America.
  • technostructure — the group or class of technically skilled administrators, scientists, and engineers who manage and influence business, the economy, and government affairs.
  • temerariousness — the state or condition of being audacious
  • tentaculiferous — having tentacles
  • tetrasporangium — a sporangium containing four asexual spores.
  • the early hours — If something happens in the early hours, in the small hours, or in the wee hours, it happens in the early morning after midnight.
  • the jury is out — If you say that the jury is out or that the jury is still out on a particular subject, you mean that people in general have still not made a decision or formed an opinion about that subject.
  • the small hours — If something happens in the early hours or in the small hours, it happens in the early morning after midnight.
  • thermodiffusion — thermal diffusion.
  • thought process — thinking, train of thought
  • to do your best — If you do your best or try your best to do something, you try as hard as you can to do it, or do it as well as you can.
  • to earn a crust — If you earn a crust, you earn enough money to live on, especially by doing work you would prefer not to do.
  • to err is human — If you say that to err is human, you mean that it is natural for human beings to make mistakes.
  • to good purpose — with a good result or effect; advantageously
  • to pull strings — If you pull strings, you use your influence with other people in order to get something done, often unfairly.
  • to take up arms — If one group or country takes up arms against another, they prepare to attack and fight them.
  • torsion modulus — a coefficient of elasticity of a substance, expressing the ratio between the force per unit area (shearing stress) that laterally deforms the substance and the shear (shearing strain) that is produced by this force.
  • toucan crossing — a place where people who are walking and cyclists can both cross a busy road together. They press a button at the side of the road, which operates traffic lights to stop the traffic
  • tourist traffic — the number of tourists that visit an area
  • training course — practical programme of study
  • transequatorial — of, relating to, or near an equator, especially the equator of the earth.
  • transfer lounge — the place in an airport where you wait for a transfer from one flight to another
  • transfiguration — the act of transfiguring.
  • transform fault — a strike-slip fault that offsets a mid-ocean ridge in opposing directions on either side of an axis of seafloor spreading.
  • tricotyledonous — having three cotyledons.
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