
11-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • boiler suit — A boiler suit consists of a single piece of clothing that combines trousers and a jacket. You wear it over your clothes in order to protect them from dirt while you are working.
  • bottlebrush — a cylindrical brush on a thin shaft, used for cleaning bottles
  • brown study — a mood of deep absorption or thoughtfulness; reverie
  • brushstroke — Brushstrokes are the marks made on a surface by a painter's brush.
  • bubble sort — A sorting technique in which pairs of adjacent values in the list to be sorted are compared and interchanged if they are out of order; thus, list entries "bubble upward" in the list until they bump into one with a lower sort value. Because it is not very good relative to other methods and is the one typically stumbled on by naive and untutored programmers, hackers consider it the canonical example of a naive algorithm. The canonical example of a really *bad* algorithm is bogo-sort. A bubble sort might be used out of ignorance, but any use of bogo-sort could issue only from brain damage or willful perversity.
  • bumbershoot — an umbrella
  • burgomaster — the chief magistrate of a town in Austria, Belgium, Germany, or the Netherlands; mayor
  • burnet rose — a very prickly Eurasian rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia, with white flowers and purplish-black fruits
  • burrowstown — a burgh town
  • bus network — (networking)   A network topology in which all nodes are connected to a single wire or set of wires (the bus). Bus networks typically use CSMA/CD techniques to determine which node should transmit data at any given time. Some networks are implemented as a bus, e.g. Ethernet - a one-bit bus operating at 10, 100, 1000 or 10,000 megabits per second. Originally Ethernet was a physical layer bus consisting of a wire (with terminators at each end) to which each node was attached. Switched Ethernet, while no longer physically a bus still acts as one at the logical layers.
  • bush oyster — a bull's testicle when cooked and eaten
  • butt stroke — a blow struck with the butt of a rifle, as in close combat.
  • button rose — a small rose whose flowers form a round head
  • butyraceous — of, containing, or resembling butter
  • cafetoriums — Plural form of cafetorium.
  • calculators — Plural form of calculator.
  • calochortus — any plant of the genus Calochortus, of the lily family, as the mariposa lily and the sego lily.
  • carburetors — Plural form of carburetor.
  • carnaptious — ill-tempered or cantankerous
  • catadromous — (of fishes such as the eel) migrating down rivers to the sea in order to breed
  • cataloguers — Plural form of cataloguer.
  • cataractous — of or relating to cataracts
  • ceteosaurus — a large dinosaur of the Jurassic period
  • champertous — a sharing in the proceeds of litigation by one who agrees with either the plaintiff or defendant to help promote it or carry it on.
  • chart house — a room or deckhouse for storing and working with charts, navigational instruments, etc.
  • chartaceous — of the nature of paper; papery
  • chou pastry — cream puff paste.
  • cineritious — See cinereous.
  • circulators — Plural form of circulator.
  • clostridium — any anaerobic typically rod-shaped bacterium of the genus Clostridium, occurring mainly in soil, but also in the intestines of humans and animals: family Bacillaceae. The genus includes the species causing botulism and tetanus
  • cloudbursts — Plural form of cloudburst.
  • coast guard — The coast guard is a part of a country's military forces and is responsible for protecting the coast, carrying out rescues, and doing police work along the coast.
  • coconstruct — To construct together.
  • coextrusion — simultaneous extrusion of two or more different yet compatible metals or plastics through the same die.
  • coloraturas — Plural form of coloratura.
  • colporteurs — Plural form of colporteur.
  • commutators — Plural form of commutator.
  • compulsitor — a thing, such as a mandate, that compels
  • computerese — the jargon and terminology associated with computers
  • computerise — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of computerize.
  • computerist — a computer user
  • conductress — a female conductor
  • congruities — Plural form of congruity.
  • conjectures — Plural form of conjecture.
  • construable — that can be construed
  • constructed — to build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise.
  • constructer — a person or thing that builds.
  • constructor — A racing car constructor or aircraft constructor is a company that builds racing cars or aircraft.
  • constuprate — to rape or violate
  • consumerist — Consumerist economies are ones which encourage people to consume a lot of goods.
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