
14-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • neuroscientist — the field of study encompassing the various scientific disciplines dealing with the structure, development, function, chemistry, pharmacology, and pathology of the nervous system.
  • neurosecretion — a chemical secreted by a nerve cell.
  • neurosecretory — participating in or causal of neurosecretion; pertaining to neurosecretion
  • neutral monism — the theory that mind and matter consist of different relations between entities that are themselves neither mental nor physical.
  • neutralisation — The act of neutralising.
  • neutron poison — a nonfissionable material used to absorb neutrons and thus to control nuclear reactions
  • nitrocellulose — cellulose nitrate.
  • non-altruistic — unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic).
  • non-disruptive — causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting: the disruptive effect of their rioting.
  • non-extraneous — introduced or coming from without; not belonging or proper to a thing; external; foreign: extraneous substances in our water.
  • non-gratuitous — given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; free; voluntary.
  • non-industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • non-naturalism — Literature. a manner or technique of treating subject matter that presents, through volume of detail, a deterministic view of human life and actions. a deterministic theory of writing in which it is held that a writer should adopt an objective view toward the material written about, be free of preconceived ideas as to form and content, and represent with clinical accuracy and frankness the details of life. Compare realism (def 4b). a representation of natural appearances or natural patterns of speech, manner, etc., in a work of fiction. the depiction of the physical environment, especially landscape or the rural environment.
  • non-nutritious — providing nourishment, especially to a high degree; nourishing; healthful: a good, nutritious meal.
  • non-resolution — a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
  • non-structured — having and manifesting a clearly defined structure or organization.
  • non-supporting — to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • nondestructive — Not involving damage or destruction, especially of an object or material that is being tested.
  • nonfluorescent — possessing the property of fluorescence; exhibiting fluorescence.
  • nonintercourse — suspension of interchange in relations, especially commercial or political relations.
  • nonnitrogenous — containing no nitrogen.
  • nonobstructive — to block or close up with an obstacle; make difficult to pass: Debris obstructed the road.
  • nonprosecution — (legal) Of or pertaining to a decision not to prosecute.
  • nonspectacular — not spectacular
  • nonsuppurative — Not suppurative.
  • nontranslucent — Not translucent.
  • north caucasus — a region in the S Russian Federation in Europe, E of the Black Sea.
  • north st. paul — a town in E Minnesota.
  • nostro account — a bank account conducted by a British bank with a foreign bank, usually in the foreign currency
  • nucleoproteins — Plural form of nucleoprotein.
  • nursing bottle — a bottle with a rubber nipple, from which an infant sucks milk, water, etc.
  • nursing mother — a mother who is breast-feeding her baby
  • nutritiousness — providing nourishment, especially to a high degree; nourishing; healthful: a good, nutritious meal.
  • oblique stroke — (character)   "/". Common names include: (forward) slash; stroke; ITU-T: slant; oblique stroke. Rare: diagonal; solidus; over; slak; virgule; INTERCAL: slat. Commonly used as the division operator in programming, and to separate the components in Unix pathnames, and hence also in URLs. Also used to delimit regular expressions in several languages.
  • obstreperously — resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.
  • obstructionism — a person who deliberately delays or prevents progress.
  • obstructionist — a person who deliberately delays or prevents progress.
  • ocularcentrism — The privileging of vision over the other senses.
  • oestrous cycle — a hormonally controlled cycle of activity of the reproductive organs in many female mammals. The follicular stage (growth of the Graafian follicles, thickening of the lining of the uterus, secretion of oestrogen, and ovulation, is succeeded by the luteal phase (formation of the corpus luteum and secretion of progesterone), followed by regression and a return to the first stage
  • of set purpose — with a specific end in view
  • old portuguese — the language of Portugal as spoken and written from the 14th to the middle of the 16th centuries.
  • on the surface — to all appearances
  • or thereabouts — You add or thereabouts after a number or date to indicate that it is approximate.
  • orphans' court — a probate court in certain U.S. states.
  • orthomyxovirus — Any RNA virus of Orthomyxoviridae family characterised by having two long glycoprotein spikes.
  • osmoregulation — the process by which cells and simple organisms maintain fluid and electrolyte balance with their surroundings.
  • osmoregulatory — Of or pertaining to osmoregulation.
  • osteodermatous — characterized by osteodermal skin
  • out of spirits — sad; depressed
  • outer garments — the garments that are worn over a person's other clothes
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