
14-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • tourist office — information centre for sightseers
  • trachyspermous — having seeds with a rough coat.
  • trade discount — a discount, as from the list price of goods, granted by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a retailer.
  • trade unionism — the system, methods, or practice of trade or labor unions.
  • trade unionist — a member of a trade union.
  • trades council — (in Britain) an association of the different trade unions in one town or area
  • traitorousness — the quality or state of being traitorous
  • transcutaneous — by way of or through the skin.
  • transductional — of or relating to transduction
  • transfusionist — a medical professional who transfuses blood into someone
  • transit lounge — a waiting room at an international airport used mainly by passengers transferring from one flight to another without presenting themselves to customs or immigration officials
  • transpulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • transvaluation — to reestimate the value of, especially on a basis differing from accepted standards; reappraise; reevaluate.
  • traumatologist — a branch of surgery dealing with major wounds caused by accidents or violence.
  • treasure house — a building, room, or chamber used as a storage place for valuables; treasury.
  • treasure trove — If you describe something or someone as a treasure trove of a particular thing, you mean that they are a very good or rich source of that thing.
  • treasure-trove — anything of the nature of treasure or a treasury that one finds: Mother's attic was a treasure-trove of memorabilia.
  • treasury stock — outstanding shares of stock reacquired and held by the issuing corporation.
  • trepidatiously — tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
  • trick question — sth asked to mislead or incriminate sb
  • trombiculiasis — the condition of being infested with chiggers.
  • trophoneurosis — a disorder caused by defective functioning of the trophic nerves
  • troubleshooted — to act or be employed as a troubleshooter: She troubleshoots for a large industrial firm.
  • troubleshooter — a person with special skill in resolving disputes, impasses, etc., as in business, national, or international affairs: a diplomatic troubleshooter in the Middle East.
  • trouser pocket — a pocket in a pair of trousers
  • trudgen stroke — a swimming stroke in which a double overarm motion and a scissors kick are used
  • trust hospital — a hospital that is run by an NHS trust which competes with other trusts for government funding
  • trustification — the practice or process of forming a monopolistic system or trusts: the trustification of the oil business.
  • try one's luck — to attempt something that is uncertain
  • turkish angora — a long-haired breed of cat, similar to the Persian
  • turkish coffee — a strong, usually sweetened coffee, made by boiling the pulverized coffee beans.
  • turn of events — If there is a particular turn of events, a particular series of things happen.
  • turn of phrase — expression, wording
  • twilight hours — the period in which there occurs soft diffused light due to the sun being just below the horizon, esp following sunset
  • ultra-royalist — a supporter or adherent of a king or royal government, especially in times of rebellion or civil war.
  • ultraglamorous — extremely glamorous
  • ultrahazardous — extremely or excessively hazardous
  • ultramontanism — the policy of the party in the Roman Catholic Church that favors increasing and enhancing the power and authority of the pope.
  • ultraprecision — extreme accuracy or precision
  • ultroneousness — spontaneity; free will
  • un-subordinate — placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.
  • unconservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • unconstructive — helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.
  • undemonstrable — not able to be made evident
  • under the rose — in secret; privately; sub rosa
  • under-shooting — to shoot or launch a projectile that strikes under or short of (a target).
  • unionist party — (formerly, in Northern Ireland) the major Protestant political party, closely identified with union with Britain. It formed the Northern Ireland Government from 1920 to 1972
  • unit separator — (character)   (US) ASCII character 31.
  • unpraiseworthy — not worthy of praise
  • unpresumptuous — not presumptuous; modest
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